In the history of phonology, no model of phonology (e.g. Trubetzkoy's model or Optimality Theory) has stayed for any considerable time alone on its own, i.e. without parallel models of syntax and morphology. Thus, Stampean Natural Phonology has been complemented in Europe by Natural Morphology, Natural Syntax and Natural Text Linguistics. In this way, Natural Phonology can be integrated into an overall model of Natural Linguistics. This model has been further unified by giving it the status of a preference theory and by providing functionalist epistemology and a semiotic metatheory for all of its parts, including Natural Phonology. This unity of Natural Linguistics is demonstrated with the universal preference parameters of figure vs. ground sharpening, binarity, iconicity, indexicality and the naturalness scale biuniqueness > uniqueness > ambiguity. The final argumentation focuses on the "weak claim" of universality of preferences (against the "strong claim" of innate phonological processes) by understanding universal preferences (including phonological processes) as plausible constructivist "software" strategies which are constructed in language acquisition for overcoming universal innate "hardware" problems.
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