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Content available Wizerunek mężczyzny w nazwach wódek
Wstęp i cel: Analizie poddane zostaną nazwy wódek polskich i z krajów byłego Związku radzieckiego (Rosji, Białorusi, Ukrainy, Kirgizji, Kazachstanu) bezpośrednio wskazujące na adresata płci męskiej oraz z „męskimi treściami”. Artykuł jest próbą analizy wizerunku mężczyzny zawartego w nazwach wódek z uwzględnieniem podobieństw i różnic kulturowych. Materiał i metody: Realizacja celu badawczego będzie możliwa dzięki bogatemu materiałowi językowemu (688 przykładów) ilustrującemu nazewnictwo wódek na tak szerokim obszarze. Materiał do analizy zbierany był ze stron internetowych producentów wódek, portalu Międzynarodowego Konkursu Degustacyjnego „Лучшая водка года” oraz z branżowych katalogów on-line „Vodka Premium”. W analizie zastosowano językowo-kulturowe podejście. Wyniki: Przedstawiony w pracy materiał może być wykorzystywany w dalszych opracowaniach ogólnych i szczegółowych problemów z dziedziny semantyki i słownych znaków towarowych, przy opracowywaniu kursów specjalistycznych z zakresu znaków towarowych i nazewnictwa marketingowego oraz przy tworzeniu znaków towarowych, w szczególności napojów alkoholowych. Można go wykorzystać również w procesie nauczania języka rosyjskiego dorosłych. Podstawą tego pomysłu jest fakt, że język poprzez utrwalenie w sobie doświadczeń społecznych jest swoistą skarbnicą kultury. Alkohol zaś jest produktem, którego znaczenia jako czynnika kulturotwórczego w dziejach ludzkości nie sposób przecenić. Wnioski: Niezależnie od kraju pochodzenia z nazw wódek wyłania się pozytywny obraz mężczyzny. Wizerunek ten odpowiada pojęciu „prawdziwego mężczyzny” z takimi cechami, jak: sprawność fizyczna, wewnętrzna siła, pewność siebie, władza, męstwo, odwaga, odpowiedzialność, walka o słuszną sprawę, w obronie wyższych wartości itd. Odnaleziono również nazwy wódek ze wskazaniem na męskie rozrywki i sposób odpoczynku, który często nawiązuje do sportu, wędkowania, polowań. Znamienne jest, że w nazwach dotyczących odpoczynku ujawniły się różnice między Polską i pozostałymi krajami, z których nazwy wódek dużo bardziej eksponują takie formy spędzania czasu jak polowanie i łowienie ryb, chociaż myślistwo i wędkarstwo mają długą tradycję również w Polsce. Nieliczne, acz zauważalne nazwy wskazują na zainteresowania erotyczne i sprawność seksualną.
Introduction and aim: The names of Polish vodkas and from the countries of the former Soviet Union (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) will be analyzed directly indicating the male addressee and the “male content”. The article is an attempt to analyze the image of a man included in the names of vodkas, taking into account similarities and cultural differences. Material and methods: The implementation of the intended research goal will be possible thanks to the rich language material (688 examples) illustrating the naming of vodkas in such a wide area: Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan. The material for analysis was collected from the websites of vodka producers, the portal of the International Tastes Competition “Лучшая водка года” and from the on-line catalogs “Vodka Premium”. The analysis uses a linguistic-cultural approach. Results: The material presented in the work can be used in further general and specific studies in the field of semantics and verbal trademarks. The results can be used in the development of specialist courses in the field of trademarks and marketing naming. In addition, the material can be used in the creation of trademarks, in particular alcoholic beverages. It can also be used in the process of teaching Russian to adults (due to the specificity of the product). The basis of this idea is the fact that language, by consolidating social experiences in itself, is a kind of cultural treasure. Alcohol is a product whose importance as a culture-creating factor in the history of mankind can not be overestimated. Conclusions: Regardless of the country of origin, a positive image of a man emerges from the names of vodka. This image corresponds to the concept of a “real man” with such features as: physical fitness, inner strength, self-confidence, power, bravery, courage, responsibility, fight for a just cause, in defence higher values, etc. The names of vodka have also been found with an indication of men's entertainment and rest, which often refers to sport, fishing, hunting. It is significant that the names referring to rest revealed differences between Poland and other countries, from which the names of vodkas much more exposed such forms of spending time as hunting and fishing, although hunting and fishing have a long tradition also in Poland. Few, though noticeable names indicate erotic interest and sexual performance.
