After the amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure, the issue of restrictions on the enforcement proceedings regarding to farm components is regulated by the new provisions of Articles 8291–8295 of the CCP. The aim of the considerations is to assess the correctness of the solutions applied by the legislator and to interpret these regulations taking into account the requirements of the enforcement practice. In conclusion, the author stated, inter alia, that the new regulations are basically correct. However, it would be appropriate to introduce a correct term „animal or movable property” to Article 8294 of the CCP and to make an identical regulation in the provisions restricting the execution relating to farm components in the CCP and Article 8a of the Act on enforcement in administration.
Po nowelizacji Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego problematykę ograniczeń egzekucji ze składników gospodarstwa rolnego regulują nowe przepisy art. 8291 – 8295 k.p.c. Celem rozważań jest ocena prawidłowości zastosowanych przez ustawodawcę rozwiązań oraz dokonanie wykładni tych regulacji z uwzględnieniem wymagań praktyki egzekucyjnej. W konkluzji autor stwierdził między innymi, że nowe regulacje są w zasadzie prawidłowe. Należy jednak postulować wprowadzenie poprawnego wyrażenia „zwierzęcia lub rzeczy ruchomej” w art. 8294 k.p.c. oraz dokonanie identycznego uregulowania w przepisach ograniczających egzekucję ze składników gospodarstwa rolnego zawartych w k.p.c. i art. 8a ustawy o egzekucji w administracji.
Article 747 of the Code of Civil Procedure provides for securing monetary claims by way of establishing enforced management of an agricultural holding or its part. The detailed manner of establishing such security is provided in article 7524 of the same Code. The paper is an attempt of a comprehensive analysis of the issue to find solutions to many practical problems. As the analysis shows, although establishing a charge to secure claims seems justified and practical, its form described in the paper raises certain doubts.
La possibilità di tutelare i crediti finanziari per via di gestione dell’azienda agricola o di una sua parte (e dell’azienda oppure dello stabilimento facente parte dell’azienda o di una sua parte) è prevista all’art. 747 punto 6 del codice di procedura civile, invece le modalità della sua esecuzione sono state specificate nell’art. 7524 di questo codice. L’articolo è un tentativo di inquadrare complessivamente la questione indicata nel titolo e di risolvere molti problemi che sorgono in pratica. L’analisi svolta porta ad affermare che, sebbene l’applicazione delle norme sulla procedura esecutiva nel corso dell’esercizio della tutela sia pratica e ragionevole, il metodo della tutela discusso solleva alcune obiezioni.
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