W artykule przedstawiono problematykę budowania diagnostycznej bazy wiedzy dotyczącej hybrydowego systemu zasilania na potrzeby organizacji procesu badania stanu obiektu. Podstawą do pozyskiwania informacji diagnostycznej dotyczącej urządzeń hybrydowego systemu zasilania jest analiza funkcjonalno-diagnostyczna badanego obiektu. Efektem procesu budowania jest model struktury funkcjonalno-diagnostycznej, wyznaczone zbiory elementów podstawowych oraz sygnałów pomiarowych wraz z przypisanymi im wzorcami mierzonych sygnałów.
The article presents the issues of building a diagnostic knowledge base regarding a hybrid power system for the needs of the organization of the process of examining the condition of the object. The basis for obtaining diagnostic information about the devices of the hybrid power system is the functional and diagnostic analysis of the tested object. The effect of the building process is a functional and diagnostic structure model, designated sets of basic elements and measuring signals along with the assigned standard measured signals.
W artykule pokazano problematykę wyznaczania informacji diagnostycznej na potrzeby badania stanu urządzeń farmy wiatrowej. W tym celu przedstawiono i opisano istotę struktury inteligentnego systemu ekspertowego. Strukturę badanego obiektu pokazano w postaci modelu funkcjonalno-diagnostycznego. Na podstawie opracowanego modelu wyznaczono informację diagnostyczną w postaci zbioru elementów podstawowych oraz zbioru sygnałów diagnostycznych, które w dalszym etapie są wykorzystane w budowie ekspertowej bazy wiedzy. Bazę taką wyznaczają zbiory faktów oraz reguł wnioskujących. Istotną częścią artykułu jest opis struktury systemu ekspertowego oraz zastosowanej w nim ekspertowej bazy wiedzy.
The article presents the issue of determining diagnostic information for the needs of testing the condition of wind farm equipment. To this end, the essence of the structure of an intelligent expert system was presented and described. The structure of the tested object is shown in the form of a functional and diagnostic model. Based on the developed model of the examined object, diagnostic information was determined in the form of a set of basic elements and a set of diagnostic signals, which are later used in the construction of an expert knowledge base. The expert knowledge base is determined by sets of facts and rules applied. An important part of this article is description of the structure of the expert system and the expert knowledge base used in it.
This article describes functional and diagnostic structure of the equipment of a Wind Power Station. Considering particular operational conditions of a technical object, that is a set of Wind Power Station equipment, this is a significant issue. A structural model of Wind Power Station equipment is developed. Based on that, a functional – diagnostic model of Wind Power Station equipment is elaborated. That model is a basis for determining primary elements of the object structure, as well as for interpreting a set of diagnostic signals and their reference signals.
What the article talks about are the difficulties of figuring out how reliable the workings of a complicated technological object are, especially when using a five-valued logic-based diagnostic method. The foundation for conducting dependability studies on technological objects is the utilization of prepared models that depict operational processes. The present study aims to build and provide a comprehensive description of a five-state model that characterizes the operational process of the diagnosed facility. The operational states that hold significance are the states of the object being tested, as diagnosed within the framework of 5VL-value logic. The model of the exploitation process that was constructed was further validated using simulated experiments. The outcomes of these comparative tests yield the calculated probabilities of the tested thing existing in its distinct conditions. The estimated time frames of occurrence of the recognized states in the object were determined based on the probability of occurrence of the diagnostic states, which were derived from the reliability features of the tested object.
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