Interpretation of the Japanese concept of ensuring safety requires referring to the category of the universal values. Sandel, who has been lately considered a proponent of the world of the universal values suggests that normative values and beliefs should be treated as relevant criteria of social order. Lack of actions in accordance with these values and beliefs or insufficiency of such actions disturbs, in accordance to Sandel, social order and destroys the democracy. Creation of the system of normative values and beliefs constitutes for this reason a process that is crucial to creating an individual identity of an entity that is aware of the socially and culturally universal criteria of the evaluation of the actions of a human being. This is why the category of values concerns usually social determinants of behaviour of an individual from which others expect maintaining a certain behavioural pattern, regardless of whether this pattern was assimilated and accepted by the individual or not. According to such an interpretation, values shall usually be transferred as part of culture and from generation to generation as an instrument enabling proper social and cultural adjustment.
Przedmiotem zainteresowania w prezentowanym tekście jest ewentualna relacja pomiędzy szeregiem właściwości osobowościowych jednostki a jej funkcjonowaniem w relacjach społecznych. Mówiąc o psychopatycznych rysach osobowości i ich znaczeniu w relacjach społecznych, autorzy zwracają uwagę na psychopatię, jak również na rysy narcystyczne oraz makiawelizm w działaniu jednostki. Wskazane trzy właściwości od początku XXI wieku budzą żywe zainteresowanie badaczy i terapeutów podejmujących próby empirycznych weryfikacji stawianych w tym zakresie hipotez. Wspomniane kategorie zachowań tworzą tzw. ciemną triadę osobowości. W prowadzonej analizie zwraca się także uwagę na kliniczne interpretacje dotyczące kryteriów diagnostycznych pozwalających na rozpoznawanie rysów psychopatycznych i ciemnej triady. Sprowadza się to niekiedy do odwoływania się do pojęcia psychopatii subklinicznej, niespełniającej kryteriów diagnostycznych przyjmowanych w klasyfikacjach zaburzeń psychicznych. Autorzy próbują również interpretować obciążającą rolę tych rysów w relacjach społecznych.
In this paper the authors present the issue of the significance of values in the operations of members of detached policegroups. Members of such groups usually operate in contexts referenced to the situations threatening core values, where thereis a conflict between being secure and having a lack of security during the operations of the unit. The two states mentioned abovedeserve special consideration when discussing issues understood as components of the first pillar of a safety culture. The authorsput research questions concerning possible links between values and other variables highlighted in the research, their dependenciesand level. The values reported and thoroughly researched in the Schwartz scale are an excellent instrument for describingand explaining human behaviour in situations of making choices and accepting challenges. The usefulness of this instrumentwas confirmed in this study which obtained interesting research results on the relationship between values and identifiabledemographic variables in the studied group. The authors of the project believe that the issue of values operationalised in the tasksis a useful tool for the interpretation of the behaviour of officers who are members of detached groups. Situations where individualand public security is threatened are usually included in the specificity of the contexts in which uniformed services and securitystaff operate. When conceptualising the issue of attitudes and values it is necessary to undertake research of an internationalcharacter. Research in other cultural conditions allows account to be taken of both the specificity of the mechanisms of creationand the functioning of the system of values, as well as confirmation of their universality. It also seems advisable to focus ona conceptualisation aimed at ordering the understanding and interpretation of key concepts in the field of values. This can begreatly facilitated by the use of methods for the study of personality already employed in subsequent studies carried out by ourresearch team.
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