The paper presents the examination of fluorine concentration in groundwater and surface water in the Skawina region, including the determination of the influence of a former aluminum smelter plant on the concentration. Although the Skawina aluminum smelter emitted the largest amounts of fluorine-containing dust and gases in 1954–1981, the persistent low concentration of fluorine in groundwater was found during the present examinations. The results from 2011 are similar to those conducted in the 1970s and 1980s. In a water reservoir located below the closed landfill, high fluorine concentrations were recorded (103.69 mg dm3), which means that fluorine has been eluted out of the landfill.
W niniejszym artykule szczegółowo opisano eksperymentalny system do precyzyjnej dwukierunkowej transmisji sygnałów czasu poprzez światłowód oraz przedstawiono najnowsze wyniki pomiarów prowadzonych w tym zakresie przez Główny Urząd Miar, Telekomunikację Polską S. A. i Akademię Górniczo-Hutniczą. Rozważania prowadzone są pod kątem zastosowania w metrologii czasu i częstotliwości.
In this paper an experimental system of two-directional transmission of time signals over optical fibre was described in detail as well as the newest results of measurements performed within this range by GUM, TP S. A. and AGH. These considerations are conducted in context of time and frequency metrology.
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