W pracy zaprezentowano projekt systemu antypompażowego kontroli aktywnej oparty na modelu Greitzer’a dla dmuchawy odśrodkowej. Jego istotą jest dodatkowy zawór upustowy sterowany regulatorem proporcjonalnym, a symulacja jego działania przeprowadzona w programie Simulink potwierdziła możliwość zastosowania takiego systemu dla maszyny pracującej w obszarze pompowania. Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, że zaprojektowany system tłumi oscylacje ciśnienia i pozwala na pracę maszyny w obszarze pompowania.
In this paper the active control, anti-surge system for centrifugal blower has been designed and simulated. It has been accomplished by additional blow-off valve controlled by proportional controller. System was simulated in Simulink and it shows possibility to apply this system into machine working in surge region. The results show that designed system has ability to damp pressure oscillations and provide stable working conditions of centrifugal blower.
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In this paper the method of prediction of centrifugal compressor performance curve for the purpose of surge simulation is presented. The centrifugal blower has been modeled using Greitzer model and different performance curves have been analyzed. Results show that the most commonly used third order polynomial is not always the best for modeling. Therefore a new polynomial for compressor performance curve has been proposed to enhance mathematical surge modelling with the Greitzer model.
W artykule przedstawiona została metoda przewidywania przebiegu charakterystyki sprężarki na potrzeby symulacji pompowania. Dmuchawa odśrodkowa została zamodelowana za pomoc modelu Greitzer’a i zbadane zostały różne krzywe charakterystyki. Wyniki pokazują, że najczęściej używana metoda wykorzystująca wielomian trzeciego stopnia nie zawsze jest najlepszym wyborem. Zaproponowany został zatem nowy wielomian, który pozwala poprawić dokładność matematycznego modelowania pompowania za pomocą modelu Greitzer’a.
The surge protection may be worth millions of dollars. This is typical price of a centrifugal compressor repair combined with additional cost of nonfunctionality of an industry employing it. This threat is normally secured by application of an antisurge systems. Typically they are activated at predefined working conditions when compressor mass flow rate approaches region affected by the surge. As a result those systems are vastly limiting its operational range usually by a desirable region where compressor attains large pressure ratio. Therefore, a modern antisurge systems are aiming at diminishing this tradeoff by reacting to the real pressure signal gathered at high frequency. This paper presents one of those methods employing singular spectrum analysis. This algorithm has not been widely used for this application, while it was shown herein that it may bring clear distinction between stable and nonstable working condition, even at presurge conditions. Hence in further perspective it may bring anti-surge protection quality, that was not met with another methods.
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