Sterowalność, podobnie jak obserwowalność oraz stabilność, należy do podstawowych pojęć matematycznej teorii układów dynamicznych. Ogólnie mówiąc, sterowalność oznacza, że w rozpatrywanym układzie dynamicznym możliwe jest osiągnięcie zadanego stanu końcowego przy użyciu odpowiednio dobranego sterowania dopuszczalnego, należącego do zadanego zbioru sterowań dopuszczalnych. Zatem sterowalność zależy w istotny sposób zarówno od modelu matematycznego układu dynamicznego reprezentowanego równaniem stanu, jak i od postaci zbioru sterowań dopuszczalnych. Pojęcie sterowalności układu dynamicznego jest wykorzystywane między innymi do analizowania i tworzenia tak zwanych form kanonicznych układów dynamicznych oraz przy formułowaniu twierdzeń z zakresu sterowania optymalnego. Odgrywa ono również istotną rolę w teorii gier oraz w analizie jakościowej układów dynamicznych. Do analizowania problematyki sterowalności układów dynamicznych wykorzystuje się metody zaczerpnięte z różnych, często odległych od siebie dziedzin matematyki, między innymi takich jak: algebra, analiza funkcjonalna, równania różniczkowe, teoria optymalizacji. W artykule, wykorzystując metody algebraiczne, sformułowano kryteria badania sterowalności dla liniowych, skończenie-wymiarowych, ciągłych układów dynamicznych o stałych współczynnikach zarówno dla przypadku braku ograniczeń, jak i dla stożkowo ograniczonych wartości sterowań. Rozpatrzono związki zachodzące pomiędzy sterowalnością a stabilizowalnością układu dynamicznego. Zakładając sterowalność układu, podano także analityczną postać rozwiązania zagadnienia sterowania z minimalną energią. W drugiej części artykułu, w oparciu o spektralną teorię liniowych operatorów różniczkowych oraz twierdzenia z zakresu analizy funkcjonalnej, sformułowano warunki konieczne wystarczające aproksymacyjnej sterowalności dla liniowych układów dynamicznych o parametrach rozłożonych.
The paper contains systems descriptions and fundamental results concerning the solution of the most popular linear continuous-time control models with constant coefficients. First, different kinds of stability are discussed. Next fundamental definitions of controllability both for finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional systems are recalled and necessary and sufficient conditions for different kinds of controllability are formulated. Moreover, fundamental definitions of controllability both for finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional control systems are presented and necessary and sufficient conditions for different kinds of controllability are given. Finally, concluding remarks and comments concerning possible extensions are presented.
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A class of finite-dimensional stationary dynamic control systems described by linear stochastic ordinary differential state equations with a single point delay in the state variables is considered. Using a theorem and methods adopted directly from deterministic controllability problems, necessary and sufficient conditions for various kinds of stochastic relative controllability are formulated and proved. It will be demonstrated that under suitable assumptions the relative controllability of an associated deterministic linear dynamic system is equivalent to the stochastic relative exact controllability and the stochastic relative approximate controllability of the original linear stochastic dynamic system. Some remarks and comments on the existing results for the controllability of linear dynamic systems with delays are also presented. Finally, a minimum energy control problem for a stochastic dynamic system is formulated and solved.
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Local constrained controllability problems for nonlinear finite-dimensional discrete 1-D and 2-D control systems with constant coefficients are formulated and discussed. Using some mapping theorems taken from nonlinear functional analysis and linear approximation methods, sufficient conditions for constrained controllability in bounded domains are derived and proved. The paper extends the controllability conditions with unconstrained controls given in the literature to cover both 1-D and 2-D nonlinear discrete systems with constrained controls.
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Finite-dimensional stationary dynamic control systems described by linear stochastic ordinary differential state equations with multiple point delays in control are considered. Using the notation, theorems and methods used for deterministic controllability problems for linear dynamic systems with delays in control as well as necessary and sufficient conditions for various kinds of stochastic relative controllability in a given time interval are formulated and proved. It will be proved that, under suitable assumptions, relative controllability of an associated deterministic linear dynamic system is equivalent to stochastic relative exact controllability and stochastic relative approximate controllability of the original linear stochastic dynamic system. As a special case, relative stochastic controllability of dynamic systems with a single point delay is also considered. Some remarks and comments on the existing results for stochastic controllability of linear dynamic systems are also presented.
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The popularity of TCP/IP has resulted in an increase in usage of best-effort networks for real-time communication. Much effort has been spent to ensure quality of service for soft real-time traffic over IP networks. The Internet Engineering Task Force has proposed some architecture components, such as Active Queue Management (AQM). The paper investigates the influence of the weighted moving average on packet waiting time reduction for an AQM mechanism: the RED algorithm. The proposed method for computing the average queue length is based on a difference equation (a recursive equation). Depending on a particular optimality criterion, proper parameters of the modified weighted moving average function can be chosen. This change will allow reducing the number of violations of timing constraints and better use of this mechanism for soft real-time transmissions. The optimization problem is solved through simulations performed in OMNeT++ and later verified experimentally on a Linux implementation.
In this paper the performance of a fractional order PI controller is compared with that of RED, a well-known active queue management (AQM) mechanism. The article uses fluid flow approximation and discrete-event simulation to investigate the influence of the AQM policy on the packet loss probability, the queue length and its variability. The impact of self-similar traffic is also considered.
The main objective of this article is to present the state of the art concerning approximate controllability of dynamic systems in infinite-dimensional spaces. The presented investigation focuses on obtaining sufficient conditions for approximate controllability of various types of dynamic systems using Schauder's fixed-point theorem. We describe the results of approximate controllability for nonlinear impulsive neutral fuzzy stochastic differential equations with nonlocal conditions, impulsive neutral functional evolution integro-differential systems, stochastic impulsive systems with control-dependent coefficients, nonlinear impulsive differential systems, and evolution systems with nonlocal conditions and semilinear evolution equation.
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We analyse the resilience of the quantum search algorithm in the presence of quantum noise modelled as trace preserving completely positive maps. We study the influence of noise on the computational complexity of the quantum search algorithm. We show that it is only for small amounts of noise that the quantum search algorithm is still more efficient than any classical algorithm.
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