A subset S ⊆ V(G) is a k-independent set if no two of its vertices are in distance less than k. In this paper we study fc-independent sets and (k, l)-kernels (i.e. k-independent sets being l-dominating simultaneously) in the corona of graphs. We describe an arbitrary k-independent set of the corona and next we determine the Fibonacci number and the generalized Fibonacci number of the corona of special graphs. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of (k, l)-kernels in the corona.
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In this paper we study some parameters of domination, independence and irredundance in some edge-coloured graphs and their products. We present several general properties of independent, dominating and irredundance sets in edge-coloured graphs and we give relationships between the independence, domination and irredundant numbers of an edge-coloured graph. We generalize some classical results concerning independence, domination and irredundance in graphs. Moreover we study G-join of edge-coloured graphs which preserves considered parameters with respect to related parameters in product factors.
The total number of all stable sets of graph Pn is represented by Fibonacci numbers Fn, see [2]. In this paper we calculate the number of all stable sets in special kinds of trees. This number is given by recurence relations and presented results generalized theorems from[2] and [5].
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Przeprowadzono badania osadu czynnego i ścieków z oczyszczalni ścieków w Zgierzu. Wykazano, że analizowanym okresie osad czynny charakteryzował się dużą bioróżnorodnością. Wyznaczone wartości indeksu biotycznego osadu pozwoliły zaklasyfikować go w większości przypadków do I klasy jakości. Wyznaczone wartości indeksu objętościowego osadu pozwoliły zaklasyfikować go z kolei do osadu o bardzo dobrych właściwościach sedymentacyjnych. O braku spuchnięcia osadu świadczy też niska lub średnia liczebność bakterii nitkowatych. Ścieki dopływające do oczyszczalni charakteryzują się dużą zmiennością składu. Należą one do grupy ścieków średnio i wolno rozkładalnych (BZT5/ChZT wynosi średnio około 0,4). Analizy zmian stężenia azotu i fosforu ogólnego w ściekach pozwoliły określić skuteczność usuwania tych pierwiastków na bardzo dobrą.
Conducted studies of activated sludge and wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant in Zgierz. It has been demonstrated that the analyzed period, sludge characterized by a high biodiversity. The determined value of the sludge biotic index allowed to classify it in most cases the quality class. The determined value of the sludge volume index made it possible to classify it in turn to sludge with very good sedimentation. The lack of swelling sludge also provides low or average number of filamentous bacteria. Sewage flowing into the treatment plant are highly volatile composition. They belong to a group of sewage medium and slowly degradable (BOD5/COD is an average of about 0,4). Analysis of changes in the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater allowed to determine the effectiveness of the removal of these biogens very good.
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In [6] it was presented a graph-representation of the Fibonacci numbers Fn and Lucas numbers Ln. It is interesting to know that they are the totał numbers of independent sets of undirected graphs Pn and Cn, respectively. More general concept of the number of all k-independent sets of graphs Pn and Cn was discussed in [5]. In [6], [7] it was bounded the number of all independent sets of a tree Tn. In this paper we propose the method which estimate the number Fk(Tn) of all k-independent sets of Tn. We also describe graphs G for which the numbers Fk(G) are the generalizations of the Fibonacci numbers.
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We calI a subset J of vertices of a digraph D as a (k, k-1) - kerneI of D, for a fixed k ≥ 2, if all distanees between vertices from J are at Ieast k and the distance from each vertex not belonging to J to the set J is at most k - 1. Some theorems concerning the existence of (k, k - 1) - kernels are proved. The resuIts generalize the well - known Riehardson theorem [9], which says: A digraph without odd circuits has a kernel.
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In this paper we define a distance Fibonacci numbers, also for negative integers, which generalize the classical Fibonacci numbers and Padovan numbers, simultaneously. We give different interpretations of these numbers with respect to special partitions and compositions, also in graphs. We show a construction of the sequence of distance Fibonacci numbers using the Pascal’s triangle. Moreover, we give matrix generators of these numbers, for negative integers, too.
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