Graphite irons are multicomponental systems of Fe-C-Si-Mn-i, where i presents another possible additional element. Chemical inhomogeneity of their matrix strongly affects their mechanical and physical properties, and therefore their technical usage. Elemental redistribution during eutectic crystallization is determined, among others, by the distribution coefficients of an element M between the austenite and the melt saturated with carbon. To describe the elemental redistribution, effective distribution coefficient kef(M) is used. The kef(M) is defined as the ratio of concentration of the element M near the graphite to that measured at the periphery of the eutectic cell. Many distribution coefficient measurements in graphite irons show that elements increasing thermodynamic activity of carbon concentrate near graphite, hence their kef(M) after solidification is greater than 1. These are Si, Ni, Cu, Mg, P, S, Al and Co. On the contrary, elements like Mn, Cr, V and Mo, having kef(M) usually smaller than 1, concentrates at the eutectic cell boundary. The contribution deals with comparison of kef(M) for Si and Ni in the as cast state and after heat treatment. Two different methods were used for the effective distribution coefficient determination. Previous experiences show that reliably reproducible determination of kef(M) is possible only for the alloying element content in the order of units of weight percent. For the lower alloying elements content (in the order of 0.1 wt. %), the standard deviation grows due to the cast iron matrix inhomogeneity.