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Content available Czynniki krytyczne rozwoju e-government w Polsce
tom Nr 35
Głównym celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i priorytetyzacja czynników o krytycznym znaczeniu dla rozwoju e-government w Polsce na podstawie analizy wyników badań i dokumentów przeprowadzonej za pomocą metody Desk Research. Metoda ta należy do grupy jakościowych metod badawczych i polega na analizie materiałów zastanych (dokumentów, stron WWW i innych materiałów archiwalnych). Analizie poddano następujące obszary tematyczne: wpływ informatyzacji na sprawność świadczenia e-usług w urzędach administracji publicznej, wykorzystanie platformy ePUAP, zakres korzystania z dostępnych e-usług publicznych, ograniczenia w korzystaniu z e-usług administracji publicznej, ograniczenia w świadczeniu e-usług przez jednostki administracji publicznej różnych szczebli, użyteczność informacji zamieszczanych na portalach urzędów, ustanawianie projektów i zarządzanie nimi w sektorze publicznym, obsługa informatyczna urzędów i wysokość nakładów na informatyzację.
The main objective of this article is to identify and prioritize the factors critical to the development of e-government in Poland based on the analysis of research results and documents indicated in the Introduction, carried out by the Desk Research method. This method belongs to the group of qualitative research methods and is based on the analysis of existing materials (documents, web pages and other archival materials). The analysis covered the following topics: the impact of informatization on the efficiency of e-services provision in public administration offices, the use of ePUAP platform, the range of the usage of available public e-services, restrictions on the use of e-government services, limitations in the provision of e-services by public administration entities of different levels, usefulness of the information placed on offices portals, the establishment and management of projects in public sector, IT service of offices and the amount of expenditure on informatization.
Opowiem o Konkursie Fizycznym, w którym mogą brać udział wszyscy uczniowie, ale zwyciężają wszechstronnie uzdolnieni, ciekawi świata, mający w sobie wrażliwość na piękno i do tego dobrzy fizycy.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę zmienności wybranych parametrów fizyko-chemicznych, które mogą nadawać wodzie właściwości lecznicze. Do obliczeń wykorzystano wyniki archiwalnych analiz wód z trzech ujęć Renata, Emilia, Kazimierz w Długopolu-Zdroju wykonanych w latach 1883–2007. Pod uwagę wzięto stężenie Fe2+, wolnego CO2, mineralizację oraz zawartość radonu. Do oceny dopuszczalnych wahań powyższych parametrów wykorzystano metody statystyczne. Określenie dopuszczalnych zakresów wahań pozwoliło zakwalifikować wody ze wszystkich ujęć do wód leczniczych pod względem zawartości niezwiązanego CO2, natomiast wody z ujęcia Renata pod względem sumy rozpuszczonych składników mineralnych stałych. W przypadku pozostałych parametrów w każdym ujęciu dolna granica zakresu dopuszczalnych wahań znajduje się poniżej wartości progowej, dlatego wód tych nie można uznać za lecznicze.
The article presents an assessment of the variability of selected physicochemical parameters that determine the therapeutic properties of water. Calculations were based on the results of the archival analyses of water from three water captures Renata, Emilia, Kazimierz in Długopole-Zdroj, conducted in years 1883–2007. The study focused on the concentration of ferrous ion, free carbon dioxide, radon and total dissolved solids. Statistical methods were used in order to evaluate the permissible fluctuation of these parameters. Water from all of the analyzed water captures can be classified as therapeutic water due to the amount of free carbon dioxide. Only water from the Renata capture is therapeutic due to the content of total dissolved solid minerals. For the other parameters, in every water capture the lower limit of the permissible oscillations is below the threshold, therefore water cannot be considered as therapeutic water.
Background: Craniocerebral injuries are one of the most common causes of mortality and disability in Poland. The treatment of patients who are in an intensive care unit is based primarily on stabilizing the patient’s general condition as well as basic duties according to the patient’s functioning. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of early rehabilitation and the role of physiotherapy in recovery after craniocerebral trauma. Case report: The subject was an 18-year-old patient who suffered craniocerebral trauma as a result of a road accident. After losing consciousness, he was in the intensive care unit, where he was placed on a medical ventilator. A properly selected physiotherapeutic procedure was performed. Passive exercises, contracture correction and appropriate positioning were used. To prevent pressure sores, anti-bedsore prophylaxis was implemented. Respiratory therapy played a key role. The goal of respiratory physiotherapy was to improve respiratory function by maintaining proper lung ventilation, increasing chest and diaphragm mobility along with maintaining the efficiency of respiratory muscles, as well as stimulating effective coughing and evacuation of secretions. The NDT-Bobath concept was used as therapy for spastic tension. The goal of the therapy was to get rid of pathological movement patterns and replace them with physiological patterns. The PNF method, classical and lymphatic massage, polysensory stimulation and music therapy were also used. Conclusions: Early and comprehensive rehabilitation in a patient after craniocerebral trauma is extremely important and determines therapeutic effectiveness. Comprehensive therapy and care are able to prevent a number of complications that threaten the patient as a result of immobilization.
