The analysis of carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is widely applied in hydrogeology and environmental studies. The method of analysis is simple and based on conversion of all DIC species to gaseus CO2 under acidic conditions. However, the analytical procedure may involve significant carbon isotope fractionation. Our experimental analysis showed that increasing the time of CO2 extraction influences the increase of ä13C(DIC) value as a result of re-dissolution of CO2 in the water expanded on the vacuum line or/and carbon isotope exchange between the extracted CO2 and the atmospheric CO2. The long time of sample storage yields an increase of ä13C(DIC) value and decrease of DIC concentration. The analytical precision up to š 0,1‰ may be achieved in the case of waters being analyzed few days after sampling. DIC concentration was evaluated according to height of peak 44 in the mass spectrum. The analytical precision of this method was š 2 mgCO2 per dm3. This method is very useful because the measurements of the height of peak 44 and carbon isotope composition of DIC can be performed simultaneously. However, this method is reliable for waters containing more than 4 mg CO2 per dm3
Wykazano, że na terenie rezerwatu "Torfowiska Doliny Izery" (gmina Świeradów Zdrój, województwo dolnośląskie), zakresy sezonowej zmienności składu izotopowego węgla (δ13C) tkanki roślinnej dla Sphagnum sp. i Polytrichum sp., w zależności od typu siedliska, zawierają się w przedziale od -30,10 ‰ do -27,11 ‰, przy średniej wartości -28,61 ‰. Polytrichum sp. charakteryzuje się mniejszym zróżnicowaniem wartości δ13C pomiędzy poszczególnymi punktami i okresami opróbowań, niż Sphagnum sp. Zaobserwowane, wyraźnie mniejsze wahania sezonowe wartości δ13C u mchów pobranych na skraju lasu są prawdopodobnie wynikiem buforującego wpływu ekosystemu leśnego na lokalne warunki klimatyczne w szczególności na mniejsze zakresy wahań temperatury i wilgotności. Wydaje się, że zmiana temperatury powietrza w sezonie wegetacyjnym o +1°C odpowiada zmianie δ13C o -1,12 ‰ dlaSphagnum i -0,80 ‰ dla Polytrichum.
The study of seasonal variability in carbon isotope composition of Sphagnum sp. and Polytrichum sp. was carried out at two different ecosystems in "Peat bog of the Izera Valley" Nature Reserve (near Świeradów Zdrój, SE Poland). The δ13C value varied from -30.10 to -27.11 ‰, with an average of -28.61 ‰. The range of δ13C variation in Polytrichum sp. is narrow compared to that in Sphagnum sp. Considering this, the forest ecosystem moderates the local climate conditions constraining variations in humidity and temperature, and consequently resulting in narrow δ13C variations during the entire vegetation season. The change of temperature during the vegetation season by 1°C corresponds to the change in δ13C value of the plant tissue -1.12 ‰ (Sphagnum sp.) and -0.80 ‰ (Polytrichum sp.).
Preliminary sulphur isotope data are presented for selected ore deposits and occurrences in the Karkonosze-Izera Massif, namely, polymetallic mineralization sites at Budniki, Ciechanowice, Izerskie Garby and Sowia Dolina, and the pyrite deposit at Wieściszowice. The data reveal two populations of δ34S values: from 2.74 to 3.95‰ (pyrrhotites and pyrites in Sowia Dolina, and some pyrites in Wieściszowice) and from 0.79 to 1.8‰ (pyrites in Budniki, Ciechanowice and Izerskie Garby, and some pyrites from Wieściszowice). All of the data are indicative of endogenic sulphur typical of hydrothermal mineralization despite the genetic differences between the sites.