In the fashion world of today there appears an increasing number of projects whose overall theme are traditional folk costumes. On the one hand, designers embark upon representing folk costumes faithfully, yet on the other, only some reverberations are present in the “folk fashion” current, whose framework encompasses aleatoric associations of native patterns that compose a peculiar type of axiological mosaic. The foregoing constitutes a stimulus for cultural-imbued creativity, while concurrently being an alternative for mass production. In many cases, attempts to resuscitate tradition translate into space for re-interpreting it, the ramification of which is, in turn, a challenging research area for contemporary ethnology and cultural anthropology.
Folklor muzyczny jest zjawiskiem z pogranicza etnologii i muzykologii. Z etnologicznego punktu widzenia zagadnienie to znacznie wykracza poza niematerialne aspekty kultury. Prezentacje zespołów regionalnych czerpiących z dorobku folkloru muzycznego wymagają stosownej oprawy tworzonej na bazie artefaktów materialnych. Na wizerunek zespołów wpływa niewątpliwie odpowiednio dobrany kostium sceniczny, niemal automatycznie utożsamiamy ze strojem ludowym, warto zatem spojrzeć na strój ludowy przez pryzmat jego scenicznych modyfikacji.
Musical folklore is a complex phenomenon on the border of ethnology and musicology. From an ethnological point of view, this issue goes far beyond the intangible aspects of culture itself. Presentations of regional folk music groups taking inspiration from the achievements of musical folklore reveal the appropriate artistic setting created on the basis of material artifacts. The image of these music groups is undoubtedly influenced by a properly selected stage costume, almost automatically identified with the folk costume, so it is worth looking at the folk costume through the prism of its stage modifications.
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