Background: The most common risk factors for running-related injuries are mistakes, such as insufficient warm-up and stretching exercises, during training. Good preparation and proper training reduces the risk of sport-related injuries. Aim of the study: To examine fundamental movement patterns and likelihood of injury in amateur runners. Material and methods: Twenty-four amateur long-distance runners from Opole region (Poland) were divided into two groups. The first group comprised 12 runners from the club “Kotwica Brzeg”, who did a proper warmup before training and stretching exercises after training. The second group comprised 12 runners from other clubs who did not undertake any warm-up or stretching exercises (control group). Fundamental movement patterns were tested by the Functional Movement Screen test (FMS). Results: The mean FMS test score was higher in “Kotwica Brzeg” runners (17.08 points) than in the control group (15.50 points), but this was not statistically significant. The “Kotwica Brzeg” runners performed better in five of the FMS tests, but this was only significant for the rotational stability test. Conclusions: Runners who did a proper warm-up and stretching exercises achieved better results in the FMS test, which may reduce the risk of running-related injuries.
Generating and implementing of product’s, process, organizational and marketing innovations is a part of essential process in a modern, developing organizations. Innovations’ management in enterprises depends on organizing organization’s proper functional conditions, regardless of its internal and external environmental altering conditions. In this paper the main trends of innovations’ management on the basis of chosen examples from the ICT sector enterprises were presented. The case study presented innovative and dynamically developing organizations. Selected companies are characterized by a different approach to innovation management.
Kreowanie i wdrażanie innowacji produktowych, procesowych, organizacyjnych oraz marketingowych należy do kluczowych procesów we współczesnych, rozwijających się organizacjach. Zarządzanie innowacjami w przedsiębiorstwie polega na takim organizowaniu warunków funkcjonowania organizacji, w którym z powodzeniem są wdrażane innowacje pomimo zmienności jego otoczenia wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego. W artykule przedstawiono główne trendy w zarządzaniu innowacjami na przykładzie wybranych przedsiębiorstw z sektora ICT. Do analizy wybrano innowacyjne i dynamicznie rozwijające się organizacje, które charakteryzują się różnym podejściem do zarządzania innowacjami, pomimo ich działalności w jednej branży.
The article presents the study of the risks of IT outsourcing in companies. The main research question is: Does the risk of the IT outsourcing depend statistically on the branches of the enterprise? The following methods were used in the study: literature analysis, surveys of Polish enterprises, statistical methods, analysis and synthesis – to compare the literature research to author’s own research on IT outsourcing. The results indicate that some of the risks of IT outsourcing dependent on the enterprises’ branches, and they are: incompliance with the contract, unclear relationships between costs and benefits, hidden costs of the contract and irreversibility of the decision. For other risks, the difference was not observed.
Artykuł przedstawia badanie ryzyka stosowania outsourcingu IT w przedsiębiorstwach. Podstawowe pytanie badawcze brzmi: czy ryzyko korzystania z outsourcingu IT różni się statystycznie w zależności od branży przedsiębiorstw? Metody wykorzystane do przygotowania niniejszego artykułu to: studium literaturowe w odniesieniu do literatury przedmiotu, badania ankietowe przedsiębiorstw polskich, metody statystyczne oraz analiza i synteza wykorzystana do porównania badań literaturowych z badaniami własnymi outsourcingu IT. Wyniki badań wskazują, że niektóre ryzyka outsourcingu IT zależne są od branży przedsiębiorstw. Są to w szczególności: brak przestrzegania przez dostawcę umowy, niejasne relacje między kosztami a korzyściami, ukryte koszty umowy i nieodwracalność decyzji. Dla innych ryzyk różnicy tej nie zaobserwowano.
W artykule ukazano kierunki rozwoju zarządzania projektami w świetle badań zagranicznych i krajowych oraz zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie dojrzałości projektowej organizacji, chociażby dla powtarzalnego osiągania takiego samego poziomu sukcesu w kolejnych projektach. Przedstawiono studia przypadków stosowania zwinnego zarządzania projektami w dużych korporacjach oraz wskazano na konieczność bardziej świadomego – czyli powiązanego ze strategią – pojmowania roli zarządzania projektami w organizacjach.
