The therapy of stuttering people is a time-consuming and long-Iasting process which requires a great effort both from the logopaedist and patient. The process can be divided into three parts: recording of patient's utterances (reading, telling, conversation), 20-minute corrective exercises with the echo (reading, tell ing) and individual work of the stuttering person with difficult words. All of these tasks may be performed with the use of a computer, controlled by a special program elaborated for that purpose. The computer system for the logopaedic diagnosis and therapy (DTL) allows for recording and saving utterances as sound files, practice with acoustical or visual echo and performance of automatically generated tasks adjusted to individual difficulties of particular speakers. Examples of analyses performed at various periods of therapy, i.e. at the beginning, during and after the therapy, supply information conceming e.g. the stuttering intensity and types of the occurring errors. The results presented in this work concern the control recordings performed at 1-1.5-month periods of time for twelve patients.
Problematyka i analiza toru ruchu pojazdów mechanicznych może być badana na wiele sposobów. Jednym ze sposobów jest optyczna analiza. W artykule opisano budowę oraz zasadę funkcjonowania stanowiska do optycznego pomiaru trajektorii ruchu (movement trajectory). Opisano podstawowe deformacje obrazu rejestrowanego kamerą internetową a także sposoby ich korekcji. Zaprezentowano szczegółowo proces uzyskiwania wyników mierzalnych z filmu zarejestrowanego kamerą. Zaprezentowano ponadto kilka przykładowych wyników badań uzyskanych na tym stanowisku.
The issues and the analysis of a movement trajectory of mechanical vehicles may be researched in many ways. One of them is the optical analysis. The article describes the structure and the principle of operation of a stand for optical measurement of the movement trajectory. Basic image distortions recorded by an Internet camera and the ways for their correction were presented. Furthermore, the process of obtaining measurable results from the film recorded with the camera was discussed. Finally, some sample research findings obtained at the stand were also outlined.
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