Without doubt women played a vital role in the peaceful protests during the ‘Arab Spring’. Some of them were politically active before, others were mobilized when the social movement started. Despite their subsequent marginalization in the transitional phase following the ouster of the former presidents – a fact that also affected the whole community of ‘young activists’ who had initiated the protests – the experience of agency and empowerment that many of them had had for the first time during the ‘Arab Spring’, resulted in a new consciousness and the powerful intent to continue their fight against discriminatory practices. This has become evident, for instance, in the massive protests of women and also men against sexual assaults and gender-based violence in Egypt. This contribution sheds light on what seem to be new signs in secular Egyptian feminism, taking as examples the re-established ‘Egyptian Feminist Union’, the movement of ‘Baheya Ya Masr’ and the organization ‘Nazra for Feminist Studies’.
Artykuł jest poświęcony wspomnieniom pięciu egipskich autorów, znanych odbiorcom w krajachmuzułmańskich z działalności religijnej i politycznej. Poddano analizie formę, styl, najważniejsząproblematykę i przesłanie wspomnień. Ukazało to, z jednej strony, w jakim stopniunarratorzy łączą tradycję z nowoczesną (auto)biografi ą, a z drugiej strony, w jakiej mierze problematykata i jej wymiar zależą od ich relacji społecznych, drogi zawodowej i implikowanegoodbiorcy ich publikacji. Chociaż autobiografi czne teksty mogą być traktowane jako literatura,dla ich zagorzałych zwolenników stanowią religijny i polityczny testament ich bohatera.
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The aim of the paper is to present the antisectarian campaign in Lebanon in 2011, called Overthrow the Sectarian System (OSS). Small protests did reveal new forces in Lebanese politics perhaps setting up a new trend. In order to capture the phenomenon thoroughly, reference to the problem of civil society sector in Lebanon will be made. First part of the paper deals with the problem of sectarianism: defines mechanisms, social repercussions of the phenomemon, with an emphasis also put on secularism, viewed as a remedy to sectarianism and the way it is perceived by civil society activists. Second part describes the history of civil society movement in Lebanon as the context of campaign's conception and development. Finally, the events of the OSS campaign will be presented and analysed.
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