The motion, which is the main idea of the Way of the Cross, needs space to occur. Jerusalem became a pattern that was imitated across the world by the Calvary Foundation. In accordance with the utopian theory, the sanctuaries combine the characteristics of a garden and a city. Calvary creates a new space which can be deemed artificial because it transfers urban solutions into natural environments. The city of everyone can also create a space that is involved in the Way of the Cross. Religious manifestations that accompany the celebrations of the Good Friday cause that the tradition of the Passion is still alive, and give new meanings to the new areas across which the procession leads.
The essay stands in the constant dialogue with the most famous Iwaszkiewiecz's masterpiece called 'Gardens'. Author of this intriguing anthology wrote a story, in which he turned back into the childhood times. On the one hand, it is possible to read that as a trial of resume focus on his life, but on the other hand it is also to see this as nostalgic retrospective of his most important places and episodes, which are connected with him and with his childhood period. Author of the essay says - wish to say, that aged writer has backed home, but it is not true, because it is not possible to use this phrase about this writer. She confirms - Iwaszkiewicz's journey not leads only into the childhood land, where are solid walls of family homestead, on the contrary - home seems to be omitted or on the second plan. Memories relate mainly to gardens, where sets the action. The garden space has became a safety zone; it is a shelter, which allows dream. Describing story, Iwaszkiewicz, who lives in the garden after all he makes 'garden' a true home-place - place, which is fenced and in which he has grown, and from this place he went to the world. Author has convinced, 'Gardens' are story about fight between culture and nature. It relates with breaking down stereotypes, which are connected with the childhood myth, family tradition of hearth. Moreover, when appears here depreciation of house, it concerns on specifics, which is a manor house located on both - garden childhood (eastern) and this as well as in the central Poland (Byszewy). The exit from the manor house into the garden constitutes the beginning of changes which will bring modernity period. This is relation which is connected with inevitable transition which runs till he will adopt new environment. The garden absorbs attention, creates opportunity of escape, at the same time does not have any borders which means, that is related to a risk. The vision presented by Iwaszkiewicz is undoubtedly impressionistic, but glimmer. Features of homestead gains the garden and this idea seems to be carried out in the consistently way.
Działalność badawczo-rozwojowa przedsiębiorstw odgrywa obecnie ważną rolę. Chcąc być konkurencyjnym na rynku, przedsiębiorstwa muszą stawiać na badania, rozwój oraz innowacje. W nowej perspektywie na lata 2014-2020 dostępne są środki finansowe z funduszy unijnych. Naukowcy i przedsiębiorcy dzięki dofinansowaniu mają szanse prowadzenia wspólnych przedsięwzięć badawczo-rozwojowych. Rozwój i konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw jest zdeterminowana współpracą z ośrodkami naukowymi. Celem artykułu było wskazanie możliwości finansowania działalności B+R w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój. W referacie zaprezentowano wyniki przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych. Podjęto również próbę oceny zainteresowania przedsiębiorców współpracą z jednostkami naukowymi.
The research and development activities of the enterprises plays the significant role. To be competitive on the market, the entity has to back on research, development and innovations. In the new financial perspective 2014-2020 the funds are available among other from European funds. Thanks to the financing the scientists and entrepreneurs have the chance to lead common research and development activities. The development and competitiveness of the enterprises is determined by the cooperation with the scientific centers. The aim of the article is to indicate the possibility of financing R & D activities under the Intelligent Development Operational Program. The paper presents the results of the conducted surveys. Attempts have also been made to assess the interest of entrepreneurs in cooperation with scientific units.
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