Podstawowym celem opracowania jest ocena zróżnicowania przestrzennego infrastruktury drogowej w Polsce z uwzględnieniem jej wpływu na liczbę wypadków na drogach. W analizie uwzględniono liczbę osób zabitych, rannych oraz liczbę kolizji drogowych. Przy ocenie infrastruktury drogowej uwzględniono zmienne charakteryzujące rodzaj i jakość dróg w układzie województw, obciążenie sieci dróg wojewódzkich, jak również przewozy ładunków i towarów.
This article attempts to assess the diversity of road infrastructure in Poland in terms of regional. The article takes into account the length of roads, expenditures on public roads, the volume of passenger and freight transport, and traffic congestion in individual provinces. The data obtained were compared with information on road safety including the number of accidents and people injured on the roads. Conducted multivariate statistical analysis of road infrastructure diversity indicates that the Slaskie voivodship, Mazowieckie and Malopolskie have the most developed infrastructure of roads in Poland while it is the least developed in the Zachodniopomorskie, Warmia and Mazury, Lubelskie, Podlasie. It was also observed a very strong relationship between the development of road infrastructure and the number of injuries and deaths in individual provinces. From the analysis of the structure of accidents that you should invest in highways and motorways in the eastern provinces where the number of deaths is highest.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest uzyskanie diagnozy dotyczącej poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego w gminach górskich położonych na terenie polskiej części Karpat. Dane wyjściowe stanowiły wyniki ankiet przeprowadzonych z udziałem władz samorządowych i liderów lokalnych na obszarze 44 gmin (stanowiących populację generalną), zlokalizowanych na obszarze województw małopolskiego, śląskiego i podkarpackiego. Badanie miało na celu wyodrębnienie grup gmin podobnych pod względem poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego oraz znalezienie potencjalnych przyczyn sprzyjających uzyskaniu określonego poziomu tego rozwoju.
The aim of the study is to reach a diagnosis of the level of socio-economic development in mountain communities located in the Polish part of the Carpathians. The results of surveys carried out with the participation of local authorities and local leaders in the area of 44 communities located in Lesser Poland, Silesia and Podkarpackie Provinces constituted the output. The survey was designed to isolate groups of municipalities similar in terms of the level of socio-economic development and to identify potential causes conducive to achieving a certain level of development.
The research of taxonomic structure of holdings owning agricultural tractors in EU countries was conducted on the basis of statistical information from EUROSTAT database, for 2013 year. The purpose of this article was to present level of equipment of holdings in European Union countries in agricultural tractors in the spatial aspect. The method of vector elimination was used in the analysis. Apart from the analysis concerning the fact of the possession of agricultural tractors according to areal groups of arable land in the European countries, the groups of countries with similar structure were distinguished. Percentage of holdings possessing tractors was related with the number of holdings in each groups of areal groups of arable land.
W ostatnich latach struktura obszarowa gospodarstwa rolnych w Polsce nie uległa znacznym zmianom, nadal przeważają gospodarstwa małe, do 5 ha. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie dynamiki wybranych wskaźników wyposażenia gospodarstw rolnych w ciągniki w województwach Polski z wykorzystaniem mierników dynamiki i modeli tendencji rozwojowej. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że w polskim rolnictwie istnieje duże zróżnicowanie przestrzenne w wyposażeniu w ciągniki i to zarówno w przeliczeniu na 100 gospodarstw, jak i na 100 ha użytków rolnych. Zmienność ta ma wyraźny związek z terytorialnym rozkładem gospodarstw według ich średniego areału.
