Przedstawiono wskazówki do projektowania wstępnego, obliczeń i wymiarowania stropów. Podano propozycje dotyczące określania schematu statycznego, oszacowania grubości stropu, wyboru materiałów oraz ustalania układu sprężenia. Zwrócono uwagę na specyfikę trasowania cięgien. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie sprężenia cięgnami bez przyczepności w płaskich stropach zasługuje na rozpowszechnienie w praktyce.
The guide liner for initial designing, calculation and dimentioning of floors. The proposal of material selection and establish static scheme, floor thickness and prestressing location. The authors have stated that application of tensioned members without adhesion in that floors is worthy of widespread.
Car simulators are an extremely important tool, allowing to test drivers in an environment similar to real driving conditions. Such a research provide many useful information for designing either driver aiding systems or systems use by driver. The newest car simulator can apply accelerations to the driver which are near to real ones (up to 0.8g), they have 6 degrees of freedom and move around 10m across the hangar (in which they are kept), but high price and space needed to build such a device complicate access to such a simulator. Aim of presented article is intended to show, that relatively simple car simulator can be used in many different researches with volunteers, and how results of such a research can be used in developing active safety systems
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