Motywacją do przeprowadzenia badań, które pozwoliłyby opisać wybrane pozytywne zasoby i autentyczne przywództwo wśród polskich liderów, był ich brak w obszarze inteligencji emocjonalnej, orientacji pozytywnej i autentycznego przywództwa wśród menedżerów. W przedstawianych analizach inteligencja emocjonalna i orientacja pozytywna rozumiane są jako pozytywne zasoby osobiste lidera, z których pierwsza dotyczy umiejętności rozpoznawania, kontrolowania i wykorzystywania informacji emocjonalnych w myśleniu i działaniu, a druga – obejmuje sądy o sobie, swoim życiu i przyszłości. Badanie, poza pierwszym opisem grupy menedżerów, zostało zaprojektowane, by sprawdzić przypuszczalny związek wskazanych zasobów osobistych z przywództwem autentycznym – procesem, który odwołuje się do pozytywnych zasobów lidera i jednocześnie – do wysoko rozwiniętego kontekstu organizacyjnego. Autentyczny przywódca poprzez wpływanie na samoświadomość i pozytywne zachowania stymuluje rozwój zarówno swój, jak i swoich współpracowników. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o tym, że zarówno inteligencja emocjonalna, jak i orientacja pozytywna jest związana ze wszystkimi wymiarami autentycznego przywództwa (samoświadomością, transparentnością, otwartością na informacje i etycznością/moralnością). Oznacza to, że zasoby osobiste przywódcy mają związek z jego autentycznymi postawami i zachowaniami.
The impulse behind this research, making possible a description of selected positive resources and authentic leadership among Polish leaders, was its deficiency in the area of emotional intelligence, positive orientation, and authentic leadership among managers. The presented analyses understand emotional intelligence and positive orientation as being among the personal assets of a leader. The former applies to skills in identifying, controlling, and utilizing emotional information in thinking and acting. The latter encompasses judgments about oneself, one’s life, and the future. Apart from being the first such description of a group of managers, the research was designed so as to investigate the presumed link between the indicated personal resources and authentic leadership, a process making reference to a leader’s positive assets and simultaneously to the highly developed organizational context. By influencing self–awareness and positive behavior, authentic leadership stimulates development in oneself and one’s colleagues. The received results bear witness to the fact that both emotional intelligence and a positive orientation are connected to all the dimensions of authentic leadership—self–awareness, transparency, openness to information, and ethics and morality. This means that a leader’s personal resources are linked with authentic stances and behavior.
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The aim of the present study was to investigate which musical emotions and associations appeared while listening to leitmotifs in film music. A sample of 157 participants took part in the study, in which musical associations and emotions were analysed in relation to seven groups of musical themes from The Lord of the Rings films (LOTR). The LOTR soundtrack is a good example of the use of symbols in music to represent ideas, characters, etc. The results show that both the respondents’ associations and the musical emotions they experienced were related to the characteristics of musical motifs. The results are discussed in relation to the assumed features of musical motifs composed by Howard Shore.
It is said that the efficacy of management depends, among other things, on the ability to effectively use different types of social influence (Yukl 2006: 145; Kożusznik 2015). The article focuses on the problem of social influence in organization, being an attempt to present the preferences of younger and older managers for using different tactics of influence as well as shared and authentic leadership. A group of 100 managers from Upper Silesia took part in the study. The results show that age has an impact on the frequency of using particular influence tactics, but does not differentiate the managers in terms of leadership styles. Moreover, the association between influence tactics and leadership styles was investigated and a set of relations between them was confirmed.
