This paper deals with influence on segregation of iron based phases on the secondary alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 microstructure by chrome. Iron is the most common and harmful impurity in aluminum casting alloys and has long been associated with an increase of casting defects. In generally, iron is associated with the formation of Fe-rich phases. It is impossible to remove iron from melt by standard operations, but it is possible to eliminate its negative influence by addition some other elements that affect the segregation of intermetallics in less harmful type. Realization of experiments and results of analysis show new view on solubility of iron based phases during melt preparation with higher iron content and influence of chrome as iron corrector of iron based phases. By experimental work were used three different amounts of AlCr20 master alloy a three different temperature of chill mold. Our experimental work confirmed that chrome can be used as an iron corrector in Al-Si alloy, due to the change of intermetallic phases and shortening their length.
This paper deals with influence on segregation of iron based phases on the secondary alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 microstructure by nickel. Iron is the most common and harmful impurity in aluminum casting alloys and has long been associated with an increase of casting defects. In generally, iron is associated with the formation of Fe-rich intermetallic phases. It is impossible to remove iron from melt by standard operations. Some elements eliminates iron by changing iron intermetallic phase morphology, decreasing its extent and by improving alloy properties. Realization of experiments and results of analysis show new view on solubility of iron based phases during melt preparation with higher iron content and influence of nickel as iron corrector of iron based phases.
This article describes the impact of the metal mould temperature change in eliminating the adverse effect of iron in the AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy. The kind of phases based on iron to be formed in aluminium alloys is determined by the alloy chemical composition, the melt overheating temperature prior to casting, and the cooling rate during crystallisation. In the experiment, we used three various mould temperatures, and their impact on the possible change in the adverse Al5FeSi phase, excreted in a needle form to a more compact form of Chinese writing or skeleton units. The experimental part did not use melt overheat that would result in impairment of the melt, for example due to increased gassing of the melt, as well as in a greater load on the smelting unit, thus resulting in increased energy expenditure. We can conclude from the obtained results that the mould temperature change does not have an adequate effect in eliminating the adverse effect of iron in Al-Si-Mg alloys.