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tom Nr 29
Badania pionowej dostawy substancji biogenicznych oraz określenia roli opadu atmosferycznego w kształtowaniu trofii jeziora Dobra przeprowadzone były w 2008 roku. Pomiary obejmowały oznaczenie wielkości opadu atmosferycznego, jego pH i przewodnictwo oraz ładunek substancji mineralnych (N-NO3, N-NH4 i P-PO4). Obliczono również zawartość substancji biogenicznych w toni wodnej jeziora. Określono, że w ciągu roku bezpośrednio do jeziora Dobra, na skutek opadu atmosferycznego wprowadzone zostało 238ź103m3 wody, co stanowi około 18% całkowitej jego objętości. Wraz z opadem do jeziora w ciągu całego roku dostarczone zostało odpowiednio 74,3 kg N-NO3, 82,1 kgN-NH4 i 9,8 kg P-PO4. W przeliczeniu na hektar powierzchni daje to ładunek rzędu 5,5kgN i 0,35kgP. Obliczono, że taka pionowa dostawa nutrientów stanowi około 30% zasobów całego zbiornika (32% N i 26% P). Ponadto ustalono, że roczna dostawa atmosferyczna jedynie mineralnych form azotu jak i fosforu do jeziora stanowi już około 50% ich dopuszczalnego ładunku Tym samym sądzić można, że ten sposób pionowej obszarowej dostawy biogenów jest istotnym elementem wpływającym na jakość wód i produktywność jeziora Dobra.
Studies of the vertical nutrients deposition and the role of precipitation in Dobra Lake productivity were carried out in 2008. Measurements included determination of precipitation volume, pH, conductivity and mineral nutrients forms (N-NO3, N-NH4, P-PO4). Moreover nutrients content in whole lake was calculated. It was determined that in 2008 directly into the lake with precipitation was introduced 238ź103m3 of water, which is about 18% of its total volume. Annual amount of nutrients brought along with precipitation was 74.3 kg N-NO3, 82.1 kgN-NH4 and 9.8 kg P-PO4. It is about 5.5kgN and 0.35kgP per one hectare. It was calculated that such vertical nutrient supply constitute about 30% of all lake resources (32% N and 26% P). Moreover, it was determined, that atmospheric inputs represent highly significant loadings (about 50%) when compared with permissible nutrients loading. Therefore, it can be expected, that rainfall deposition is an important factor which influences on Dobra Lake trophy level.
The aim of this paper was the presentation and comparison of seasonal biogens changes and trophy state classification of two biggest shallow coastal lakes Gardno and Łebsko, located in the northern part of Poland, along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Measurements were conducted once a month from April to December 2007. For the purpose of this article at each lake one measurement station was selected, to represent well mixed area of the lakes, far from outlet to the sea and rivers. Performed measurements showed that the lakes are similar. The differences, observed between biogens concentration in lakes were statistically insignificant. Seasonal dynamics of nutrients concentration in lakes indicated that the lakes are typical shallow lakes. Moreover, the summer concentration of total nitrogen and phosphorus qualify these lakes as eutrophic.
Celem niniejszego opracowania była prezentacja i porównanie sezonowych zmian stężenia substancji biogenicznych oraz określenie poziomu trofii dwóch jezior przymorskich Gardna i Łebska. Jeziora te zlokalizowane są wzdłuż południowego wybrzeża Morza Bałtyckiego. Zaprezentowane rezultaty są wynikiem badań prowadzonych od kwietnia do grudnia 2007 roku. Do celów publikacji na każdym z jezior wyselekcjonowane zostało jedno stanowisko pomiarowe, charakteryzujące się zarówno minimalnym oddziaływaniem słonych wód morskich, jak i słodkich wód rzecznych. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, iż dynamika składników biogenicznych w omawianych jeziorach jest podobna, a różnice stężenia poszczególnych form azotu i fosforu nie są istotne statystycznie. Ponadto zaobserwowano, że sezonowe zmiany stężenia biogenów w Gardnie i Łebsku mają przebieg typowy dla jezior płytkich. Określenie poziomu trofii jezior opierało się na porównaniu letnich stężeń azotu i fosforu całkowitego w toni wodnej jezior. Na podstawie tych porównań zarówno Łebsko, jak i Gardno zakwalifikowano do typu eutroficznego.
The aim of this work was to identify key factors governing the oxygen fluxes in two thermally stratified lakes of different morphology. Oxygen and temperature profiles in lakes Jeleń and Mały Borek, as well as phytoplankton primary production in Mały Borek (oxygen-method) were measured in monthly intervals, except for periods of ice cover. Rates of oxygen release due to photosynthesis, consumption in the water column, loss to atmosphere, depletion in the hypolimnion, and restoration during periods of turn-over were roughly estimated. It was discovered that trophic conditions and morphometry may substantially influence not only the intensity, but also the timing, of particular events in the oxygen cycle of the lakes.