Organizacje, które swoje funkcjonowanie oparły na działaniu zespołów, osiągają wyższą efektywność i lepiej radzą sobie z rozwiązywaniem problemów. Istotne znaczenie ma klimat pracy, który determinuje chęć członków do współpracy zarówno na rzecz realizacji zadań, jak i wzajemnego wsparcia (por. Edmondson, 1999; Huang i wsp., 2014; Zohar, Luria, 2005). Celem badań jest określenie związków między zasobami osobistymi w postaci orientacji pozytywnej i prężności psychicznej a psychologicznym klimatem bezpieczeństwa w zespole oraz wydajnością w pracy. Analiza statystyczna potwierdziła pozytywne związki wszystkich zmiennych w modelu oraz ujawniła, że orientacja pozytywna i prężność psychiczna stanowią istotne statystycznie predyktory wydajności, a także że psychologiczny klimat bezpieczeństwa w zespole pełni rolę częściowego mediatora w tej relacji.
Organizations that have based their functioning on teamwork achieve higher effectivity and are better at resolving problems. Work climate is of great importance as it determines employee willingness to work in a team both to accomplish tasks and for mutual support (compare with Edmondson, 1999; Huang et al., 2013; Zohar and Luria, 2005). The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between personal resources (in the form of positive orientation and resiliency), psychological team safety climate, and job performance. Statistical analysis has confirmed positive correlations among all variables in the model. Positive orientation and psychological resilience are significant predictors of efficiency as well as the psychological safety climate in the team, which serve as a partial mediator in this relationship.
Over the past decade work engagement has gained both business and academia attention. With growing number of studies and meta-analyses the concept of work engagement is one of the pillars of positive work and organizational psychology. This systematic review presents the current state of research on work engagement in Poland. Results confirmed that work-engagement studies have not yet reached the threshold to conduct meta-analysis. The review of measurement methods and synthesis of findings allows to identify strengths and gaps in Polish studies. Discussion of limitations and biases in current research is accompanied with urge to overcome them and develop thriving stream of research on work engagement.
Power in organizations creates interpersonal settings and lays the ground for designating individual roles and positions of superiors and subordinates. In such a context, influence tactics are situation-specific behaviors used to change the behavior of others and achieve organizational goals. The notion that power and influence can be based on personal or positional variables was used to design the framework of the present studies intended to describe how trait- and state-like variables are related to influence tactics and deinfluentization. The subjects were 250 Polish managers. Study 1 (n = 250) was undertaken to collect data about the influence tactics of Polish managers to fill the void in information in the field of social psychology in organizations. In Study 2 (n = 104) we correlated influence tactics with the personal sense of power. The results proved that the perception of having the ability to exert power over others was positively related to rational persuasion, apprising, and pressure. In Study 3 (n = 69) we investigated the relationships of influence tactics and deinfluentization with the Big Five and directiveness. The results showed that Neuroticism was positively correlated with pressure, legitimating, and coalition, but negatively with rational persuasion and consultation. Extraversion was positively correlated with rational persuasion, so was Conscientiousness. Agreeableness was negatively related to coalition. Directiveness was in a positive relation with pressure but correlated negatively with personal appeals. Deinfluentization positively correlated with Agreeableness and negatively with directiveness.
Humiliation at work is a dangerous and, at the same time, poorly understood phenomenon. It is associated with an asymmetry of power, which induces in the humiliated person a feeling of having a lesser value and being inferior. It manifests itself as an internal event (judgment and emotions), an external event (an act of violence) or systemic social conditions (poverty and discrimination). Experiencing humiliation has negative consequences both when an individual becomes a subject and a witness of a humiliating event. These consequences concern many areas of an individual’s life and functioning within an organization. The article discusses the relationship between humiliation at the organizational level and work pathologies such as mobbing, intimidation, bullying, or harassment. Their purpose and effect is to humiliate an individual or a group of people, and since humiliation is associated with a sense of injustice and a desire for revenge, it often permanently disrupts the relationship between the parties and observers of such behaviors. Despite its individual and social significance, the phenomenon of humiliation is still a gap in the consideration of a healthy working environment and the relationship between people employed in the organization. Unlike in foreign literature, the phenomenon of humiliation is not a frequent subject of consideration in Polish studies, although interest has increased in recent years. The article proposes definitions of this phenomenon from 3 research perspectives, along with presenting selected concepts concerning the nature of this phenomenon and reports from research on the consequences of humiliating behavior at work, from the point of view of both an individual and an organization.
