The issues related to the formation of candidates for the priesthood and the permanent formation of priests are still topical and probably will not cease to be so. The lack of internal integration of the person called is the cause of priestly crises, which affect not only the spiritual but also the emotional-cognitive, relational and even somatic sphere. The problems of the following article focus on some of the causes that hinder the process of personality integration. In order to search for these causes, the context of the psychological functioning of priests was presented, the tendencies revealed in the attitude to psychological examinations in the seminary in alumni, which indicate numerous dissimulations. Incorrect (inconsistent with the truth) self-perception becomes the cause of compensatory behavior, which, in time, can become the cause of crises, diseases or mental disorders.
Problematyka związana z formacją kandydatów do kapłaństwa oraz formacją permanentną kapłanów jest wciąż aktualna i zapewne nie przestanie taką być. Brak wewnętrznego zintegrowania osoby powołanej jest przyczyną kryzysów kapłańskich, które oddziaływają nie tylko na sferę duchową, ale również emocjonalno-poznawczą, relacyjną, a nawet somatyczną. Problematyka poniższego artykułu koncentruje się na niektórych przyczynach utrudniających proces integracji osobowościowej. W celu poszukiwania tych przyczyn został przedstawiony kontekst psychologicznego funkcjonowania księży, tendencje ujawniające się w postawie do badań psychologicznych w seminarium u alumnów, które wskazują na liczne dysymulacje. Nieprawidłowa (niezgodna z prawdą) percepcja siebie staje się przyczyną zachowań kompensacyjnych, które w perspektywie czasu mogą stać się przyczyną kryzysów, chorób bądź zaburzeń psychicznych.
Objectives: Religiosity may serve as a personal source of support when people face a life-threatening illness, but it can also elicit stress. The main aim of this study is to show how various religious dimensions interplay in predicting death anxiety in patients diagnosed as having cancer. Material and Methods: In the cross‐sectional, descriptive‐analytical research, 141 Polish patients who were hospitalized due to cancer were selected using sequential convenience sampling. Data were collected using the Centrality of Religiosity Scale, Religious Comfort and Strain Scale, and the Death Anxiety and Dying Distress Scale. Results: The authors’ results show that the effect of the centrality of religiosity on death anxiety is non-linear. The authors can also confirm the mediating role of religious comfort and struggles in the relationship between the centrality of religiosity and death anxiety. Conclusions: Thus, religious struggles appear to weaken the effect of religion on death anxiety, whereas religious comfort (contrary to expectation) does not enhance it.
In this article, we analyze the religiosity of high school students on various levels, including reli-gious affiliation, changes in religiosity, belief in God, and compulsory and non-compulsory (ex-tra-compulsory) religious practices. These analyses are based on the results of a sociological survey conducted in November and December 2022 and January 2023, as part of the research project “Religious Education of Polish Youth – Current Status, Opportunities and Threats”.
An important issue addressed in the presented article is the competencies of the RE teacher/ catechist. Two main problems are posed, summarized in the following questions: What competencies should a teacher of religion/catechist have? What qualities, according to secondary school pupils, should have an RE teacher? An attempt to answer such questions was made on the basis of an analysis of the literature on the subject and the results of a nationwide quantitative and qualitative study of secondary school pupils in Poland. The basic concepts of competence are discussed, groups of competencies relevant to the profession of religion teacher are characterized. Also presented are the results of research on the opinions of secondary school pupils regarding the person of a religion teacher/catechist.
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