El complejo mundo que gira en torno al intercambio comercial y artístico entre Europa y el mundo Iberoamericano durante los siglos XVI–XVIII, presenta enormes posibilidades de estudio; la navegación oceánica; la emigración, el intercambio científico-tecnológico y cultural, el comercio, etc. El caso de los libros, grabados, pinturas, tapicerías, textiles y objetos suntuarios producidos en Flandes y enviados a Indias entre los siglos XVI y XVIII es un claro ejemplo de estudio no sólo de las relaciones comerciales dentro del imperio español, sino de la difusión, recepción e infl uencias artísticas fl amencas que se hicieron sentir al otro lado del Océano Atlántico. El objeto de este trabajo es esbozar generalidades de la especialización artística del mercado en Amberes y su creciente presencia, recepción, difusión, apropiación y adaptación de modelos artísticos fl amencos en la construcción del arte novohispano.
The presence and circulation of Southern Netherlands’ values is a fascinating subject with a lot of possibilities for the researchers: Graphic material – printed or manuscript – books, stamps and engravings, as well as paintings, tapestries, sculptures and textiles exported from Antwerp found their way to the New World or even further, via Seville – the gateway to America. Today many examples of Southern Netherland’s books and artistic objects can still be admired in Latin American and from Goa to Manila. The shifting character of exchange in Antwerp affected also its market in luxury goods; this was booming in the 16th century with the international patterns of trade established in the city that facilitated the export of locally-made items to markets abroad. The exportation of luxury goods through Spain was orientated not only to the privileged social levels, but was now distributed on a much larger scale including the Spanish monarchy and the middle classes who displayed a strong taste for Flemish art. All these Flemish works were sold in fairs such as the one of Medina del Campo, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville, and from this great Atlantic Metropolis were sent to America or further.
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