This paper describes how fuzzy based STATCOM was used to improve the small signal stability of Tis Abay II electric power generation. Tis Abay II is a power generation facility in Ethiopia, located in the Bahir Dar Amhara region, with a nominal apparent power generating capacity of 40MVA. The oscillating nature of a rotating machine, the imbalance of load and generation, the presence of exciter and compensator, and the occurrence of faults all contribute to the disruption on an interconnected power network. The frequency oscillation of the existing plant was evaluated in the absence of a power system stabilizer (PSS) and an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC). The proposed system network configuration was used to fine-tune the mathematical analysis of synchronous machine data and model. The proposed model incorporates SMIB system modeling and an AFLC. MATLAB Simulink was used to simulate the effect of the PSS and AFLC on rotor speed, angle, and electrical torque. The proposed system's power system dynamic stability was improved using a PSS and a fuzzy logic-based STATCOM. According to the simulation results, FLCbased STATCOM is best suited for improving the dynamic stability of Tis Abay II power generation.
W tym artykule opisano, w jaki sposób STATCOM oparty na rozmyciu został wykorzystany do poprawy stabilności małych sygnałów w wytwarzaniu energii elektrycznej Tis Abay II. Tis Abay II to zakład energetyczny w Etiopii, położony w regionie Bahir Dar Amhara, o nominalnej mocy pozornej wytwarzania 40MVA. Oscylacyjny charakter maszyny wirującej, niezrównoważenie obciążenia i generacji, obecność wzbudnicy i kompensatora oraz występowanie usterek przyczyniają się do zakłóceń w połączonej sieci energetycznej. Oscylacje częstotliwości istniejącej elektrowni zostały ocenione przy braku stabilizatora systemu elektroenergetycznego (PSS) i adaptacyjnego sterownika logiki rozmytej (AFLC). Zaproponowana konfiguracja sieci systemu została wykorzystana do dostrojenia analizy matematycznej danych i modelu maszyny synchronicznej. Proponowany model obejmuje modelowanie systemu SMIB i AFLC. MATLAB Simulink wykorzystano do symulacji wpływu PSS i AFLC na prędkość wirnika, kąt i moment elektryczny. Stabilność dynamiczna systemu elektroenergetycznego proponowanego systemu została poprawiona za pomocą PSS i STATCOM opartego na logice rozmytej. Zgodnie z wynikami symulacji, STATCOM oparty na FLC najlepiej nadaje się do poprawy dynamicznej stabilności generacji Tis Abay II.
In recent years, power systems have been pushed to operate above their limits due to the increase in the demand for energy supply and its usage. This increase is accompanied by various kinds of obstructions in power transmission systems. A power system is said to be secured when it is free from danger or risk. Power systems security deals with the ability of the system to withstand any contingencies without any consequences. Contingencies are potentially harmful disturbances which occur during the steady state operation of a power system. Load flow constitutes the most important study in a power system for planning, operation, and expansion. Contingency selection is performed by calculating two kinds of performance indices; an active performance index (PIP) and reactive power performance index (PIV) for a single transmission line outage. In this paper, with the help of the Newton Raphson method, the PIP and PIV were calculated with DIgSILENT Power Factory simulation software and contingency ranking was performed. Based on the load flow results and performance indexes, the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) North-West region network is recommended for an upgrade or the reactive power or series compensators should be constructed on the riskiest lines and substations.
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