The aim of this article is to draw attention to the issue of the tradition of liberalism in Poland. However, because the history of Polish liberal thought is an extremely broad and capacious issue, the article focused only on liberalism in a political understanding, which takes the form of a social force or a political formation. Strictly speaking, the article reviews the ideological assumptions of Polish liberal groups which, better or worse organized, functioned (or formed) in the period between 1905 and 1989. Despite its descriptive and general character, the elaboration should compel to reflect on the issue of the liberal tradition in Poland.
This article concerns the issue of the attitude of Polish libertarian parties to Polish integration with the European Communities/European Union. Included within the politi-cal parties which were the subject of interest for the author are: the Union of Real Politics, the Congress of the New Right Wing, the Libertarian Party and the Renewal Coalition of the Republic of Freedom and Hope. It should be emphasized that the purpose of the elaboration was not only to present the inclination of these parties to the EC/EU, but also to indicate the possible differences between them on this particular issue. On the basis of research methods used in the article (analysis of sources, histori-cal method, comparative method) it has been demonstrated that Polish libertarian parties – propagating the ideas of minimal state and laissez-faire economy – are scepti-cal to Polish integration with EC/EU. Simultaneously it must be noted that the attitude to the European integration process – as shown in the example of the Union of the Real Politics – may, under the influence of changing political situation, succumb to minor changes.
The aim of this article is to attempt to present and evaluate the conception of human security, proposed by anarcho-capitalism – a radical trend of libertarianism. The content analysis method was used to realize this task, while the main source of works constitutes the main works of the leading anarcho-capitalists: Murray Newton Rothbard, David Friedman and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. The results of the work is the adoption of several conclusions, including, first of all, that the anarcho-capitalist conception of human security is undoubtedly an innovate idea, contesting commonly recognized solutions in this matter.
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