The professional self-government, as a component of the decentralised public authority, is an institution which derives its legitimacy from the supreme legal act, the Constitution of Poland. Its basic framework is set out in Article 17(1) of the Constitution, according to which: “By means of a statute, self-governments may be created within a profession in which the public repose confidence, and such self-governments shall concern themselves with the proper practice of such professions in accordance with, and for the purpose of protecting, the public interest”. The ratio legis of this regulation is the possibility of statutory entrustment of certain professional corporations with the performance of public tasks in authoritative forms appropriate for public administration. This study presents of the functions and tasks that the legislator has provided for the professional self-government of judicial officers. Currently, the provision regulating the tasks performed by the judicial officers’ self-government is Article 195 of the Act of 22 March 2018 on judicial officers, according to which the tasks of the judicial officers’ self-government include in particular: 1) supporting the administrative supervisory bodies in supervising the conscientious performance of service by judicial officers and the proper performance of duties by assessors and trainees, 2) participating in ensuring the conditions for the performance of the statutory tasks of judicial officers, 3) representing judicial officers and assessors, 4) the professional development of judicial officers and assessors, and participation in the training of trainees, 5) establishing and promoting the principles of professional ethics and ensuring their observance, 6) conducting research into the functioning of judicial enforcement. The authors analyse the normative material regulating the issue in question. Looking through the prism of theoretical concepts of professional self-government, they also assess the legitimacy of the solutions adopted by the legislator. Consequently, they make de lege lata remarks and de lege ferenda postulates.
As a state directly neighbouring the arena of armed action, Poland was challenged to prepare legal solutions appropriate to the existing threats in the wake of Russia’s armed aggression against sovereign Ukraine. The adoption of the Act of 11 March 2022 on Defence of the Homeland coincided with the armed conflict beyond the eastern border of our country. These circumstances inspired the authors to analyse systemic solutions involving the municipality in the procedures for minimising the impact of security threats related to a potential armed conflict. The paper aims to characterise the tasks of the commune, which is the basic unit of local government in Poland, to ensure national defence.
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An attempt to register The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in Poland is an example of an differentiation in freedom of religion standards by the Polish state. Freedom of conscience and religion phrased en bloc in the article 53 of The Constitution of The Republic of Poland guarantees to the followers of the religions not only to create the religious community but also to legitimize tchem in the legal context. It is the Law on guarantees of the freedom of conscience and religion that regulates the issue of creating religious communities in sensu legal. It enables Polish citizens to register an institution in a record of churches and religious organizations. It would seem that current legal regulations exclude the discretion regarding the decision of registering body, and in consequence, that they guarantee the freedom of registration of churches and other religious organizations. However, when it comes to the registration procedure of Pastafarian community, there is a visible discord between intentions of the lawmaker, who denies the discretion to the registering body, and its actual actions.
Próba rejestracji w Polsce wspólnoty Kościoła Latającego Potwora Spaghetti stanowi przykład dyferencjacji standardów ochrony wolności religijnej przez organy państwa polskiego. Wolność sumienia i religii wyrażona en bloc w art. 53 Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej gwarantuje wyznawcom określonych religii nie tylko tworzenie wspólnot w ujęciu socjologicznym, lecz także prawo do ich usankcjonowania w wymiarze prawnym. Aktem ustawowym szczegółowo regulującym kwestię tworzenia wspólnot religijnych in sensu legal jest ustawa o gwarancjach wolności sumienia i wyznania, która umożliwia polskim obywatelom dokonanie wpisu do rejestru Kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych. Wydawać by się mogło, że regulacje ustawowe w obecnym kształcie wykluczają dowolność w podejmowaniu decyzji przez organ rejestrowy i w konsekwencji gwarantują swobodę rejestracji Kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych. Jednakże w przypadku postępowania rejestrowego wspólnoty pastafarian zauważa się rozdźwięk między intencją ustawodawcy pozbawiającego rozstrzygnięcia organu rejestrowego przymiotu uznaniowości a rzeczywistymi działaniami tego organu.
The subject of this paper is an analysis of the 2016 amendment to the German Administrative Procedure Act ("Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz"), which introduced fully automated administrative acts. The purpose of the discussion is to evaluate the current status of the law on issuing automated acts and to identify the risks associated with the automation of administrative acts.
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