A revision of a major part of the old collections of Upper Devonian goniatites from the Holy Cross Mts., collected by J. Czarnocki, H. Makowski and M. Różkowska, is presented. Described and illustrated are 26 species and subspecies belonging to 20 genera and subgenera and 9 families. Studied and illustrated for the first time are 35 suture lines and 15 growth lines. Conodonts, mostly collected from the parent rocks of the studied goniatites, allow for a more precise correlation of these goniatites with standard ammonoid and conodont zonations. The museum collections studied incude specimens mostly of all standard Upper Frasnian through Famennian ammonoid zonations, but the precise zonal boundaries could not be established. Goniatite assemblages from the Płucki and Janczyce sections correspond to the linguiformis and Upper crepida conodont zones, respectively. Moreover, four conodont zones have been distinguished in the Łagów (Dule) section: Upper crepida/rhomboidea, Lower marginifera, Lower/Upper marginifera and trachytera zones. This last zone has been recognised here for the first time.
Przedstawiono sylwetki i dorobek naukowy wybitnych rosyjskich badaczy Dymitra N. Sobolewa (1872–1949) i Nikołaja J. Krisztafowicza (1866–1941), którzy przez 20 lat pracowali na rzecz polskiej geologii i w znacznym stopniu przyczynili się do rozpoznania budowy geologicznej Polski. Ich naukowe osiągnięcia w dużej mierze były związane z ich nauczycielami akademickimi a jednocześnie kolegami: Aleksandrem J. Lagorio (1852–1922), petrografem i mineralogiem, Włodzimierzem P. Amalickim (1860–1917), geologiem i paleontologiem oraz Wasilijem W. Dokuczajewem (1846–1903), geologiem i gleboznawcą.
The paper presents vitas of two famous Russian scholars: Dymitr N. Sobolew (1872–1949) and Nikołaj J. Krisztafowicz (1866–1941), who worked 20 years in Poland and produced a more complete understanding of country’s geological structure. Their scientific contributions were closely connected with their preceptors and fellow workers: petrographer and mineralogist Aleksandr J. Lagorio (1852–1922), geologist and paleontologist Włodzimierz P. Amalicki (1860–1917), and geologist and soil scientist Wasilij W. Dokuczajew (1846–1903).
The paper presents a new interpretation of the geological structure and stratigraphy of the Devonian in the Świętomarz–Śniadka section. The uppermost Śniadka Formation (equivalent to the Nieczulice Formation), was described previously from the northern part of the section between exposures of the sandstones and shales of the Świętomarz Formation. The present study revealed the presence in the mentioned area of Sitka Coral-Crinoid Limestone Member and the Sierżawy Member, referable to the Skały Formation. Black, thin-bedded limestones, occurring here, were assigned to the upper part of the Sierżawy Member. Conodont assemblages indicate that the Sitka Coral-Crinoid Limestone Member corresponds to the hemiansatus Zone, whereas most of the Sierżawy Member represents the timorensis – rhenanus/varcus zones. The presence of the North American species Icriodus janaea is documented for the first time in Poland. Clay shales and marls with Maenioceras terebratum are considered to be the uppermost part of the Sierżawy Member. These stratigraphic data are the basis for a new interpretation of the geological structure of the Bodzentyn Syncline.
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Five species of the Late Famennian family Balviinae korn 2002, Effenbergia lens korn, 1992, E. minutula korn, 1992, Kenseyoceras nucleus (schmidt, 1924), K. biforme (schindewolf, 1937), and Balvia globularis (schmidt, 1924), are described from the Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland. The material comes from the "Wocklumeria Beds" of the kowala, ostrówka and Besówka sections, possibly from the Effenbergia lens - Parawocklumeria paradoxa zones and from the upper part of the Wocklumeria sphaeroides Zone - Epiwocklumeria applanata subzone of the Late Famennian.
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The conodont fauna and conodont-based biostratigraphy of a part of the Devonian succession of the Ściegnia section (Łysogóry region, Góry Świętokrzyskie Mountains [Holy Cross Mountains]) are discussed. The studied strata are composed of rhythmically bedded black shales and marly shales with intercalations of marly and coarse-grained limestones. They overlie the shales and sandstones of the Świętomarz beds. This part of the shale-marly succession of the Ściegnia section represents the lower part of Nieczulice beds of the Devonian informal lithostratigraphical scheme for the northern region of the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The conodont assemblages indicate that the studied sequence ranges from the upper part of the Lower varcus conodont Zone to the Middle varcus conodont Zone of the Givetian.
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