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The aim of the paper was to evaluate the digit ratio between groups of sporting and non-sporting women and men, and attempt to determine a value typical for athletes of each gender. Additional-ly, the aim was to evaluate relations of the digit ratio with both the somatic structure and motor fitness, which could then be used to improve on sports selection criteria. The research material comprised 22 anthropometric measurements together with results of four motor fitness tests of students active in various sports disciplines. The control group comprised students who had never practiced sport. The sporting students showed significantly lower digit ratios compared to the control group of non-sporting students. Correlations between the digit ratio and features of the body structure were low. Both sexes recorded significant nega-tive correlations between the digit ratio and handgrip strength, as well as with the long jump length. Those with a lower value of the digit ratio had better predispositions to practicing sports.
Specific characteristics of sport disciplines require their performers to meet certain demands, also those related to body build. A success is conditioned, among other things, by the morphological structure of competitors. For this cause, their somatic features should be taken into consideration in the selection process. The aim of this research was to describe the level of morphological development and body proportions of swimmers in comparison to their non-practicing peers. What is more, different methods were used to evaluate body tissue composition. The research was based on the measurements of 33 swimmers and 36 non-practicing sport males as a control group, with the average training period of 9 years. The subjects ranged from 18 to 23 years of age. The anthropometric features were examined. Two methods, anthropometric and bioelectrical impedance, were used to estimate the amount of body fat. Athletes performing swimming are characterized by the significant body height, long trunk, wide range of arms and highly developed shoulder girdle. Directed and systematic training has an influence on a great development of the upper part of the trunk and a slight decrease in body fat. The observed differences indicate that depth, circumference and mobility of the chest developed in swimming have a positive influence on the respiratory system. Poor differences observed in the amount of fat in the athletes and non-practicing subjects may result from the fact that the body accumulates fat tissue, used as a good thermal insulation.
Purpose. Body composition and fat distribution is specific for particular populations and social groups. However, one factor that significantly affects body composition is physical activity. The aim of the study was to assess the various components of body composition in male physical education students with regard to their physical activity level. Methods. A detailed questionnaire survey on physical activity was administered to 252 male students. Based on their responses, the participants were placed into two groups engaged in either moderate or vigorous physical activity. Anthropometric measurements included measures of body height and mass and also skinfold thickness. Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Statistical analysis was performed by comparing the groups’ mean values, standard deviations, and percentages of the components of body composition. Results. The groups did not differ significantly for mean body height and mass. No statistically significant differences were found in the absolute amounts of the various components of body composition (except for fat mass) between the groups. Both groups had 61.5 kg of fat-free mass (constituting 80.6% of body mass for the vigorously active and 78.7% of body mass for the moderately active students) and both had 44 kg of muscle mass (constituting 58.3% and 56.1% of body mass, respectively). Students who declared to be involved in vigorous physical activity had 2 kg less and 2% lower fat mass than those involved in moderate physical activity (based on BIA measurements). Measures of skinfold thickness found more subcutaneous fat tissue in the vigorously active group, but the use of a fat index based on body height found them to present less fat. Conclusions. The difference in fat content between physical education students who were more or less physically active was found to be 2 kg and 2%. The results found that physical activity level was not associated with body height, body mass, and the absolute amounts of the other studied components of body composition.
Body build and proportions are key determinants of athletic success. The effects of the athlete selection process and discipline-specific training are differentiated body dimensions. The aim of the study was to examine the physical characteristics of female combat athletes. The results of anthropometric measurements of 154 females aged 21.2±1.79 years competing in judo, jiu-jitsu, karate, taekwondo, and fencing for 7.5±3.43 years. Significant differences were observed between the judo and karate, taekwondo and fencing practitioners in chest, hip, arm and forearm girths. More variance was observed in body proportions. Fencers had the slimmest body shape, a more massive body size in the judokas. Longer upper extremities relative to lower extremity length were found in the jiu-jitsu group. Relative to body height, a larger torso and greater girths were observed in the judokas compared with the fencing, karate, and taekwondo practitioners. The groups did not differ in the level of endomorphy. Mesomorphy was highest in judokas and the lowest in fencers, although ectomorphy was most dominant in the latter group. Females practitioners of combat sports exhibit differences in physical characteristics as an effect of optimizing body type and build via the training and athlete selection process of a given discipline. The anthropometric measures could play a role in talent identification programmes for martial arts and help the trainers to optimize the motoric effectiveness of athletes.
Content available remote Changes in Body Build of AWF Students 1967-2008. Can a Secular Trend be Observed?
