The recent book by Agnieszka Dziuba will be appreciated by both the ancient historians and the classical scholars in Poland for, as a monograph of a Roman woman, it has no antecedent. The study concerns Clodia’s background (“Clodia in historiography”), her portrayal by Cicero in the speech In Defense of M. Caelius Rufus, and her depiction in Catullus’ poetry. In the latter case, the author had to assume that in some of the poems Lesbia can be identified with Clodia Metelli. Despite some minor misrepresentations and misprints, the book is a sound analysis of the literary texts featuring the eponymous character. In addition, it offers a lively picture of the role women played in the Roman aristocratic society.
Due to the fact that Andocides is nowhere mentioned in Cicero’s oeuvre it is universally assumed that Cicero could not have read, let alone been inspired by, the works of Andocides. By comparing several passages from both orators, this paper argues that this is not necessarily the case. In terms of both language and content, these texts bear so close a resemblance to one another, that a direct influence does not seem beyond question. If Cicero had indeed, whether deliberately or otherwise, borrowed some ideas and/or phrases from Andocides, the absence of the latter’s name in Cicero’s extant writings can be explained in two different ways: (1) either certain expressions that occur in Andocides’ speeches could have been known to Cicero from indirect tradition, (2) or Cicero was simply reluctant to admit to his acquaintance with the least esteemed of the ten Attic orators.
Im Gegenteil zu heute, stellte die Fabel in der Antike keine eigenständige literarische Gattung dar. Im Bildungskontext zählte sie zu den vorläufigen rhetorischen Übungen. In den antiken Lehrbüchern der Rhetorik dagegen wird sie als eine Sinnfigur, die darin besteht, dass der Redner entweder eine Parallele zwischen eine fiktionale Erzählung und die aktuell diskutierte Fragezieht oder ein unaufmerksames Publikum zu erheitern sucht, beschrieben. Es gibt jedoch keinen starken Beweis dafür, dass die Fabel, in einer der oben erwähnten Funktionen, in praktischer Beredsamkeit in Anwendung kam. In der ersteren Funktion, scheint diese Kategorie erstmals in der aristotelischen Rhetorik eingeführt und ausführlich behandelt worden zu sein, von wo aus sie den Eingang in die späteren rhetorischen Lehrbücher fand. In der letzteren, wie anzunehmen ist, stammt sie aus einer peripatetischen Quelle.
Unlike in modern times, fable did not constitute a separate literary genre in Antiquity. In the educational context, it counted among the preliminary exercises in composition. In rhetorical treatises par excellence, on the other hand, it is described as a figure of thought whereby an orator either draws a parallel between a fictional narrative and the case under discussion or seeks to entertain an inattentive audience. There is no firm evidence, however, that fable was ever employed in actual oratory in any of these functions.
Statius’ description of the funeral games held in honor of the baby Opheltes contains several utterances reminiscent of Ovid. The paper aims to show that these should not be read as the so-called necessary allusions, but rather as the poet’s complex dialogue with his predecessor.
In Roman republican literature the Endymion figure, not unlike other mythical characters, carries a messagewhich becomes apparent only when properly deciphered. For that reason its meaning can be made out best bybeing looked at from a rhetorical perspective.
In Homer the mythological events from outside the Trojan plot are usually referred to in the discourse of the characters and not by the narrator himself; this, however, is not the case in the Homeric Hymns. In the following short note, I shall attempt to suggest that the author of the Delian Hymn to Apollo could have alluded to Odysseus through a different narrative device. Both the language and structure (including the so-called ring composition) are examined in order to strengthen the present hypothesis.
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