Celem prezentowanych badań jest określenie zmienności morfologicznej oospor Chara fragilis w odniesieniu do różnych typów środowisk wodnych. Do badań biometrycznych pobrano oospory z jezior, torfianek, stawów i rowów zlokalizowanych w Wielkopolsce.
The aim of the present study is to investigate variation in morphology of oospores of Chara fragilis Desv. in relation to different types of aquatic ecosystems. Oospores were collected from lakes, peat-hags, ponds and ditches in the Wielkopolska region (materials from Professor Izabela Dąmbska Collection of Charophytes of Poland, Department of Hydrobiology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland). The analysis of morphometrical criteria covered following features: oospore length, maximum width, length: width ratio, number and width of ridges. Results demonstrated a statistically sound variation among examined aquatic ecosystems. Clearly visible differences were found among lakes, peat-hags and ponds. The last group particularly differed from the rest. Ditches represented intermediate values of the features studied.
Morphological features of oospores of Chara baueri A. Braun, one of the rarest charophyte species worldwide, were studied based on 100 oospores collected from a small and temporarily dried mid-field pond near Cedynia, Western Poland. This is the first Polish and fifth presently known locality of this species. For comparison 67 oospores from a German population (similar pond localized near Batzlow, Germany) were also measured. So far, data on morphology of C. baueri oospores as well as the species ecology are limited. The only more detailed study of oospores for this species was earlier performed on 15 oospores from Kazakhstan. Largest polar axis (LPA, length), largest equatorial diameter (LED, width), isopolarity index (ISI = LPA/LED × 100), number of ridges, width of fossa, distance from apical pole to LED (AND) and anisipolarity index (ANI = AND/LPA × 100) were measured. The comparative analysis revealed that the oospores from Poland are generally bigger and more prolate than the German ones. The differences for most of studied parameters were statistically significant. The finding is discussed in the context of habitat differentiation of both studied sites. Moreover, the results obtained of oospore measurements for both populations differs from most of the data known so far from the literature.
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The population structure of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. was examined in seven categories of overgrowing flood control ditches, differing on time which had elapsed from the last clean-up. Density, biomass, frequency of development stages, as well as the size and habit of the shoots, were determined in the populations. Site conditions in the ditches and the proportion of the common reed in the total biomass of plants were also examined. The rate at which populations in cleaned ditches regenerate is very quick. Three years after the maintenance works in ditches the reed population is already fully regenerated. Well developed reed rushes, which biomass is about 650 g d.w.m-2, are dominant. Its density amounts to 76 ± 25 shoots m-2. Flowering and fruiting shoots are the most numerous. The first signs of population regression were observed in the ditches left without cleaning for more than 5 years. Population density is gradually lower, the proportion of generative shoots is reduced, and the reed is lighter and has smaller assimilation area. In the 11-year-old and older ditches the reed is replaced by other plant species, mainly grasses and shrubs.
Lychnothamnus barbaius jest gatunkiem bardzo rzadkim w skali międzynarodowej, jedynym reprezentantem rodzaju Lychnothamnus w świecie. Nowe, nieznane wcześniej, stanowisko stwierdzono w Jeziorze Łagowskim w lecie 2004 roku. Prezentowane badania przedstawiają analizę biometryczną oospor tego gatunku na ww, stanowisku. Pomierzono długość i szerokość maksymalną oospory, ISI index (długość/ szerokość 100) oraz liczbę listew i szerokość bruzdy w położeniu równikowym. Długość oospor mieści się w przedziale 583,5 - 733,5 \im, a szerokość waha się w zakresie 383,4 - 683,4 pm. ISI index wynosi średnio 139, a jego zakres mieści się w przedziale od 90 do 170. Na powierzchni oospor występuje 8-9 listew. Szerokość bruzdy waha się w granicach 66,7 - 83,4 urn, Zakresy większości cech oospor Lychnothamnu barbatus pochodzących z jednej populacji są szerokie, szersze nawet nieco od podawanych w literaturze dla tego gatunku. Cechą wykazującą największą zmienność jest szerokość oospory (V = 7%), a najmniejszą długość oospory i szerokość bruzdy (V = 4%).
Lychnothamnus barbatus is a very rare on an international scale species, the only one representative of this genus in the world. This study present biometric analysis of Lychnothamnus barbatus oospores. Length and maximum width of oospores, ISI index (length/width*100), number of ridges and width of fossa at eąuator were measured. Oospores are 583.5 - 733.5 urn long and 383.4 - 683.4 pm wide, with 8-9 ridges on their surface. Width of fossa ranges from 66.7 to 83.4 pm. ISI index ranges from 90 to 170, with an average of 139. The variation of majority features is broader than this reported in literature. The width of the oospores is the most changeable feature (V = 7%) whereas length of oospores and width of fossa are the least varied features (V = 4%).
The population structure of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. was examined in seven categories of overgrowing flood control ditches, differing on time which had elapsed from the last clean-up. Density, biomass, frequency of development stages, as well as the size and habit of the shoots, were determined in the populations. Site conditions in the ditches and the proportion of the common reed in the total biomass of plants were also examined. The rate at which populations in cleaned ditches regenerate is very quick. Three years after the maintenance works in ditches the reed population is already fully regenerated. Well developed reed rushes, which biomass is about 650 g d.w.m⁻², are dominant. Its density amounts to 76 ± 25 shoots m⁻². Flowering and fruiting shoots are the most numerous. The first signs of population regression were observed in the ditches left without cleaning for more than 5 years. Population density is gradually lower, the proportion of generative shoots is reduced, and the reed is lighter and has smaller assimilation area. In the 11-year-old and older ditches the reed is replaced by other plant species, mainly grasses and shrubs.
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