Purpose. Previous research on intergenerational changes in body build has focused on body height and mass. The aim of this study was to determine both the direction and sexual dimorphism of secular changes in body build by using a sample population of students attending the University School of Physical Education (AWF) in Wrocław, Poland. Methods. The anthropometric data used in this study were collected every year from 1967 to 2008 and included a sample size of 4688 males and 3922 females. The subjects were analyzed for changes in somatotype by use of Sheldon's method, as modified by Heath and Carter. Basic statistical analysis for significance and post-hoc tests were used to analyze the data with Statistica 9.0 software. The data were then converted in Excel 2003 into chart form to analyze the direction of changes. Results. Analysis of the successive classes of male and female subjects during the 40-year period under study revealed a number of different directional changes in the mean values of body height, mass and the level of body build components. Trend lines, calculated by the mean values of five-year intervals, indicated an increasing tendency in both body height and mass in the two genders. Mesomorphy was found to be the largest factor of body build composition of females and males. Throughout the entire analyzed period, the endomorphy of males was significantly lower in comparison to females. In women, the level of fatness was similar to their level of musculature, but during the last several years the observed level of muscle in the students exceeded their fatness level. Ectomorphy happened to be the most stable component of both sexes. Conclusions. Analysis on the male and female sample population revealed a constant increase in body mass and height in successive generations. In female subjects, intergenerational changes were found to be characterized by a decrease in endomorphy and an increase in ectomorphy, while the level of mesomorphy remained at a similar level. In men, a secular trend was visible with an increase in mesomorphy, while the levels of endomorphy and ectomorphy stayed constant.
Purpose. The purpose of this work was to assess the relationship between muscle torques in the knee joint area and components of tissue composition by means of the bioelectrical impedance method. Basic procedures. 31 male subjects, aged 22-23, participated in the study. Basic morphological parameters, namely: body height (BH), body mass (BM) and somatotype were measured by the usage of Sheldon method modified by Heath and Carter. The body composition was examined using an BIA 101S apparatus by Akern. Torques of the knee joint extensors and flexors of both limbs were measured for joint angles 75° and 30°, respectively. In the statistical report cluster analysis was applied (k-means). Step regression was applied in order to evaluate the relationship between muscle torques and tissue components. Main findings. A significant correlation (r = 0.42 for p ≤ 0.01) between the torques of the knee joint extensors and the entire content of lean body, its metabolically active components (BCM) and muscle mass was observed. Also, a high value of correlation coefficient between extensors and fat mass was noticed. Significant correlations between flexor torque and muscle mass, cell mass and lean body were observed. Conclusions. The results obtained enable us to conclude that the values of muscle torques are significantly connected with the level of development of the tissue components, thus its estimation may be based on the measurement of body components.
The aim of the study was to determine if changes in the body build of judo athletes over a time span of 20 years are in line with trends described in the literature. Anthropometry of 60 male and 46 female judokas was performed. Data was collected from two cohorts: the first involved 30 males and 23 females measured in 1994–1995 and the second 30 males and 23 females in 2013. Anthropometric profiles included measurements of skinfolds, height, weight, and body and segment lengths, breadths, and girths. Although relatively identical heights and weights were found between the cohorts, significant differences were detected for body proportion measures. Males in 1994–1995 showed a significantly longer trunk, wider shoulders and hips, and more subcutaneous adipose tissue than the 2013 cohort. Females in 1994–1995 showed a shorter trunk, larger diameters of the trunk in relation to body height, and significantly lower skinfold thicknesses than the 2013 cohort. The direction of changes in the physical characteristics of judokas should be taken into consideration by coaches during training. Combat techniques should be adapted to the morphological traits of the athletes to achieve success and minimize the risk of overloading or injury.