Wstęp i cel: Poprzez odpowiedni design i nazwę producenci alkoholi chcą pozyskać zaufanie konsumentek, wpłynąć na ich wybory, najlepiej dokonywane automatycznie bez dokładnej analizy informacji o produkcie. Artykuł to próba prześledzenia tendencji w nazewnictwie wódek kobiecych na świecie, zwłaszcza w Rosji. Wódka to specyficzny produkt i możliwości poszukiwania przez konsumenta informacji, na podstawie których dokona on oceny i podejmie decyzje o zakupie, są ograniczone. Materiał i metody: Materiał badawczy ekscerpowany został ze stron internetowych producentów wódek, reklam zamieszczonych w Internecie, stron firm brandingowych, zajmujących się wprowadzeniem marek na rynek, portali poświęconych ocenianiu i rankingowaniu alkoholi. Artykuł jest próbą analizy nazw oraz designu wódek dla kobiet. Wyniki: Wódki dla kobiet prezentowane są z reguły jako produkt modny, stylowy i atrakcyjny. Niektóre łączą ekskluzywność, klubowy styl życia, subtelną kobiecość. Wniosek: Niezależnie od kraju pochodzenia adresatem damskiej wódki są kobiety wyzwolone, świadome swojej wartości, wiedzące, czego w życiu pragną, lubiące rozrywkę, chcące wyglądać modnie, nowocześnie. Słowa wykorzystane w nazewnictwie oraz elementy wzornictwa mogą kojarzyć się z seksualnym fetyszem, np. zmysłowy gorset, szpilki.
Introduction and aim: Through proper design and the name of the manufacture of spirits want to gain confidence as consumers, to influence their choices, it is best done automatically without a thorough analysis of the information about the product. Article is an attempt to trace the trend in the naming of vodka women in the world and in Russia. Vodka is a unique product and the consumer’s ability to explore the information on the basis of which it will assess and decide on the purchase, are limited. Material and methods: The research material was taken from websites vodka producers, advertisements published on the Internet, web branding companies, dealing with the introduction of brands on the market, portals dedicated to assessing and alcohols ranking. This article is an attempt to analyze and design the names of vodka for women. Results: Vodka for women are usually presented as a product of fashionable, stylish and attractive. Some combine exclusivity, club lifestyle, subtle femininity. Conclusion: Regardless of country of origin addressed women’s spirits are liberated women, aware of their values, knowing what you want in life, who like entertainment, wanting to look fashionable and modern. The words used in the naming and design elements can be associated with a sexual fetish, e.g. sensual corset, stiletto heels.
