W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac projektowych i badawczych, których celem było wytworzenie lekkiego kruszywa ultrakompozytowego (UCLA - ultracomposite lightweight aggregate) w wyniku połączenia odpadów pochodzących z różnych źródeł. Opracowana technologia wytwarzania pozwoliła na wykorzystanie odpadów pochodzących z termoplastycznych polimerów (PET) oraz mineralnych odpadów z procesów spalania, i pozyskanie kruszywa lekkiego mogącego znaleźć powszechne zastosowanie w budownictwie. W trakcie prac nad technologią wytwarzania nowego, ekologicznego kruszywa wykorzystano właściwości fizyczne termoplastycznych tworzyw sztucznych, w tym ich dużą lepkość w stanie stopionym. W wyniku odpowiednio przeprowadzonej obróbki termicznej w specjalnie zaprojektowanych warunkach wytworzono kompozyt w postaci granulek odpowiadających frakcji kruszywowej 2 - 8 mm. Uzyskano różne rodzaje kruszyw lekkich wykonanych przy użyciu różnych drobnoziarnistych wypełniaczy mineralnych - ubocznych produktów spalania, których podstawowe właściwości zostały zbadane i zaprezentowane.
The paper presents the results of design and research work aimed at producing ultracomposite lightweight aggregate (UCLA) as a result of combining waste from different sources. The developed production technology allowed to utilize waste from thermoplastic polymers (PET) with mineral waste from combustion processes, and to produce a lightweight aggregate that can be widely used in construction. During the development of the technology to produce a new, ecological aggregate, the physical properties of thermoplastics and their high viscosity in the molten state were used. As a result of a properly conducted thermal treatment in specially designed conditions, a composite in the form of granules corresponding to an aggregate fraction of 2 - 8 mm was produced. Different types of lightweight aggregates made with various fine-grained mineral fillers - by-products of combustion - were obtained, the basic properties of which were studied and presented.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac projektowych i badawczych, których celem było wytworzenie lekkiego kruszywa ultrakompozytowego (UCLA - ultracomposite lightweight aggregate) w rezultacie połączenia odpadów pochodzących z różnych strumieni. W wyniku procesu odpowiednio przeprowadzonej obróbki termicznej w specjalnie zaprojektowanych warunkach, wytworzono kompozyt w postaci granulek odpowiadających frakcji kruszywowej 2-8 mm. Uzyskano różne rodzaje kruszyw lekkich wykonanych przy użyciu różnych drobnoziarnistych wypełniaczy mineralnych, których podstawowe właściwości zostały zbadane i zaprezentowane. Dodatkowo zostały wykonane wstępne badania aplikacyjne tych kruszyw w funkcji składnika kompozytu betonowego. Badania przeprowadzono na zmodyfikowanych zaprawach normowych powszechnie wykonanych według zaleceń normy PN-EN 196-1, gdzie 25% objętości piasku normowego zostało zastąpione sztucznym kruszywem ultrakompozytowym.
In this article authors presented research and project results which target was production of lightweight aggregates as a result of connect waste from different sources. During works about process and technology production new ecological aggregate was used physical properties of polymers and their high viscosity in phase of melting. As a result of thermal treatment in special production conditions was created composite in the granules shape. Obtained coarse aggregates 2/8 mm based on different waste mineral filler. All aggregates was tested in basic properties scope and presented. Additionally preliminary application tests those aggregates was made like function of concrete’s ingredient. The research were carried out on modified standard mortars commonly made according to the recommendations of the PN-EN 196-1 standard, where 25% of the volume of standard sand was replaced with artificial ultra-composite aggregate.
The article presents the results of research on polymer composites based on polypropylene filled with various fillers. The physical and thermal properties of the composites are the result of the used polymer matrix as well as the properties and geometric features of the used filler. The geometric shape of the filler is particularly important in the processing of plastics in which the flow is forced, and high shearing tension occurs, which determines the high macromolecular orientation and specific arrangement of the filler particles. Thermal analysis (STA) was used in the research and photographs were taken using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) of fractures of polymer composites. The following fillers were used: talc, fibreglass, glass beads, and a halogen-free nitrogen-phosphorus flame retardant. The test material was obtained by extrusion. Shapes for strength tests, which were subjected to scanning microscopy tests after a static tensile test, were obtained by injection. The carried-out tests allowed us to determine the influence of the type and shape of individual fillers on structural changes in the structure of polypropylene composites and the degree of sample weight loss in a specific temperature range, depending on the used filler.
The weld lines that occur in injection mouldings are critical areas on which depends on the strength of the mouldings. The flow of the material in the injection mould takes place through the gate and then gradually in the mould cavity. Depending on the shape of the formed object, the weld line may or may not occur. In the case of spreading of plastic streams or bypassing obstacles in the form of cores in the mould, the joining lines run down. Most often, the strength of the moulded part is the lowest in these areas and the resulting lines can cause cracking. The aim of the research presented in the publication was to evaluate the properties of particular parts of mouldings obtained from an experimental injection mould equipped with 4 weld line areas. The tests were performed using the method of thermal analysis by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis DMA. Tensile tests were performed on the parts with weld areas and the maximum crack force was determined. The morphology of the obtained fractures was observed using an optical microscope.
In this work, the influence of plastic injection molding conditions, mainly plasticizing conditions: plasticizing pressure (back pressure) and decompression (suck-back) after dosing on weight, thickness, mechanical properties and structure of HDPE parts obtained by injection molding with the addition of chemical blowing agent was done. In order to enable the manufacturing of correctly made molded parts under given plasticizing conditions, other parameters (hold time and hold pressure, injection velocity and injection time) were also changed. It was found that making correct molded parts using decompression requires increased hold pressure and hold time. The share of the porous structure in the parts is inversely proportional to the decompression as well as the hold pressure and hold time, while the plasticizing pressure has little effect on thickness, mass, tensile strength and elongation at maximum force, however, it affects the structure of the molded parts to some extent.
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