Cel pracy. Okres dojrzewania płciowego wyróżnia się dużymi zmianami w cechach morfologicznych i funkcjonalnych ustroju. Jest to również faza krytyczna dla kształtowania się postawy ciała. Celem pracy jest zbadanie zmienności rozwojowej cech posturalnych i składu ciała dziewcząt w wieku 13–15 lat. Materiał i metoda. Wykorzystano ciągłe dane pomiarowe 91 dziewcząt uczęszczających do gimnazjum publicznego we Wrocławiu. Zmierzono masę i wysokość ciała, które posłużyły do wyliczenia BMI. Skład ciała oceniono metodą bioelektrycznej impedancji (aparat BIA 101S fimy Akern, oprogramowanie Bodygram 1.31). W analizie wykorzystano następujące cechy: masa komórkowa, masa pozakomórkowa, masa tłuszczu, masa ciała szczupłego. Na podstawie wielko- ści bezwzględnych wyliczono dwa wskaźniki: masa komórkowa/masa pozakomórkowa i ciało szczupłe/tłuszcz. Ocenę postawy ciała przeprowadzono, korzystając ze sprzężonego z komputerem Posturometru S. Obliczenia przeprowadzono, korzystając z pakietu Statistica 10. Wyniki i wnioski. Odnotowano wzrost masywności sylwetki oceniany wskaźnikiem BMI oraz powiększenie masy komórkowej w relacji do pozakomórkowej. Masa ciała szczupłego w odniesieniu do masy tłuszczu ulega natomiast wyraźnemu zmniejszeniu, co wiąże się z kształtowaniem właściwych dla płci żeńskiej relacji w składzie ciała. Wzrastanie cech posturalnych, takich jak wysokości wyrostków barkowych, dolnych kątów łopatek i wysokości kolców biodrowych tylnych górnych kształtuje się podobnie do zmian w wysokości ciała. Z wiekiem zmniejszeniu ulega nachylenie części krzyżowej kręgosłupa, a powiększa się kąt nachylenia części piersiowo- -lędźwiowej. W kolejnych porównaniach zaobserwowano zwiększenie frekwencji sylwetek kifotycznych (podtyp II), równoważnych (wszystkie podtypy) i lordotycznych (podtyp II). Ponadto odnotowano tendencję do zwiększania się liczby osób cechujących się bardzo dobrą sylwetką. Jedynie w wieku 14 lat zaobserwowano przejściowe zwiększenie czę- stości występowania postaw wadliwych i złych.
Aim. The puberty is distinguished by signifiant changes in the morphological and functional characteristics of the organism’ systems. It is also a critical phase during forming of body posture. The aim of the paper is to examine the variability of development of postural characteristics and body composition of girls aged 13-15 years. Material and Method. There were used the longitudinal measurements of 91 girls attending a public high school in Wroclaw, namely body weight and height, which were then used to calculate BMI. The body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis (apparatus BIA 101S produced by Akern, software Bodygram 1.31). In the analysis, the following features were considered: body cell mass, extracellular mass, fat mass, lean body mass. On the basis of the absolute values two ratios were calculated: body cell mass / extracellular mass and lean body/fat. The posture assessment was carried out using a computer coupled with Posturometr S. The calculations were performed using Statistica 10 package. Results and conclusions. There has been noted an increase in the massiveness of body build assessed by BMI and larger body cell mass in relation to the extracellular mass. The relation in lean body mass to the fat was markedly reduced, which is associated with the shape typical for female proportions of body composition. Growing postural characteristics such as shoulder height, infrascapular height and iliospinale superior posterior height is similar to the changes in body height. With age, the slope of sacral part of spine decreases and increases the angle of inclination of the thoraco-lumbar part. In the following comparisons, increasing frequency of kyphotic silhouettes (subtype II), balanced (all subtypes) and lordotic (subtype II) were observed. Moreover, there was a tendency to increasing number of persons with very good body posture. At the age of 14 years, there was noted a transient increase in the frequency of defective and bad posture.
Content available remote Biological Symptoms of Aging in Women Regarding Physical Activity and Lifestyle
Purpose. Menopause in many women is related to worse health conditions, increased diseases incidence and body mass. The purpose of this research was to investigate whether the differentiation of the involutional changes related to the climacteric period depends on women's physical activity and selected aspects of lifestyle. The following aging indices were analyzed: age of menopause, value of blood parameters, disease incidence, BMI. Basic procedures. The research, conducted in the health care units, was based on the survey approved by the Bioethical Committee at the Jagiellonian University. The data of 896 women above the age of 40 were used in the research. Basic statistics were calculated and tests of significance of differences and correlation were applied. Main findings. There is no significant relationship between the level of physical activity, the type of work performed and the age of menopause. However, women performing white-collar work and practicing sports enter menopause last. In smokers the age of menopause lowered. Women using vegetarian diets and women with high BMI values go through menopause later. High BMI values and nicotine addiction are significantly related to the increased level of blood sugar, diabetes incidence and high blood pressure. The cholesterol level is significantly related to the age of the subjects. The percentage of increased cholesterol level is smaller in women practicing sports who have also significantly lower BMI values than those who do not go in for any sports. Conclusions. The analysis of health and aging indices confirms the highest correlation between BMI and the external factors. Moreover, regarding the specificity of hormonal changes during climacterium, overweight and obese women go through menopause later.
