Bonylip barb is an Indonesian endemic fish that has not been widely used. One potential application is the addition of bonylip barb fish meat to cream soup products. Cream soup is a thick soup that has a cloudy color due to the addition of milk and holds the prominent aroma and taste of milk. This study aims to determine the amount of bonylip barb fish meat that can be added in to produce the most preferred cream soup. Research on bonylip barb fish cream soup creation was carried out at the Fisheries Technology Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University. The study was conducted in May-June 2019. The method used was experimental with 4 treatments of bonylip barb fish addition, namely 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% of dry weight. Organoleptic tests were carried out by 20 semi-trained panellists. The variables observed were organoleptic color, aroma, taste and texture. The results showed that 30% addition of bonylip barb fish produced the most preferred cream soup product. This had a color hedonic mean value of 6.7; aroma 6.5; taste 7.3; and texture 6.8.