Opisano przyrost produkcji amoniaku w poszczególnych krajach w latach 1913-1973 oraz zależność ciśnienia od czasu: wytwarzanego gazu do syntezy amoniaku oraz pary wodnej produkowanej przez utylizację ciepła w wytwórniach amoniaku.
The growth of ammonia production in individual countries in 1913-1973 is described. Influence of time on pressure of manufactured gas destined for ammonia synthesis and of water steam produced by heat utilization in ammonia plants is also presented.
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W artykule przedstawiono projekt oświetlenia parkingu samochodowego, proponując wykorzystanie do zasilania lamp LED odnawialnych źródeł energii. Zaprojektowano rozwiązanie hybrydowe z panelami fotowoltaicznymi i generatorem napędzanym siłą wiatru. Jako magazyn energii użyto akumulatorów żelowych o podwyższonej trwałości i dużej liczbie ładowań.
The paper presents a design of car park lighting system in which it is proposed to use LED lamps powered from renewable energy sources. For this purpose, a hybrid solution was developed with photovoltaic panels and a wind power generator. As the energy storage means, gel batteries with extended service life and large number of recharging cycles were used.
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Driving unit in robots serves, through the change of input energy, programmed precise movement of mechanical movement system. At the same time, the requirements on its optimization lead to the concept of its design with transformer block (transmission), ar without this block. One of the solutions without the transformer block is the usage of the principle of bio-drives (artificial muscle). The paper gives the driving unit set on the principle of modified artificial muscle (tire). The driving unit is constructively simple, with the possibility of minimizing it into real space of the movement unit. The results confirm (linear module) that its efficiency parameters and working qualities are suitable for the construction of robots, mainly for the effectors, or the movement units with small lifts.
Robotic Rubik’s solver is an excellent example of science popularizing mechatronic device, since it combines knowledge of several technological fields including computer vision techniques, advanced numerical algorithms and control of industrial pneumatic components with popula-rity of Rubik’s cube in one resulting device. First version of solver con-structed by our department was equipped only by 2 lower grippers, resul-ting in approximately four minutes for single cube solution. Proposed paper describes not only experience gained by development of upgraded 4 gripper version but includes statistical analysis of Thistlethwait’s 45 algorithm required for solving process optimization. Mechanical design, electronics, system overview, performance and limitations of upgraded 4 gripper version are explained in detail as well.
The first mechanical construction of swivel walker is from year 1963 and it was aimed for support movement of people with disabilities. This solution was very difficult and it was main reason for purpose of electromotoric module, which facilitates movement and reduce effort of people with disabilities. Therefore further research in this area are still provided. In this paper trajectory of swivel walker with electromotoric modules is described. To analyze the tilt and trajectory structure of the walker SolidWorks software was implemented.
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In technical practice it is impossible to use conventional methods of gripping, i.e. to clamp the manipulated object while handling it. The use of the end gripping effector mechanism with unilateral gripping offers a certain solution. This article gives an overview of unilateral gripping possibilities in connection with applied physical principle of used gripping element. The article also provides a methodological framework for selecting an appropriate option for gripping a particular application.
W praktyce niemożliwe jest wykorzystanie tradycyjnych metod chwytania, np. przy manipulowaniu obiektem podczas obsługiwania. Wykorzystanie mechanizmu efektora z jednostronnym chwytaniem daje taką możliwość. W pracy dokonano przeglądu możliwości jednostronnego chwytania w połączeniu z uwzględnieniem fizycznych zasad wykorzystywanego elementu. W artykule dodatkowo podano metodologię wyboru opcji chwytania dla szczegółowych zastosowań.
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The complexity of foundry processes requires the use of modern, advanced IT tools for optimization, storage and analysis of technical data. Properties of moulding and core sands that are collected in research laboratories, manufacturers, and finally in the foundries, are not in use later on. It seems important to create a database that will allow to use the results stored, along with the possibility of searching according to set criteria, adjusted to casting practice. This paper presents part of the database named "MouldingSandDB", which allows to collect and search data for synthetic moulding sands.
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