Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to describe Klystron pulse modulator of linear electron accelerator. Design/methodology/approach: TH-2158 klystron modulator experimental model is based on semiconductor switch HTS 181-160 FI (acceptable current load 1600 A, and voltage up to 18 kV). The results of test measurements carried out during modulator starting up period are presented in this work. TH-2158 klystron was used as a load. The klystron was connected to the second winding of the pulse HV transformer with 1:10 windings turn ratio. The examined modulator is equipped with safety shutdown circuitry for protection against current overload that may appear at IGBT switch in the case of short-circuiting happened in klystron and waveguide system. Findings: Linear electron accelerator type LAE 10/15 with electron energy 10 MeV and beam power up to 15 kW was designed and completed at Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. This accelerator was installed in facility for radiation sterilization single use medical devices, implants and tissue grafts. The standing wave accelerating section was selected. Microwave energy used for accelerating process is provided by klystron type TH-2158 working at frequency 2856 MHz. Practical implications: Described HV pulse modulator which designed and constructed for klystron TH-2158 was preliminary tested to evaluate the quality of the klystron HV and load current pulses and optimized selected component parameters. Obtained experimental results are better than those which were predicted by computer simulation method. Originality/value: Description of Klystron pulse modulator of linear electron accelerator.
On the basis of the experimental results, computer simulations of decomposition of dichloroethylenes for three isomers (trans-DCE, cis-DCE, 1,1-DCE) in air under electron beam were carried out. Computer code “Kinetic” and “Gear” method were used. Calculation results well agree with the experimental results. Decomposition efficiency of DCE is mainly determined by Cl- dissociated secondary electron attachment, followed by Cl radical addition reaction with DCE.
Liniowy akcelerator elektronów typu LAE 10/15 o energii elektronów 10MeV i mocy średniej wiązki do 15kW został zaprojektowany i skompletowany w Instytucie Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej. Akcelerator ten jest instalowany w stacji sterylizacji radiacyjnej wyrobów medycznych jednorazowego użytku, implantów i przeszczepów. Zastosowano sekcję przyspieszającą elektrony z falą stojącą o częstotliwości roboczej 2856 MHz dostarczanej przez klistron typu TH-2158 francuskiej firmy Thales. W pracy prezentowane są wyniki badań modulatora zbudowanego w oparciu o półprzewodnikowy przełącznik typu HTS 181-160FI (dopuszczalny prąd obciążenia 1600 A, przy maksymalnym napięciu 18 kV), którego obciążeniem zamiast klistronu TH-2158 był układ rezystorów RL o rezystancji 8 Ω i 16 Ω. W normalnych warunkach eksploatacyjnych, rezystancja klistronu jest rzędu 1600 Ω, co odpowiada 16 Ω po pierwotnej stronie transformatora impulsowego klistronu o przekładni 1:10. Badany modulator zawiera układ zabezpieczający (wyłącznik bezpieczeństwa), przed nadmiernym wzrostem prądu obciążenia (na przykład w przypadku zwarcia w klistronie). Do głównych podzespołów wyłącznika bezpieczeństwa należy zespół ceramicznych rezystorów o rezystancji 50 mΩ, komparator LM 319 oraz bramka exclusive-OR typu 74F86.
Linear electron accelerator type LAE 13/15 with electron energy 10 MeV and beam power 10...15 kW was designed and completed at Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. This accelerator is being installed in facility for radiation sterilization expendable medical products, implants and tissue grafts. The standing wave accelerating section was selected with working frequency 2856 MHz provided by klystron TH-218 french Thales firm. The results of measurements carried out at the TH-2156 klystron modulator experimental model based on semiconductor switch HTS 181-160FI (acceptable current load 1600 A, with voltage up to 18 kV) are presented in this work. A set of resistors RL = 8 Ω and 16 Ω was used as a load instead of TH-2158 klystron. The klystron's resistance will be approximately 1600 Ω, what is the equivalent to 16 Ω measured at the primary side of pulse HV transformer with 1:10 windings tum ratio in normal work conditions. The examined modulator is equipped in safety (shutdown) circuitry for protection against current overload that may appear at IGBT switch in case of short-circuiting in klystron. The main parts of the design circuitry are: assembly of ceramic shunt resistors 50 mΩ, LM 319 voltage comparator and Exclu-sive-OR logical gate 74F86 type.
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