In recent years, the area structure of agricultural holdings in Poland has not changed significantly, small farms, up to 5 ha, still dominate. The purpose of this paper is to present dynamics of selected indicators of farm equipment in tractors in Polish voivodships. In this article indexes of dynamics and models of development trend have been used. The analysis shows that in Polish agriculture there is a large spatial variation in the equipment of tractors, both in terms of 100 farms and 100 ha of agricultural land. This variability has a clear relationship with the territorial distribution of holdings according to their average area.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify the relation between the level of selected financial indicators and changes in ownership of selected elements of technical infrastructure at rural communes in the Małopolskie province. Design/methodology/approach: The study was based on the data obtained from resources of Statistics Poland and the financial statements of local self-government institutions. Each of the 121 rural communes in the province was characterised with four indicators regarding their financial management. Subsequently, communes were classified using Ward’s method into five groups with a uniform set of identified features. Next, each cluster was subject to detailed analysis in terms of changes in ownership of selected elements of technical infrastructure with a concurrent review of financing sources of such changes typical for a given group. Certain patterns of financial management focused on technical infrastructure improvement in a given commune were thus identified. Findings: The study presents the status of selected network infrastructure as well as components and structure of income of rural communes in the Małopolskie province. On the one hand, communes with the highest population density have the largest economic potential, but on the other, they have significant requirements with regard to technical infrastructure. An important driver for technical infrastructure development are aid funds, including EU funds. Communes with a comparable potential may follow different strategies with regard to investment and financing of deficit. The status of infrastructure and financial standing of a commune are shaped in multi-annual process. Research limitations/implications: The analysis was performed for the entire population. A more detailed approach would require information on the criteria for selection of the type and scope of investment projects. It would also be appropriate to analyse the financial and economic effectiveness of individual projects. Practical implications: The contents of the analysis and conclusions will be useful for persons responsible for management at commune level. Identification of the impact of individual factors on the development of technical infrastructure will enable a more conscious and responsible commune management. This material will surely be found useful by groups focused on local growth planning and management, including distribution of aid funds. Social implications: The article will have a positive impact on local development, because it will contribute to more reasonable commune management. The awareness of the existing mechanism will also enhance the professionalism of local consultative groups, which represent the community during public consultations regarding planned actions of the local self-government authorities. Originality/value: The diagnosis of the conditions for infrastructure development in terms of finances of communes is a valuable source of expertise for management personnel.
The aim of the research is to compare the level of farm equipment with agricultural machinery and devices improving production as well as to evaluate the quality of the equipment measured by its age, in Małopolska region and in south Lithuania. The empirical material constituted the results of the survey in 2017 in 144 farms in Małopolska and 70 farms in Lithuania. Questions taken into account in the research concerned power and age of tractors and combines, number of chosen machines and agricultural devices used according to the farm profile. The analysis of the material completed after the survey allows for the conclusion that the structure of technical equipment of farms both in Małopolska anf south Lithuania has undergone positive changes, especially in case of farms of average and large areas (15–20 hectares of arable land and >20 hectares of arable land). These farms, having the opportunity of easier access to credits and investment subventions, try to introduce general changes within machinery backup. At the same time the oldest equipment – often used more than 20 years, finds its place in farms of smallest areas of arable land.
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Krajowy Plan Gospodarki Odpadami 2028 stawia cele i zadania również w zakresie zapewnienia selektywnego zbierania bioodpadów od mieszkańców i zwiększenia recyklingu organicznego przez upowszechnianie kompostowania przez mieszkańców bioodpadów „u źródła”. Wytyczne Unii Europejskiej zobowiązują do sprawozdawczości i wskazują na dwie metody pozyskania danych: metodę pośrednią i bezpośrednią (w tym ankietę). Faktyczny pomiar wkładu do procesu recyklingu lub jego materiału wyjściowego nie zawsze jest możliwy, dlatego zwraca się uwagę na otrzymanie wysokiego poziomu wiarygodności danych. W roku 2023 podjęto próbę oszacowania masy bioodpadów i czynników mających na nią wpływ, w oparciu o próbę ankiet w gminie Słomniki. W gminie Słomniki było zarejestrowanych 3689 gospodarstw, z czego 2709 zadeklarowało prowadzenie kompostowania. Uzyskano 30 odpowiedzi grupy osób deklarującej kompostowanie oraz 15 odpowiedzi osób niedeklarujących kompostowania. Przeprowadzone badania ankietowe wskazują na duże zróżnicowanie szacowanej masy wytwarzanych bioodpadów zarówno w grupie w obu grupach. Istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo niedoszacowania masy bioodpadów na poziomie gminy, obliczone z uwzględnieniem składu morfologicznego i masy wytworzonych odpadów. Niedoszacowanie masy bioodpadów może wynikać z praktyki mulczowania trawy, który to proces deklarowało co najmniej 20% ankietowanych.
National Waste Management Plan 2028 comprises goals and tasks also in the field of selective collection of bio-waste from residents as well as increased organic recycling by promoting composting of bio-waste by residents "at the source". European Union guidelines require reporting and present two methods of obtaining data: indirect and direct (including surveys). Actual measurement of the input or output from the recycling process is not always possible and therefore attention is paid to the high level of confidence in the data. In 2023, an attempt was made to determine the mass of bio-waste and factors which influence it, based on surveys in the Słomniki commune. In the Słomniki commune 3689 farms were established, of which 2709 declared composting activities. There were 30 responses of groups of people declaring composting and 15 responses of people who did not declare composting. Conducted survey researches showed high diversity of estimated mass of bio-waste generated in both groups. There is high probability of underestimating the mass of bio-waste at the municipal level, calculated taking into account the morphological composition and mass of waste generated. The underestimation of the mass of bio-waste may result from grass mulching practices, which were declared by at least 20% of respondents.
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