Single study on horizontal distribution of macrozoobenthos in the sandy bottom of Jastarnia and Jurata coastal zone was conducted in summer 2004. 15 sampling sites in Jurata were divided into 4 radii every 100 m and 4 sampling sites were located near the harbor in Jastarnia. 18 species and 3 groups represented benthic invertebrates in the studied area. They reached the density of x = 1840 indiv.źm^-2 and wet mass of x = 121.8 gźm-2 near Jurata and near Jastarnia x = 638 indiv.źm^-2 and x = 376.6 gźm^-2, respectively. The most abundant species were Hediste diversicolor, Cerastoderma glaucum and Hydrobia ulvae. As for the biodiversity calculated with the Shannon index, it reached the highest values at sampling sites the most distant from the shore in Jurata. Species composition as well as qualitative and quantitative structure of benthic fauna in the studied area indicated unsatisfactory environmental conditions and low value of the area as a feeding ground for fish.
Badania nad poziomym rozmieszczeniem makrozoobentosu piaszczystego dna w okolicach Jastarni i Juraty prowadzone były jednorazowo latem 2004 roku. Wyznaczono 15 stanowisk w okolicach Juraty dzieląc stanowiska na cztery promienie oddalone od siebie o 100 m oraz 4 stanowiska w pobliżu portu w Jastarni. Bezkręgowce denne na tym obszarze reprezentowane były przez 18 gatunków i 3 grupy ponadgatunkowe, które w pobliżu Juraty osiągały zagęszczenie x = 1840 osobn.źm^-2 i masę mokrą x = 121,8 g_mmźm^-2, a w okolicach Jastarni x = 638 osobn.źm-2 i x = 376,6 g_mmźm^-2. Najczęściej spotykanymi gatunkami były Hediste diversicolor, Cerastoderma glaucum i Hydrobia ulvae. Większą bioróżnorodnością wyznaczoną wskaźnikiem Shannona-Wienera charakteryzowały się stanowiska najbardziej oddalone od brzegu w Juracie. Skład gatunkowy oraz struktura jakościowo-ilościowa fauny dennej w tej części Zatoki Puckiej świadczy o niezadowalającym stanie środowiska oraz niskiej wartości tych obszarów jako miejsca żerowania ryb.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu systemu czterech elektrowni wodnych na dynamikę zmian przepływu, stanu i temperatury wód powierzchniowych i gruntowych w zlewni rzeki Słupi. Przeanalizowano dobowe zmiany poziomu lustra wody, prędkości przepływu i temperatury wód rzeki Słupi na wodowskazie zlokalizowanym około 25 km poniżej systemu elektrowni. Określono również zakres dobowych zmian poziomu i temperatury wód gruntowych w dolinie rzeki. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz ustalono, że rzeka Słupia poniżej ciągu elektrowni wodnych charakteryzuje się wyrównanym stanem wód (średnie dobowe zmiany z wielolecia poniżej 0,1 m) i stabilnym przepływem (dobowy współczynnik zmienności przepływu około 20%), a zmienność temperaturowa (średnio 0,5°C przez 24 h) spowodowana jest przede wszystkim czynnikami klimatycznymi. Średnie dobowe stany wód gruntowych, wyniosły poniżej 0,1 m, a zmiany temperatury nie przekroczyły 0,2°C. Mimo tego iż dolina rzeki Słupi została bezsprzecznie zmieniona na skutek powstających zabudowań hydrotechnicznych, to po około 100 latach sprzyjające warunki pozwoliły na osiągnięcie pewnej stabilizacji ekosystemów.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of four hydropower plants systems on the Słupia River. Authors analyzed the daily changes in the water levels, discharge and temperature on the station located about 25 km below the hydropower plants system. Moreover authors determined the daily changes in the levels and temperature of groundwater in the river valley. Based on the measurements it was found that the Słupia River below the hydropower plants system is characterized stable water level (on average, daily changes were less than 0.1 m) and water flow (daily flow variability coefficient about 20%), and the temperature variability (0.5°C during 24 h) was mainly due by climatic factors. Daily changes in groundwater levels averaged out at less than 0.1 m, and the changes in temperature did not exceed 0.2°C. Despite the significant changes in the river valley as a result of hydropower plant construction, after 100 years the favourable conditions allowed to achieve some stability of the ecosystem.