Desmopressin (DDAVP) action on platelets is associated with the development of procoagulant response but the underlying mechanism of this phenomenon is not known. We investigated whether this effect of DDAVP might be due to activation of plasma membrane Na+ /H+ exchanger. The DDAVP-induced platelet procoagulant re­sponse, measured as phospholipid-dependent thrombin generation, was dose de­pendent and significantly weaker than that produced by collagen or monensin (mim­ics Na+ /H+ antiport). Both the DDAVP- and collagen-produced procoagulant re­sponses were less pronounced in the presence of EIPA, an Na+/H+ exchanger inhibi­tor. Flow cytometry studies revealed that in vitro treatment of platelets with DDAVP or collagen was associated with the appearance of both degranulated (and frag­mented) and swollen cells. The DDAVP-evoked rise in size and granularity heteroge­neity was similar to that produced by collagen or monensin and was not observed in the presence of EIPA. Using flow cytometry and annexin V-FITC as a probe for phosphatidylserine (PS) we demonstrated increased and uniform binding of this marker to all subsets of DDAVP-treated platelet population. The DDAVP-evoked PS expression was dose dependent, strongly reduced by EIPA and weaker than that caused by monensin or collagen. As judged by optical swelling assay, DDAVP in a dose dependent manner produced a rise in platelet volume. The swelling was inhib­ited by EIPA and its kinetics was similar to that observed in the presence of monensin. Electronic cell-sizing measurements showed an increase in mean platelet volume and a decrease in platelet count and platelet crit upon treatment with DDAVP. DDAVP elicited a slow (much slower than collagen) alkalinization of platelet cytosol. Altogether the data indicate an involvement of Na+/H+ exchanger in the generation of procoagulant activity in DDAVP-treated platelets.
ε-Aminocaproic acid (EACA) is a synthetic low molecular drug with antifibrinolytic activity. However, treatment with this drug can be incidentally associated with an in­creased thrombotic tendency. The aim of the present work was to test synthetic EACA derivatives for their antiplatelet activities. We investigated the effect of three EACA derivatives with antifibrinolytic activity: I. ε-aminocaproyl-L-leucine hydro­chloride (HCl*H-EACA-L-Leu-OH), II. ε-aminocaproyl-L-(S-benzyl)-cysteine hydrochlo­ride (HCl*H-EACA-L-Cys(S-Bzl)-OH) and III. ε-aminocaproyl-L-norleucine (H-EACA-L-Nle-OH) on platelet responses (aggregation and adhesion) and on their in­tegrity. It was found that: 1. as judged by LDH release test, none of the tested com­pounds, up to 20 mM, was toxic to platelets, 2. in comparison with EACA, all the syn­thetic derivatives inhibited much stronger the ADP- and collagen-induced aggrega­tion of platelets suspended in plasma (platelet rich plasma) and aggregation of these cells in whole blood, 3. EACA and its derivatives exerted a similar inhibitory effect on the thrombin-induced adhesion of platelets to fibrinogen-coated surfaces. Since platelet activation and blood coagulation are tightly associated processes, the antiplatelet properties of EACA derivatives are expected to indicate reduced throm- botic properties of these derivatives compared to EACA.
This study was undertaken to evaluate whether a link exists between the activation of protein kinase C (PKC), operation of Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE), cell swelling and serotonin (5-HT) secretion in porcine platelets. Activation of platelets by thrombin or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a PKC activator, initiated a rapid rise in the activity of Na+/H+ exchanger and secretion of 5-HT. Both thrombin- and PMA-evoked activation of Na+/H+ exchanger was less pronounced in the presence of ethyl-isopropyl-amiloride (EIPA), an NHE inhibitor, and by GF 109203X, a PKC inhibitor. Monensin (simulating the action of NHE) caused a dose-dependent release of 5-HT that was not abolished by GF 109203X or EGTA. Lack of Na+ in the suspending medium reduced thrombin-, PMA-, and monensin-evoked 5-HT secretion. GF 109203X nearly completely inhibited 5-HT release induced by PMA-, partly that induced by thrombin, and had no effect on 5-HT release induced by monensin. EIPA partly inhibited 5-HT release induced by thrombin and nearly totally that evoked by PMA. Electronic cell sizing measurements showed an increase in mean platelet volume upon treatment of cells with monensin, PMA or thrombin. The PMA- and thrombin-evoked rise in mean platelet volume was strongly reduced in the presence of EIPA. As judged by optical swelling assay monensin and PMA produced a rapid rise in platelet volume. The swelling elicited by PMA was inhibited by EIPA and its kinetics was similar to that observed in the presence of monensin. Hypoosmotically evoked platelet swelling did not affect platelet aggregation but significantly potentiated thrombin-evoked release of 5-HT and ATP. Taken together, these results show that in porcine platelets PKC may promote 5-HT secretion through the activation of NHE. It is hypothesized that enhanced Na+/H+ antiport may result in a rise in cell membrane tension (due to cell swelling) which in turn facilitates fusion of secretory granules with the plasma membrane leading to 5-HT secretion.