The article presents project management development trends in the light of foreign and national research and draws attention to importance of the organization’s project maturity if only for repeatable achievement of the same level of success in consecutive projects. Furthermore, case studies of the use of agile management in big corporations are presented along with the need to apply a more conscious – i.e. connected with strategy – understanding of the role of project management in organizations.
Background: This study analyzed generational differences in body build of woman. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to examine the intergenerational differences in the body build of women. Material and methods: 90 women (30 female physiotherapy students, their mothers and grandmothers) were examined. Their heights, weights, waist circumferences, and waist and hip circumferences were measured. Their Body mass index (BMI) and Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) were calculated. Their frequency of underweight, overweight and obesity were estimated. WHO criteria were applied. The results were subjected to statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were calculated. The Shapiro-Wilk test for testing the normal distribution was used. The Kruskal-Wallis test and post-hoc test were used. A significance level alpha of 0.05 was assumed. Statistica 13.1 was used for calculations. Results: The median body height of the female students was 166.8 cm, their mothers 160.8 cm, and grandmothers 158.0 cm. Their median body masses were, respectively: 59.4 kg, 70.1 kg and 72.5 kg. Their median BMIs were 21.4 kg/m², 26.3 kg/m², and 29.2 kg/ m², and their WHRs were 0.80, 0.86, and 0.87, respectively. Underweight was only seen in students (13%). The prevalence of overweight female students (BMI ≥30) was 10%, their mothers 33% and their 13% grandmothers, whereas obesity was 7%, 30% and 50%, respectively. Conclusions: There were intergenerational differences in the body structure of women. In subsequent generations, the size of the body increased, and height of the body decreased. There were differences between mothers and offspring. From an early age, body growth should be monitored to prevent obesity development with age.
Background: Massage is a common treatment in physiotherapy, often used as a prophylaxis or during recovery following a musculoskeletal contusion. One form of therapeutic massage is deep tissue massage (DTM), which has become more popular in recent years as a way of performing targeted work with the myofascial system. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of deep tissue massage on superficial back line flexibility (hip flexion and knee extension range of motion – ROM). Material and methods: Elite volleyball players (n=15), age: 22.8 ± 4.41 years; mass: 82.67 ± 6.99 kg; height: 1.96 ± 0.08 m) were recruited for this study. Deep tissue massage of the myofascial superficial back line was performed from the plantar fascia through the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, the hamstrings to the ischial tuberosity (based on Myers, 2014). Hip flexion and knee extension ROM were measured at rest both before and after DTM. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare pre and post values during the intervention. Results: Following deep tissue massage, there was significant improvement in superficial back line flexibility, demonstrated by an increase in hip flexion angle compared to pre-DTM values in both lower limbs. Right lower limb pre-DTM 1.86±0.66; post 2.79±0.43 (p<0.005), left lower limb pre-DTM 2.36±0.74; post 2.79±0.43 (p<0.028). There was also significant improvement in superficial back line flexibility demonstrated by an increase in knee extension angle post-DTM in both lower limbs. Right lower limb pre-DTM 69.79°±10.8; post 81.43°±6.06, left lower limb pre-DTM 73.07°±11.45, post 82.50°±8.39). Conclusions: Deep tissue massage increases the flexibility of the superficial back line and can be used as a form of increasing range of motion in the hips and knees.
Badano wpływ różnych drobnoustrojów na powierzchnie pokryte warstwami węglowymi. Powłoki diamentopodobne wytworzono na stali medycznej stosując metodę RF PCVD. Do badań zastosowano próbki z warstwami naniesionymi przy różnych parametrach. Próbki te poddano na działanie komórek mikroorganizmów w warunkach hodowli statycznej w podłożu stałym. Powłoki węglowe przed i po wzroście drobnoustrojów analizowano wykorzystując mikroskop optyczny i fluorescencyjny, skaningowy mikroskop elektronowy oraz spektroskop Ramana. Wyniki badań dowiodły, że niektóre z zastosowanych drobnoustrojów silnie oddziałują z twardą warstwą węglową i prawdopodobnie doprowadzają do zmian jej struktury.
An effect of microorganisms of surfaces covered with carbon coatings has been studied. Carbon films on medical stainless steel have been made using RF PCVD method. The samples covered with carbon coatings under different conditions were used. All samples were inoculated with various microorganisms. The carbon layers before and after the growth of the microbes were examined by means of Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and optical microscope. It was found that some of the microbes strongly attacked of the surface of carbon films and probably changed their structure.
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