The aim of this paper was to determine the nutrient translocations between different chemical forms (mineral and organic), as well as between different parts of a lake system (pelagic and benthic; epi- meta- and hypolimnion) in an annual cycle. Nitrogen and phosphorus content in lakes Jeleń and Mały Borek were estimated in monthly intervals (except periods of ice cover). In both lakes the biggest amounts of pelagic P and N were recorded in autumn. With the beginning of the growth season the quick decrease of P-total in both lakes was observed, attributed to the sedimentation of the particulate organic material. At the end of spring phosphorus resources dropped by about 50%, and the biggest reduction was observed in epilimnion. Translocations of nitrogen during the vegetative period were poorly synchronized with phosphorus translocations. N-total stocks in water column during spring were increasing or stable. The increase was especially intensive in lake Jeleń and was associated with cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation. This process was stopped and nitrogen resources started to decrease when phosphorus resources attained a minimum level. In the second half of summer (before autumn overturn) the amounts of N and P started to increase, due to enhanced migration of nutrients from sediments. During the winter period extensive nitrification was manifested by the downfall of ammonium and simultaneous growth of nitrate stocks. The lakes differ substantially in such features as the levels of ammonium concentration, rate of phosphate and ammonium accumulation in hypolimnion, or intensity of nitrogen fixation. Symptoms of internal loading with phosphorus and extensive nitrogen fixation were found in lake Jeleń, one of the clearest lakes in Poland.
In 2007, the population of Feral Pigeons in Gdańsk City (almost 500,000 inhabitants) constituted 14 200 individuals. The population density in the built-up areas of Gdańsk (82.2 km[^2]) was estimated at an average of 17.2 birds 10[^-1] ha, however the highest density occurred in Gdańsk.s city centre area (5.7 km[^2]) . 44 birds 10[^-1] ha. Blue plumage type pigeons dominated in the population (93%), while black, red and albinotic types were rarely observed. Melanistic birds were more frequently found than blue-bar birds, whose plumage is inherited from the Rock Pigeon. However, blue-bars were more numerous in Gdańsk compared with other pigeon populations in central and northern Europe. Old pre-war buildings were not confirmed as influencing the plumage pattern of pigeons. Melanistic birds were more numerous in old district of Oliwa, whereas blue bars in old Gdańsk city centre. The plumage of pigeons in small flocks of up to 50 birds did not differ from that of pigeons in flocks of over 50 and 100 birds. Blue-bars, checkers and dark checkers did not differ in body mass or breeding parameters. Other causes of polymorphism variation among pigeons in a population are discussed.
Content available remote Testing the use of polysulfone for preparation slow-release fertilizers
Investigations on the preparation of new coated, slow-release fertilizers have been described. The coatings were formed from polymer solutions by a phase inversion technique (wet method). The concentrations of a polymer in the film forming solutions were in the range of 10 to 20 wt %. The influence of the polymer concentration in the film forming solution on the properties of the coating was examined. The coating porosity was in the range of 53.0 to 11.0%. The structure of the coating controls the diffusion of the nutrients from the fertilizer granule. The release rate of N, P, K through the polymer coating was investigated. It was observed that the use of polysulfone as a coating for soluble, granular NPK fertilizer decreases the release rate of these components. Moreover, the release rate of the macroelements from the coated granules decreases when the polymer concentration in the coating forming solution is increased.
Our paper presents changes in the quality of water in the Bytowa River (in 1975-2003) against the background of changes which occurred in the river basin. The basis for an evaluation of those changes consisted of some physicochemical and bacteriological assays completed as part of a surface water monitoring program run by the Inspectorate for Environmental Protection. Based on the collected information, the evolution of the quality of water in the River Bytowa can be divided into two stages. The first, lasting until the late 1980s, was characterized by steadily increasing river pollution. The second stage was a time of gradual improvement of river water quality, which was a result of several overlapping factors related to the political and economic transformation in Poland. Construction of a municipal wastewater treatment plant as well as much lower quantities of fertilizers applied to decreased areas of farmland meant that loads of contaminants both from urban sources and from agriculture were reduced. The comparison of nutrient concentrations at different control points on the Bytowa suggest that from the mid 1970s to the late 1980s the contribution of municipal loads was increasing, and in the peak period such waste prevailed over non-point pollution along a considerable section of the river. From the late 1980s to 2003 both municipal and non-point pollution loads were decreasing, with the former declining to a much greater extent than the latter. In recent years non-point pollution has been dominant in total pollution load. Bacterial contamination was the only remaining evidence of the unsatisfactory condition of the river.
Przedstawione zostały badania nad wykorzystaniem materiałów polimerowych (octan celulozy, poliakrylonitryl, polisulfon) do wytwarzania nawozów CRF. Otoczki formowano techniką inwersji faz - metodą mokrą. Zbadano wpływ rodzaju polimeru oraz warunków formowania membrany na właściwości uzyskanych otoczek polimerowych. Przedstawiono strukturę fizyczną otoczek polimerowych opierając się na analizie zdjęć mikroskopowych (SEM) oraz analizę FTIR.
Studies on the possibility of using cellulose acetate, polyacrylonitrile and polysulfone, as a coating material for soluble NPK granular fertilizer in controlled-release fertilizer formulations were performed. The coatings were formed from the polymer solutions by the phase inversion technique - wet method. The influence of polymer type and concentration of a polymer solution on the coating properties was examined. The microphotographic observations (SEM) and the chemical characteristics (FTIR) of polymer coatings were presented.
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