This study was undertaken to determine whether nitric oxide (NO) can affect platelet responses through the inhibition of energy production. It was found that NO donors: S-nitroso-.N-acetylpenicyllamine, SNAP, (5-50 uM) and sodium nitro- prusside, SNP, (5-100 uM) inhibited collagen- and ADP-induced aggregation of por­cine platelets. The corresponding IC50 values for SNAP and SNP varied from 5 to 30 uM and from 9 to 75 uM, respectively. Collagen- and thrombin-induced platelet secre­tion was inhibited by SNAP (IC50 = 50 uM) and by SNP (IC50 = 100 uM). SNAP (20-100 uM), SNP (10-200 uM) and collagen (20 ug/ml) stimulated glycolysis in in­tact platelets. The degree of glycolysis stimulation exerted by NO donors was similar to that produced by respiratory chain inhibitors (cyanide and antimycin A) or uncouplers (2,4-dinitrophenol). Neither the NO donors nor the respiratory chain blockers affected glycolysis in platelet homogenate. SNAP (20-100 uM) and SNP (50-200 uM) inhibited oxygen consumption by platelets. The effect of SNP and SNAP on glycolysis and respiration was not reduced by 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazo- lo-[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one, a selective inhibitor of NO-stimulated guanylate cyclase. SNAP (5-100 ,aM) and SNP (10-300 uM) inhibited the activity of platelet cytochrome oxidase and had no effect on NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase and succinate dehydrogenase. Blocking of the mitochondrial energy production by antimycin A slightly affected collagen-evoked aggregation and strongly inhibited platelet secre­tion. The results indicate that: 1) in porcine platelets NO is able to diminish mito- chondrial energy production through the inhibition of cytochrome oxidase, 2) the in­hibitory effect of NO on platelet secretion (but not aggregation) can be attributed to the reduction of mitochondrial energy production.
In circulation, platelets may come into contact with both exogenous (cardiac glycoside treatment) and endogenously produced inhibitors of Na+/K+-ATPase. We examined whether blocking of platelet Na+/K+-ATPase by ouabain results in generation of procoagulant activity. It was shown that an in vitro treatment of platelets with ouabain (20-200 µM for 20 to 60 min) is associated with an intracellular accumulation of sodium ([Na+]i), generation of a weak calcium signal, and expression of procoagulant activity. The ouabain-induced procoagulant response was dose- and time-related, less pronounced than that evoked by collagen and similar to that produced by gramicidin, not affected by EDTA or aspirin, and strongly reduced in the absence of extracellular Na+ or by hyperosmolality. Flow cytometry studies revealed that ouabain treatment results in a unimodal left shift in the forward and side scatter of the entire platelet population indicating morphological changes of the plasma membrane. The shift was dose related, weaker than that evoked by collagen and similar to that produced by gramicidin. Ouabain-treated platelets express phosphatidylserine (PS). The ouabain-evoked PS expression was dose- and time-dependent, weaker than that produced by collagen and similar to that evoked by gramicidin. Electronic cell sizing measurements showed a dose-dependent increase in mean platelet volume upon treatment with ouabain. Hypoosmotically-evoked platelet swelling resulted in the appearance of procoagulant activity. Thromboelastography measurements indicate that, in whole blood, nanomolar (50-1000 nM, 15 min) concentrations of ouabain significantly accelerate the rate of clot formation initiated by contact and high extracellular concentration of calcium. We conclude that inefficiently operating platelet Na+/K+-ATPase results in a rise in [Na+]i. An increase in [Na+]i and the swelling associated with it may produce PS exposure and a rise in membrane curvature leading to the generation of a procoagulant activity.
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