Wstęp: Z wiekiem pogarsza się wydolność wszystkich narządów i układów człowieka, wpływając na pogorszenie sprawności funkcjonalnej i zwiększenie ryzyka upadków u osób, nawet tych najaktywniejszych, do których zaliczamy słuchaczy Uniwersytetów Trzeciego Wieku (UTW). Odpowiednio przygotowany i realizowany program fizjoterapeutyczny pozwala na przygotowanie słuchaczy UTW do zmniejszenia ryzyka upadków i konsekwencji z tym związanych. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu autorskiego 6-miesięcznego programu postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego na ryzyko upadku i równowagę słuchaczek UTW. Materiał i metody badań: Badaniami zostały objęte słuchaczki Jagiellońskiego Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku w Krakowie które ukończyły 60. rok życia. Badane podzielono losowo na dwie grupy: grupa badana (n=66, śr. wiek: 67,2 ±5,4 lat), grupa kontrolna (n=65, śr. wiek: 66,2 ±3,5 lat). Badane poddano dwukrotnie ocenie przed i po 6-miesięcznym programie fizjoterapeutycznym. Ocenę ryzyka upadku i równowagi zbadano testami „wchodzenia na stopień” (ST − Step Test), „stania na jednej nodze” (OLST − One-Leg Standing Test), „sięgania” (FRT − Functional Reach Test). Wyniki: Wynik testów (ST) i (OLST) w grupie badanej po programie fizjoterapeutycznym był istotnie wyższy w stosunku do grupy kontrolnej, zarówno w przypadku prawej, jak i lewej kończyny dolnej (p>0,05). Wyniki świadczą o istotnie statystycznie dłuższym czasie stania na jednej nodze w grupie badanej. Także wynik testu (FRT) w grupie badanej po programie fizjoterapeutycznym był istotnie wyższy w stosunku do grupy kontrolnej (p>0,05). Po drugim badaniu zaobserwowano istotny statystycznie większy zakres wychylenia w grupie badanej. Wnioski: Ryzyko upadku słuchaczek UTW które mają 60 lat i więcej istotnie zmniejsza się pod wpływem autorskiego 6-miesięcznego programu fizjoterapeutycznego, a poczucie równowagi w pozycji stojącej poprawia się po programie.
As our bodies age, the performance of all bodily organs and systems deteriorates, adversely affecting their functional capacity and increasing overall falls-risk, even in the most active individuals, including female students of the Third Age Universities (TAU). A well-developed and implemented physiotherapy programme makes it possible to appreciably reduce the falls-risk in TAU students, as well as any attendant negative consequences mitigated. The study aimed to assess the impact of a 6-month original physical therapy regimen on the attendant falls-risk, as established in the female TAU students. The study covered 131 female TAU students, aged 60 and over. The subjects were randomly split into two groups, i.e. Study Group (n = 66; mean age 67.2 5.4 years), and a Control Group (n = 65; mean age 66.2 3.5 years). All subjects were assessed twice, prior to, and up-on the conclusion of a 6-month physical therapy regimen. Falls-risk and individual sense of balance were assessed by a "Step Test" (ST), "One-Leg Standing Test" (OLST), and a "Func-tional Reach Test" (FRT). The study group ST and OLST test scores upon conclusion of the physical therapy regimen were significantly higher (i.e. longer time of a one-legged stand), as compared to the Control Group, for both right and left lower limbs (p > 0.05). FRT scores upon conclusion of the phys-ical therapy regimen were also significantly higher (p > 0.05), as a greater range of body ex-tension was observed. Falls-risk in the TAU students aged 60 and over was significantly decreased through the im-plementation of an original, 6-month physical therapy regimen, while an individual sense of balance in a standing position was also found to be appreciably enhanced. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. null
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Introduction: Osteoarthritis is one of the principal causes of motion organ disorder in old age. It also happens to be the main reason for a hip joint replacement surgery, by far the most frequently applied treatment for the over 65s. Advances in medical science and physical rehabilitation allow the elderly people to maintain high functional efficiency and self-reliance in performing everyday life activities. Aim of the study: To offer an insight into the most frequently encountered problems in the pursuit of activities of daily living in geriatric patients after total hip arthroplasty. Additionally, the study also aimed to focus on the differences in overall functionality of the elderly persons relative to their age at the time of being subjected to total hip arthroplasty. Material and methods: The study population consisted of 189 patients (123 women and 66 men) remaining in institutional care centres. Basic daily activities ADL scale and complex activities IADL scale were used for functional assessment. All study subjects were stratified by age (age range: Group I - 70 - 79 years; Group II - 80 years and over). Statistical analyses were completed with the aid of STATISTICA v10. package, and the Mann-Whitney test was applied to verification of working hypotheses, with statistical significance assumed at p = 0.05. Results: The study subjects encountered the biggest problems in ADL with regard to unassisted bathing (43%) and in controlling the excretion of urine and stool (66.66%). In IADL rational management of own finances proved most challenging for 71%, and over half of them (54%) was unable to venture out any further than for a short walk. When stratified by age, the main ADL score was not significantly different between the groups (5 points vs. 5 points; p > 0.05). Such differences were found in IADL, though (Group I - 20 points vs. Group II - 18 points; p < 0.05). Conclusions: Within 4 weeks of undergoing a hip joint replacement the persons remaining in institutionalised care exhibited functional deficiencies in caring for personal hygiene. Effective training in performing the activities of daily living should be made a basic component of interdisciplinary approach in geriatric care, in due consideration of individual age constraints.
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