Carrying out professional work is inextricably linked to the risk of accidents while performing tasks at the workplace. Accidents at work involve a number of obligations on the part of the employer. One of the legally prescribed actions taken by employers is the need to indicate the cause or causes that led to the accident at work. Due to the implementation of social benefits and possible issues of civil liability for the events that occurred, it is often necessary to indicate the liability of the employee or employer. For this purpose, among other things, methods of analyzing accidents at work are useful, as they allow us to determine at least the causes, and usually also the primary causes, of the event. The results of this type of analysis can be used to quantify the shared responsibility for the events on the part of the employee and the employer. The aim of the work is to present the possibility of quantitatively determining co-responsibility for an accident at work using the barrier analysis and the in-depth TOL method.
The publication presents the results of research on the statistically significant impact of the number of layers on vibration damping properties of vibroacoustic mats. The research was carried out on the author's research stand. The research was carried out on sandwich systems made of polyurethane foam. The impact force of the analyzed variables was determined on the basis of constructed multiple regression models, the so-called multifactor models and determination of the standardized value β. The research was carried out using the PQStat software. In the models being built, the significance level was p < 0.05. Three statistically significant linear multivariate models for one-third frequencies were constructed: • 0-20000 Hz - a model for the entire frequency spectrum analysed during the tests, • 0-400 Hz - a model for frequencies generating construction vibrations that may affect the worker as general vibrations, • 50-20000 Hz – a model for frequencies that generate construction vibrations that can cause auditory sensations (noise). It was found: positive correlation of the number of layers in vibration damping systems with a third octave frequency of up to 400 Hz; negative correlation of the number of layers in vibration damping systems with a third octave frequency of 50 to 20000 Hz.
Waste management is a very important issue for the sustainable development of the modern world. The metallurgical industry is an industry that has been generating and still generates large amounts of waste that may have a negative impact on the natural environment and human health. Metallurgical waste comes from current production and is collected in landfills/heaps. Any research enabling the management of waste, including metallurgical waste, is justified. This study presents the results of research on waste that can be used in the production of aggregates – research related to natural radioactivity and the introduction of hazardous substances into water or soil. The study highlights the diversified chemical composition of metallurgical waste, which requires detailed research of the waste before it is directed to the production of aggregates. Aggregate, as a building material, is subject to specific legal (normative) regulations. Metallurgical waste that meets the requirements for the protection of the natural environment and human health should be used for the production of building materials - it is an environmentally friendly activity that implements the principles of sustainable development.
The European Union's energy policy has necessitated a reduction in coal mining, with significant consequences for occupational safety within the industry. This study investigates the correlation between employment reduction and accident risk within Poland's mining sector during 2006-2020, a period marked by over a 40% decrease in coal extraction and a corresponding 30% decrease in mining employment. An escalation in the relative risk (RR) of accidents was observed, increasing from 1.28 to 2.33. More critically, the RR of fatal accidents rose from 2.54 to 8.22 by 2019. Analysis revealed a critical employment threshold: a fall in mining employment below 140,000 is associated with a marked increase in accident risk, particularly fatal accidents. A linear model was developed to suggest that a reduction in the RR of accidents to 0.7 is requisite to achieve a national average risk for fatal accidents (RR = 1). The findings advocate for targeted safety interventions and propose a preventive strategy model. The implications are vital for policymakers and industry stakeholders aiming to improve worker safety in response to employment changes within the mining sector
Społeczne aspekty bezpieczeństwa pracy są jednymi z istotnych zagadnień, gdyż czynnik ludzki jest przyczyną większości wypadków przy pracy (około 70% przyczyn według danych GUS). Dlatego celem zarządzania bezpieczeństwem pracy w przedsiębiorstwach powinno być dążenie do wzrostu kultury bezpieczeństwa, która jest istotną częścią składową kultury organizacji. Wzrost ten jest uzależniony między innymi od zaangażowania, z jakim pracodawca i pracownicy przestrzegają założonych wartości i norm postępowania kształtujących środowisko pracy. Na podstawie obserwacji zachowań można przyjąć, że pracownikami, którzy lepiej rozumieją oraz akceptują potrzeby zmian w obszarze bhp, są kobiety. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki oceny kultury bezpieczeństwa pracy kobiet w jednym z zakładów przemysłowych, przyjmując jako kryteria porównawcze płeć, wiek oraz staż pracy. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że istnieją różnice w postrzeganiu kultury bezpieczeństwa pracy przez kobiety i mężczyzn, szczególnie w obszarze oceny organizacji pracy pod kątem jej bezpieczeństwa. Różnice te mogą wynikać z odmiennego postrzegania środowiska pracy i zaangażowania pracowników obu płci w jego kształtowanie. Główna konkluzja wynikająca z badań dotyczy konieczności uwzględniania oceny środowiska pracy przez kobiety, co niestety często jest pomijane w konsultacjach na temat kształtowania bezpieczeństwa pracy prowadzonych przez pracodawców.
Social aspects of safety at work are important issues, because the human factor is the cause of most accidents at work (approximately 70% of causes). Therefore, the purpose of work safety management in enterprises should be striving for the growth of a culture of safety, which is an important part of the culture of an organisation. The increase depends, among others, on the involvement with which the employer and employees comply with the established values and standards of conduct shaping the work environment. Based on observation of behaviours, it can be assumed that the employees who better understand and accept the need for changes in the area of health and safety at work are women. This article presents the results of the evaluation of the safety culture of women’s work in one of industrial plants, taking sex, age and the length of service as comparative criteria. Research has shown that there are differences in the perception of the culture of work safety by women and men, particularly in the area of assessment of the organisation of work with regard to its safety. The differences may result from differences in the perception of the working environment and the involvement of workers of both sexes in its evolution. The main conclusion arising from the research concerns the need to take into account the assessment of the working environment by women, which unfortunately is often overlooked in the consultations on the formation of work safety, conducted by employers.
The epidemic is affecting the global economy, plunging many industries. The global scale of the epidemic and government controls, restrictions and constraints have led to imbalances in world trade and have put many companies under pressure. The epidemic is a test of individual companies' ability to operate effectively under new conditions, including occupational risk management. The research was conducted using a questionnaire method, the study was attended by 199 respondents. The research is burdened with an error in the selection of statistical sample units, which resulted from the respondents' involvement and their truthfulness. The research was burdened with an estimation error of 0.07. The research was divided into two parts related to freezing the economy and social life and their defrosting. The aim of the article is to assess the occupational risk management activities that determine the prevention of OSH in an extreme situation, which was the immediate freezing of the economy and social activity in connection with the epidemic and then their gradual unfreezing. The conducted research allowed confirming the accepted hypothesis that the effectiveness of actions protecting the health of employees, and thus the production capacity of enterprises in a crisis situation, is related to the size of the plant, and this may be indirectly related to the system of organization of occupational health and safety services in the country.
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