This paper presents a new converter topology for interfacing a permanent magnet synchronous generator based variable speed wind turbine with a residential power network. The theory of wind energy conversion is analyzed first. Then an example of wind velocity distribution and normalized energy yield is discussed in order to formulate requirements for choosing a power converter. A new topology of an interfacing converter is analyzed and simulation results of a lossless model are presented. Simulation and experimental results of the proposed converter prove that its utilization in wind power applications is beneficial.
W artykule przedstawiono nową topologię przekształtnika do sprzęgania instalacji domowych z turbiną wiatrową o zmiennej prędkości zbudowaną na bazie generatora synchronicznego z magnesami trwałymi. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiona została teoria przetwarzania energii wiatru. Następnie w celu sformułowania wymagań dotyczących wyboru mocy przekształtnika omówiono przykład rozkładu prędkości wiatru i znormalizowaną wydajność energetyczną. Nowa topologia przekształtnika sprzęgającego jest analizowana i symulowana przy założeniu modeli bezstratnych. Wyniki badań symulacyjnych i eksperymentalnych proponowanego przekształtnika udowodniły, że jego zastosowanie w elektrowniach wiatrowych jest korzystne.
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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of the TSMP-assisted Digisonde (TaD) topside profiling technique. We present systematic comparisons between electron density profiles and TEC parameters extracted from TaD model with (a) CHAMP-derived TEC parameters, (b) CHAMP reconstructed profiles, (c) ground based GPSderived TEC parameters, and (d) profiles reconstructed from RPI/ IMAGE plasmagrams. In all cases, TaD follows the general trend of plasmaspheric observations derived from the above datasets. Especially during storm cases, TaD shows remarkable agreement with the variations of the ground based GPS-derived TEC parameters. Overall, the comparison results shows that TaD method can be adopted by EURIPOS to provide the electron density distribution up to plasmaspheric heights in real-time.
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We apply a model-assisted technique to construct the topside electron density profile based on Digisonde measurements. This technique uses the Topside Sounder Model (TSM), which provides the plasma scale height, O+-H+ transition height, and their ratio Rt = HT/hT, derived from topside sounder data of Alouette and ISIS satellites. The Topside Sounder Model Profiler (TSMP) incorporates TSM and uses the model quantities as anchor points for the construction of topside density profiles. TSMP provides its model ratios with transition height and plasmaspheric scale height. The analysis carried out indicates that Digisonde derived F-region topside scale height Hm is systematically lower than one derived from topside sounder profiles. To construct topside profiles by using Hm, a correction factor of around 3 is needed to multiply the neutral scale height in the ?-Chapman formula. It was found that the plasmaspheric scale height strongly depends on latitude and its ratio with the F-region scale height expresses large day-to-day variability.
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