The present work investigates the living morphology and infraciliature of three marine cyrtophorid ciliates, which were isolated from Qingdao, China. Compared with its congeners, Orthotrochilia sinica spec. nov. can be distinguished by a combination of features: body slender and elliptical in outline, size about 50–60 × 20–25 μm in vivo, 18–21 somatic kineties, the length of the left perioral kinety treble the length of the right one, two ventrally located contractile vacuoles on the right side, and 25–32 nematodesmal rods. Based on current observations and the previous description, the diagnosis of Trochilioides tenuis (Deroux, 1976) Chen et al. 2011 is improved: cell size 30–40 × 20–35 μm in vivo, oval shaped in outline; consistently three right kineties, four left kineties and seven postoral kineties; a single contractile vacuole; marine habitat. A second species of Trochilioides, T. recta (Kahl, 1923) Chen et al. 2011 is re-described based on a Chinese population. Furthermore, a key to the identification of species of the genus Trochilioides whose infraciliature data are available is supplied, and Chlamydonyx trivialis (Fenchel, 1965) comb. nov. [basionym: Trochilioides trivialis Fenchel, 1965] is suggested.
Two oxytrichids Architricha indica Gupta et al., 2006 and Pleurotricha curdsi (Shi et al. 2002) Gupta et al., 2003 collected in East China, were studied using live observation and the silver staining method. The description and morphometric characterization of the new populations were supplied. The Shanghai population of A. indica differs from the Indian population in the number of cirri in the third right marginal row (average of 16.8 vs. 21.1). The Shanghai population of P. curdsicorresponds well with the Indian population, but it differs from the other Chinese population in the number of right marginal rows (two vs. three). The early process of reorganization of A. indica was studied, and a difference on the formation of anlage V was found compared to the original report. The small subunit rRNA genes of both species were sequenced for the first time. The phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA gene sequence data revealed that Architricha is sister to the assemblage of Pseudouroleptus caudatus and two Strongylidium, while P. curdsi clusters with its congener P. lanceolata and is located in Stylonychinae.
The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system of three marine scuticociliates, Uronema marinum Dujardin, 1841, U. heteromarinum nov. spec. and Pleuronema setigerum Calkins, 1902, isolated from coastal waters off Qingdao, China, were investigated using living observation and silver impregnation methods. Due to the great confusion in the species definition of the well-known species U. marinum, we have documented a detailed discussion/comparison and believe that most of the confusion is due to the fact that at least 2 closely-related sibling morphotypes exist which are often not recognized. Based on the data available, U. marinum is strictly defined as follows: marine Uronema ca. 30 × 10 μm in size, with truncated apical frontal plate and smooth pellicle, extrusomes inconspicuous, cytostome located equatorially, 12–14 somatic kineties and one contractile vacuole pore near posterior end of kinety 2. Uronema heteromarinum nov. spec. resembles U. marinum but can be distinguished morphologically by its notched pellicle with conspicuous extrusomes and reticulate ridges, the 15–16 somatic kineties, widely separated membranelle 1 and membranelle 2, as well as the subequatorially positioned cytostome. Based on the Qingdao population, an improved diagnosis for the poorly known Pleuronema setigerum is: marine slender oval-shaped form, in vivo about 40–50 × 15–20 μm; 3–5 preoral kineties and 14–22 somatic kineties; membranelle 1 and 3 three-rowed, and posterior end of M2a ring-like. The small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene for all three organisms were sequenced and analyzed with standard methods.
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