Current discussions on world ecology and global warming need systems design to idealize our future, in addition to incrementalism. Idealized design of our desirable future can provide insights into actions to take. Transportation systems emission contribute significantly to global warming. Contemporary transportation policies and associated research also need to incorporate idealized systems thinking, in addition to incrementalism. Transportation literature review reveals that the need for transportation includes not only the functional physical movement of people and goods, but also the hedonic desire to explore new territory and the enjoyment and thrill of travel itself. As an example of idealized systems design of our future, the author proposes Virtual Transportation, which is a highly developed form of virtual reality. This could partially fulfil the needs of tourism and the hedonic aspects of transportation. Such substitution of travel for pleasure with Virtual Transportation, could considerably reduce global warming. Also, Virtual Transportation could become an alternative goal to automobile ownership developing nations. Further research is needed in measuring the hedonic aspects of transportation needs.
The aim of the present study was to examine the correlation between the results of lymphocyte proliferative test (LPT) specific to food allergens and allergic skin diseases in dogs. Investigations were performed in 138 dogs with allergic skin diseases diagnosed in a private animal hospital. Of the 138 animals, 97 cases had positive reactions in LPT specific to food allergens. Of these 97 dogs, 67 animals were diagnosed with canine atopic dermatitis (CAD), but 30 dogs did not have IgE antibodies to environmental allergens. As 14 dogs out of 30 animals showed a positive result, 12 dogs underwent elimination diet trial based on the test results and all of them showed improvement in the pruritus score. Therefore, we conclude that LPT is an effective diagnostic test for allergic skin disease. Results of the lymphocyte test are useful in the identification of food allergens for the elimination diet trial.