The aim of the present study was to determine relationships between changes in the body condition of cows at the first stage of lactation and their fertility and productivity. The experiment was performed on a group of 243 Holstein-Friesians. Body condition was assessed post-partum, and then at two-week intervals until 20 weeks of lactation. Production traits and fertility were also evaluated. Blood was collected from 21 cows a week pre-partum and two weeks post-partum, to determine the metabolic profile. The highest rate of lipolysis was accompanied by lower serum levels of magnesium and glucose, higher serum concentrations of urea, free fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyric acid as well as an increase in the activity of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. Cows that had sufficient fat reserves at the beginning of lactation produced the most milk and were characterized by lower fertility. Blood analysis made in the precalving period is of low diagnostic value with regard to the metabolic rate and potential metabolic disorders post-calving, while the levels of blood indices and changes in the body condition of cows determined at the initial stage of lactation may contribute to improving feeding management as well as support decision-making and planning with respect to reproduction. In high-performance cows, characterized by a fast rate of lipolysis at the beginning of lactation, the return to normal reproductive status after calving should be delayed in order to increase insemination efficiency.
Badano zależności między wielkością zmian kondycji w początkowym okresie laktacji a płodnością i produkcyjnością 243 krów holsztyńsko-fryzyjskich. Oceniano kondycję (BCS) po wycieleniu i – w odstępach 2-tygodniowych – do 20. tyg. laktacji, cechy produkcyjne i płodność. Od 21 krów pobrano krew na 1 tydzień przed porodem oraz 2 tygodnie po porodzie i oznaczono profil metaboliczny. W surowicy krwi krów o najintensywniejszej lipolizie stwierdzono niższy poziom magnezu i glukozy, wyższą zawartość mocznika, wolnych kwasów tłuszczowych i kwasu β-hydroksymasłowego oraz wzrost aktywności aminotransferaz alaninowej i asparaginowej. Krowy najintensywniej mobilizujące tłuszcz ciała na początku laktacji, wyprodukowały najwięcej mleka i charakteryzowały się obniżoną płodnością. Badanie krwi przed wycieleniem ma niewielkie znaczenie diagnostyczne intensywności przemian materii i zaburzeń po wycieleniu, natomiast wartości wskaźników krwi oraz ocena zmian kondycji w pierwszej fazie laktacji mogą umożliwić ocenę prawidłowości żywienia oraz ułatwić podejmowanie decyzji w rozrodzie. Aby zwiększyć efektywność inseminacji, należy „opóźniać” powrót do rozrodu po wycieleniu krów wysoko produkcyjnych, charakteryzujących się intensywną lipolizą na początku laktacji.
The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of the body condition of heifers at calving on the replenishment of energy and fat reserves at the first stage of lactation as well as on fertility and productivity. The study was performed on 101 primiparous Holstein-Friesian. Body condition was assessed postpartum, and then at two-week intervals until 20 weeks of lactation. Production traits and fertility were also evaluated. Blood was collected from 18 heifers a week before calving, and on day 7, 14 and 21 postpartum, to determine the metabolic profile. Primiparous cows whose body condition score (BCS) at calving was 3.0 to 3.25 produced the most milk. Cows that had sufficient fat reserves at calving were better prepared for the consequences of high milk production compared to cows whose fat reserves at calving were inadequate. As a result, the former were characterized by more desirable values of fertility indices. Blood analysis made in the perinatal period showed that in the tested population the nutrition level and energy content of diets did not meet the requirements of young growing high-performance first-calf heifers at the beginning of lactation, when feed intake is low and milk yield increases.
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