The French debate on memory has its roots mainly in the work of Maurice Halbwachs (Les cadres sociaux de la memoire, 1925,). Halbwachs’ basic theory is that memory does not exist in itself, but is always defined by what are known as “social frameworks”. The latter are not status elements of memory but are formed by the priorities of society. Another reason for the non-existence of memory “in itself” is the form of communication (speech). In this respect Halbswachs’ theory is confirmed by the analyses of Roland Barthes, in particular. Halbswachs’ ideas have inspired two main historical movements today, both of them related chiefly to what are known as commemorative festivals. Eric Hobsbawm is concerned above all with the problem ofthe conscious formation of social and historical memory through these acts, while Paul Connerton, a represent of historical research ofthis kind after the “linguistic” turning point, concentrates mainly on internal symbolism and the structure of the event. In Czech conditions the concept of the “second life”, with which the question of social and historical memory is very tightly connected, has been the focus of scholarly treatment since the 1970s, but under the influence ofthe current situation it has taken a different direction to this kind of research in France or (taking the French as model) in Germany.
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a2_The authoress claims that the International Biological Program stimulated the interest of scientists in environmental issues and to some extent filled the space which had opened for biological sciences thanks to the process of de-Stalinization and the policy of ''limited internationalism'' leading to international scientific cooperation across the Iron Curtain. The study describes the institutionalization of the International Biological Program in Czechoslovakia, showing how the program´s promising progress and international aspirations were disrupted by the so-called normalization after 1968 and its later splitting between the Czechoslovak National IBP Committee and the IBP Department of the University of Agriculture in Brno, each of which had a different relation to political powers-that-be and a different international legitimacy. According to the authoress, the International Biological Program provided a link to global scientific infrastructures, including newly established monitoring networks, and contributed to the establishment of new reserch topics and new scientific structures (such as the Ecological Section of the Biological Society of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), which played an active role in environmental protection and in the formation of the civic society in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s.
a2_Autorka tvrdí, že Mezinárodní biologický program v Československu stimuloval zájem vědců o problémy životního prostředí a do jisté míry zaplnil prostor, který se v biologických vědách uvolnil díky procesu destalinizace a v rámci politiky ,,omezeného internacionalismu'', jež vedla k otevření mezinárodní vědeckotechnické spolupráce přes železnou oponu. Studie popisuje institucionalizaci Mezinárodního biologického programu v Československu, jehož slibný průběh a mezinárodní aspirace zde přerušila takzvaná normalizace po roce 1968, a její následné rozdvojení mezi Československý národní komitét pro MBP a katedru MBP na Vysoké škole zemědělské v Brně, s rozdílným vztahem k politické moci i mezinárodní legitimitou. Mezinárodní biologický program podle autorky přinesl napojení na globální vědecké infrastruktury včetně nově zřízených monitorovacích sítí a přispěl k etablování nových badatelských témat i ke vzniku nových vědeckých struktur (jako byla Ekologická sekce Biologické společnosti ČSAV), které sehrály aktivní roli v ochraně životního prostředí a při formování občanské společnosti v Československu v osmdesátých letech minulého století.
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