Otaczający nas świat postrzegamy za pomocą różnych zmysłów. Kiedy nie chcemy na coś patrzeć zamykamy oczy lub odwracamy wzrok. Odizolowanie się od świata dźwięków nie jest już takie proste. Można zatem powiedzieć, że dźwięki oddziaływają na nasz organizm przez cały czas, niezależnie od naszej woli. Nie znaczy to, że zawsze je słyszymy, np. nie odbieramy ich świadomie w czasie snu, czy w aktach podniecenia wywołanych bodźcami innymi niż dźwięki.
Wzrost poziomu hałasu środowiskowego na świecie i w Polsce powoduje zwiększanie społecznego zainteresowania i świadomości o istniejącym zagrożeniu hałasowym oraz zmusza służby publiczne do szeroko rozumianej akcji "walki z hałasem".
This paper aims to prove that the basic function of audition is similar to the function of vision. Both perceptual faculties provide us with information about objects in an environment. Vision helps to extract information from electromagnetic waves and audition extracts it from acoustic waves. The auditory recognition of objects in an environment is a complex task. It cannot be accomplished in a one-level process. Inspired by Marr's proposal, we postulate that auditory information extracted from natural (environmental) sounds is processed on three levels. These are: the level of acoustic audition, the level of auditory spacing (the localization and distance of a sound source), and the level of auditory recognition of an object's properties (such as its motion, weight, size, form or material). The assumption that the auditory system performs different tasks on each level needs empirical support. We designed and performed experiments to test some of these processes. The first experiment investigated the perception of 'auditory contours'. In the second the auditory estimation of differential mass thresholds was examined. In the third experiment, the auditory perception of the velocity of a moving sound source was studied. In consequence, the differential velocity thresholds of the sound source were identified.
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SineWave Synthesis, (SWS), allows a significant reduction of the information carried by a speech signal representing by the dynamic spectral properties of formants selected from the natural speech. The synthesis rejects all the detailed acoustic information carried by a signal, including the fundamental frequency as well as harmonic and noise components. Regardless of the impressive information reduction (the compression coefficient for 3-tone synthesis reaches even 195:1), the linguistic and extra-linguistic information of a signal are to a large extend preserved. For the first time, a modified version of SWS was used to analyze Polish speech in order to evaluate the relationship between data reduction and the intelligibility of speech. Speech intelligibility was tested in different utterances varying in grammatical structure, linguistic information, and duration. The modified SWS method, elaborated in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, provided noticeably better results for Polish speech than the original method elaborated in late 1970s at Haskins Laboratories.
The aim of the study was to investigate how the time structure of a road-traffic affects the noise annoyance judgment. In a psychoacoustic experiment, the listeners judged noise annoyance of four road-traffic noise scenarios with identical numbers of vehicles and LAeq;T value but different time structure of a road traffic. The traffic structure varied from even to highly clustered across different scenarios. The scenarios were created in the laboratory from a large set of a single vehicle passby recordings. The scenarios were additionally filtered with filters corresponding to a typical window transfer function to simulate the situation inside the building. The experimental results showed that there is a significant difference in annoyance judgment for different traffic structures with the same LAeq;T value. The highest annoyance ratings were obtained for even traffic distribution and the most clustered distribution resulted in the lowest annoyance rating. These results correlated well with the averaged loudness, whereas the percentile loudness (N5) and level (L5) predict the opposite results.
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Turbiny wiatrowe zamieniają energie wiatru na energie elektryczna. Pisze się i mówi, że elektrownie wiatrowe to „czyste źródła” energii elektrycznej. Jest to prawda, ale tylko połowiczna: faktycznie nie produkują one żadnych związków chemicznych (np. dwutlenku węgla lub metanu), które byłyby szkodliwe dla człowieka i biosfery. Turbina wiatrowa generuje jednak hałas – szczególny rodzaj fal akustycznych. Hałas nie wywiera zgubnego wpływu na stabilność biosfery i nie zagraża przyszłości gatunku ludzkiego, lecz już teraz degraduje życie milionom ludzi w Polsce i na całym świecie.
Annoyance ratings for artificially created noises, resembling the main characteristics of temporal wind turbine noise, were studied by means of a listening experiment involving 21 participants with normal hearing. Three types of stimuli were examined: broadband noise (−4 dB/octave), noise generated by moving cars, and narrowband noise. All stimuli had the sound level fluctuations typical for wind turbine noise. The magnitude of the sound level fluctuations was measured in a quantitative way, by using the characteristics of amplitude modulated sound: modulation rate and modulation depth. Our aim was to examine how the modulation rate and the modulation depth influence the noise annoyance assessment of broadband and narrowband amplitude modulated noises. Three different modulation rates, 1, 2 and 4 Hz, and sound level fluctuations (a measure of the modulation depth), 3, 6, 9 dB, were applied to each type of stimuli (with exception of noise generated by the moving cars) and investigated. The participants in the listening experiment were presented with sound stimuli in laboratory conditions and asked to rate their annoyance on a numerical scale. The results have shown a significant difference between the investigated conditions. The effect was particularly strong between the annoyance judgments of different types of noise (narrow and broadband), and modulated versus unmodulated noises. Temporal fluctuations occurring in wind turbine noise are very pertinent to the perception of annoyance and could be responsible for its being a relatively annoying noise source. The obtained results were discussed and compared to the typical modulation rates and level changes that occur in recordings of real wind turbine noise.
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The annoyance of three different sound sources was evaluated in a psychoacoustic experiment. An objective analysis of the stimuli used in the experiment has shown that calculated loudness was responsible for equally annoying pairs of different sound sources. Based on the loudness calculations and annoyance ratings, a "tram bonus" of 3 dB was found in comparison to the bus sound source. In addition, it was found that loudness explains the annoyance results when the LpA max is larger than 74.5 dB(A). With sound levels smaller than 74.5 dB(A) sharpness and roughness contribute to annoyance judgments.
The present study consisted of two experiments. The goal of the first experiment was to establish the just noticeable differences for the fundamental frequency of the vowel /u/ by using the 2AFC method. We obtained the threshold value for 27 cents. This value is larger than the motor reaction values which had been observed in previous experiments (e.g. 9 or 19 cents). The second experiment was intended to provide neurophysiological confirmation of the detection of shifts in a frequency, using event-related potentials (ERPs). We concentrated on the mismatch negativity (MMN) - the component elicited by the change in the pattern of stimuli. Its occurrence is correlated with the discrimination threshold. In our study, MMN was observed for changes greater than 27 cents - shifts of ±50 and 100 cents (effect size - Cohen’s d = 2.259). MMN did not appear for changes of ±10 and 20 cents. The results showed that the values for which motor responses can be observed are indeed lower than those for perceptual thresholds.
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