The aim of this work was to perform the real case study for the US Surry Nuclear Power Plant which was touched down by tornado in 2011 causing the electrical switch yard destruction and loss of offsite power. Probabilistic methods have been applied to assess the reliability of the reactor shutdown and effective heat removal after this accident. The reactor protection system and auxiliary feedwater system were thoroughly analysed in the context of their safety features designed to prevent the reactor core damage. The emergency power system reliability has been also considered due to the fact that some components of the safety systems are electrically operated. Moreover, time-dependent analysis has been performed in order to address the level of damages after an extreme external event like tornado. Depending on the severity of such events the time required to restore the electrical grid may be significantly different and longer than 24 hours. The reliability and requirements for safety systems are changing with time and these changes have been taken into account as well.
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie metodologii analizy PSA, która jest wymagana przez Prawo Atomowe dla nowo powstających obiektów jądrowych, oraz zaprezentowanie metody drzew błędów, za pomocą, których zostało określone prawdopodobieństwo niedostępności systemu grawitacyjnego chłodzenia reaktora (GDCS) elektrowni typu ESBWR zaprojektowanej przez GE Hitachi. Praca ta obejmuje utworzenie drzewa uszkodzeń i wykonanie analizy ilościowej w programie SAPHIRE oraz oszacowanie niepewności za pomocą metody Monte Carlo. Wykazano, że w prawdopodobieństwie awarii pojedynczej linii GDCS (PLINE-A) największy wkład wnosiły zdarzenia podstawowe związane z zaworami serwisowymi.
The purpose of this work is to present a methodology of PSA analysis that is required by the Polish Atomic Law for newly emerging nuclear facilities, and to show a fault tree method by which the probability of unavailability was calculated for a gravity driven cooling system (GDCS) of ESBWR type nuclear power plant designed by GE Hitachi. This work includes creating a fault tree and performing quantitative analysis in SAPHIRE program and estimating uncertainty using the Monte Carlo method. It has been shown, that in the probability of the single line fault scenario of the GDCS System, main component is the basic risk related with the services valves.
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