Purpose. The aim of the study was to compare the morphological characteristics of experienced futsal players with professional soccer players. Methods. The research sample included 22 university futsal players and 22 professional soccer players. Parameters including body height and mass, skinfold thicknesses of the trunk and extremities, lower limb length, trunk width, humerus and femur bone breadths, and the circumferences of the chest, hips, thighs, and calves were used to calculate various somatic indices. Somatotyping was performed using the Heath–carter method. Differences in the characteristics between the futsal and soccer players were analyzed using Student’s t test. Intragroup analysis was also performed on futsal players depending on player position and compared with the arithmetic means and standard deviations of all variables of the entire sample. Results. compared with their soccer-playing peers, the futsal players were shorter, weighed less, had shorter lower limbs, narrower hips, and smaller hip circumference and bone breadth values. In contrast, higher levels of body fat and endomorphy were noted in this group. The proportion of mesomorphs and ectomorphs were similar in both groups. Futsal goalkeepers were differentiated by greater subcutaneous adiposity and body mass. Defenders had the slimmest body shape, with relatively narrower shoulders and hips, smaller bone breadths, and lower levels of adiposity. The body build of wingers was slightly larger. Pivoters were characterized by greater body height and larger values for the characteristics measuring the lateral trunk dimensions. Conclusions. The observed morphological differences between futsal and soccer players were mainly in body height and height-associated characteristics. This indicates that no specialized approach in futsal recruitment is currently used. This points to the need to develop a specialized approach in the player recruitment stage, as the tactical and technical constructs of futsal set the game apart from other indoor soccer games, finding that futsal players share a number of morphological similarities with handball players.
Purpose. The aim of the present study was to assess the morpho-functional characteristics of male jiu-jitsu practitioners against a sample of strength-trained university students. Methods. The all-male research sample included 49 jiu-jitsu competitors and 30 university students actively involved in strength training. Measures of body mass and height, lower extremity length, sitting height, arm span, trunk width, skeletal breadths, circumferences and skinfold thicknesses of the trunk and extremities were collected. Body tissue composition was assessed using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Somatotype was classified according to the anthropometric method of Heath and Carter. Participants also performed three motor tests composed of the standing long jump, flexed arm hang, and sit-ups and two dynamometer tests measuring handgrip and back muscle strength. Differences between the measured characteristics in both samples were analyzed using Student’s t test. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to the determine the relationships between the morphological characteristics and the results of the motor tests. Results. The jiu-jitsu sample was slightly smaller than the strength-training students. In contrast, body mass was almost identical in both groups. The remaining length, height, and skinfold characteristics also did not differ significantly between the groups. Only hip breadth was significantly larger in the jiu-jitsu sample. No between-group differences were noted in the levels of endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy. The composite somatotype of the jiu-jitsu athletes (2.1-5.8-2.0) was very similar to that of the strength-trained students (2.1-5.9-2.4). Statistically significant differences were observed in the tests assessing muscle strength. Handgrip and back muscle strength was greater in the strength-training students, whereas the jiu-jitsu athletes performed better in all three motor tests. Conclusions. The minor morphological differences between the jiu-jitsu and strength-training groups may be due to the different sporting level of the participants. Whereas the intense weight training regime of the strength-training students allowed them to achieve higher results in the dynamometer tests, the more multidimensional aspect of jiu-jitsu training was reflected in achieving better results in the motor tests.
Purpose The aim of this study was to examine the body tissue composition and functional traits of young football players. Methods. Analysis was performed on 23 junior football players. Body mass and height were measured. Bioelectrical impedance was used to assess the players’ body composition (fat mass, muscle mass, body cell mass and extracellular mass). The body mass index, body cell mass index and the extracellular mass/body cell mass ratio were also calculated. Functional traits were assessed by a one-on-one football game in an enclosed space with the objective to score the highest number of goals in a timed setting. Measurements of HRrest, HRmax and heart rate reserve were used to evaluate the efficiency of the subjects’ cardiovascular systems. Results. Insignificant differences in body tissue composition and cardiovascular efficiency were found regardless of what position was played. Overall, forwards were characterised by having the greatest height, the highest level of active body tissue development and the most efficient cardiovascular systems. Defenders were characterised by having larger body build, while midfielders displayed a significantly greater percentage of extracellular mass and EMC in relation to BC M. Conclusions. The results reveal that trends exist in the body tissue composition and cardiovascular efficiency of football players depending on which position they play. These differences reflect the varied physical efforts players perform during a match and should be taken into consideration when designing training programmes.
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