Complex risky decision problems involve sequences of decisions and random events. The choice at a given stage depends on the decisions taken in the previous stages, as well as on the realizations of the random events that occurred earlier. In the analysis of such situations, decision trees are used, and the criterion for choosing the optimal decision is to maximize the expected monetary value. Unfortunately, this approach often does not reflect the actual choices of individual decision makers. In descriptive decision theory, the criterion of maximizing the expected monetary value is replaced by a subjective valuation that takes into account the relative outcomes and their probabilities. This paper presents a proposal to use the principles of cumulative prospect theory to analyse complex decision problems. The concept of a certainty equivalent is used to make it possible to compare risky and non-risky alternatives.
Powszechnie stosowaną graficzną metodą wspomagania procesu decyzyjnego w warunkach ryzyka są drzewa decyzyjne. Jako kryterium wyboru optymalnej decyzji zwykle stosuje się maksymalizację wartości oczekiwanej. W behawioralnym podejściu do analizy decyzyjnej uwzględnia się subiektywne czynniki, które często powodują, iż decyzje decydentów nie są zgodne z podejściem normatywnym. W pracy zostanie zaproponowana procedura oceny problemów decyzyjnych, które można przedstawić za pomocą drzew decyzyjnych zawierających dwa lub więcej etapów, wykorzystująca zasady kumulacyjnej teorii perspektywy.
The decision trees are a commonly used graphical method for analysis of decisions under conditions of risk. As the criterion for choosing the optimal decision the expected value criterion is usually used. In the behavioral decision analysis, subjective factors are taken into account, which often causes that the preferred decision differs from optimal decision based on the normative approach. In this paper we propose procedures for the analysis of decision problems, which can be presented by decision trees with two or more stages. These procedures are based on cumulative prospect theory.
There are commonly accepted and objective decision rules, which are consistent with rationality, for example stochastic dominance rules. But, as can be seen in many research studies in behavioral economics, decision makers do not always act rationally. Rules based on cumulative prospect theory or almost stochastic dominance are relatively new tools which model real choices. Both approaches take into account some behavioral factors. The aim of this paper is to check the consistency of orders of the valuations of random alternatives based on these behavioral rules. The order of the alternatives is generated by a preference relation over the decision set. In this paper, we show that the methodology for creating rankings based on total orders can be used for the preference relations considered, because they enable comparison of all the elements in a set of random alternatives. For almost second degree stochastic dominance, this is possible due to its particular properties, which stochastic dominance does not possess.
Pożądaną cechą idealnego rynku jest wysoka płynność wszystkich instrumentów finansowych. Zatem dla rynku giełdowego atrakcyjne są akcje takich spółek, które osiągają stosunkowo wysoki poziom płynności. W artykule proponuje się miarę relatywnej atrakcyjności rynkowej spółki, uwzględniającej obroty jej akcjami w relacji z obrotami wybranej grupy akcji lub całego rynku. Proponowana miara jest zastosowaniem indeksu Shapleya-Shubika, który w teorii gier mówi o sile koalicyjnej gracza.
Desirable feature of a perfect market is high liquidity of all financial instruments. If the stocks of companies achieve a relatively high level of liquidity they are attractive from the market point of view. The paper focuses on a measure of the relative attractiveness of the stocks on the market. The proposed measure is the Shapley-Shubik power index, which says about the coalition strength of the player in the game theory
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