Upokorzenie w pracy to zjawisko niebezpieczne, ale słabo poznane. Wiąże się z asymetrią władzy. U osoby upokorzonej skutkuje poczuciem mniejszej wartości i bycia gorszym. Przejawia się jako zdarzenie wewnętrzne (sądy i emocje), zewnętrzne (akt przemocy) lub systemowe warunki społeczne (bieda i dyskryminacja). Doświadczanie upokorzenia niesie negatywne konsekwencje, gdy jednostka staje się zarówno podmiotem upokarzającego zdarzenia, jak i jego świadkiem. Konsekwencje te dotyczą wielu obszarów życia jednostki i funkcjonowania w organizacji. Artykuł ten omawia związek upokorzenia na poziomie organizacyjnym z patologiami pracy, takimi jak mobbing, zastraszanie, znęcanie się czy molestowanie. Ich celem oraz skutkiem jest upokorzenie jednostki lub grupy osób, a ponieważ upokorzenie wiąże się z poczuciem niesprawiedliwości i chęcią zemsty, często trwale zaburza relacje pomiędzy stronami i obserwatorami takich zachowań. Zjawisko upokorzenia – mimo swej jednostkowej i społecznej istotności – nadal rzadko pojawia się w rozważaniach o zdrowym środowisku pracy i relacjach między osobami zatrudnionymi w organizacji. W literaturze polskiej, w przeciwieństwie do literatury zagranicznej, zjawisko upokorzenia nie jest opisywane często, choć zainteresowanie nim w ostatnich latach wzrosło. Autorzy artykułu proponują definicję tego zjawiska z 3 perspektyw badawczych, przedstawiają wybrane koncepcje dotyczące jego natury oraz doniesienia z badań nad konsekwencjami zachowań upokarzających w pracy z punktu widzenia jednostki i organizacji.
Objectives The aim of the present study was to explore whether remote and on-site work stress during the COVID-19 pandemic was experienced with different severity. The second goal was to investigate stress conditions at both working modes. Material and Methods The study involved 946 individuals working in the education system and BSS sector in different Polish organizations. The following tools were used: the Brief Scale of Vocational Stress by Dudek and Hauk, the Polish version of the scales to measure work–family conflicts by Grzywacz, Frone, Brewer and Kovner, Meyer and Allen’s Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment Scales in the Polish adaptation by Bańka, Wołowska and Bazińska, the Satisfaction with Job Scale by Zalewska. Results The analysis of intergroup differences revealed that remote work stress severity was significantly lower than on-site work stress severity. The regression analyses proved that work–family conflict and job satisfaction were significant predictors of remote and on-site work stress. Continuance commitment positively predicted on-site work stress. Both models turned out to be statistically significant. The variables included in the models explained 39% and 35% of the variability of the remote work and on-site work stress, respectively. Conclusions Remote work is associated with lower stress severity than on-site work. For both types of work, the higher the level of work–family conflict, the higher the level of stress severity, but the higher the job satisfaction, the lower the stress severity. Continuance commitment is positively related to on-site stress, which means that people who work for an organization and see no alternative feel more stressed. Such an effect was observed only in the case of on-site work. The study findings are discussed in light of previous research, and implications for organizational practice are considered. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2023;36(1):96–111
Focus on achieving better results requires the participation of employees in an effort to objectives and involvement in the search for innovation and develop adaptability (Chwalibóg 2013). The aim of the re- search is to present how age differentiate the level of organizational citizenship behaviors and behaviors based on the regulation of impact and deinfluentization. Results of statistical analysis confirmed the differences of the level of organizational citizenship behaviors and behaviors based on the regulation of impact and deinfluentization among employees in various age. Conducted analysis might be helpful for further research on the importance of social factors for the growth of the organization’s efficiency.
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