The construction of a more diversified crude oil supplies structure to Poland has been an important element influencing the Polish energy policy for years. Many political parties have raised the legitimacy of diversifying the sources and directions of supply of this commodity, and one of the most important projects in this area was the construction of a pipeline connecting the Polish and Ukrainian crude oil systems. Ultimately, the crude oil was to be imported from the Caspian Sea region. The article aims to analyse the political thought of Law and Justice, Civic Platform, and the Polish People’s Party regarding the construction of the Odessa–Brody–Płock pipeline to Poland. The considerations in the article make it possible to highlight the main arguments formulated by politicians of these political parties on the problems of supplying energy resources to Poland. The starting point of the analysis is the thesis that, in the opinion of Polish political parties, cooperation with the Caspian Sea countries was a key component of the efforts to diversify the sources and directions of crude oil supplies to domestic refineries.
Budowa bardziej zróżnicowanej struktury dostaw ropy naftowej do Polski przez lata była ważnym elementem wpływającym na realizowaną politykę energetyczną. Wiele ugrupowań politycznych podnosiło zasadność dywersyfikacji źródeł oraz kierunków dostaw tego surowca, a jednym z najważniejszych w tym obszarze projektów była budowa rurociągu łączącego polski i ukraiński system naftowy. Docelowo surowiec miał być sprowadzany z regionu Morza Kaspijskiego. Celem artykułu była analiza myśli politycznej Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, Platformy Obywatelskiej oraz Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego w zakresie budowy rurociągu Odessa-Brody-Płock do Polski. Rozważania zawarte w artykule pozwalają wskazać na główne argumenty formułowane przez polityków tych partii politycznych na temat problemów dostaw surowców energetycznych do Polski. Punktem wyjścia analiz była teza, że w ocenie polskich partii politycznych kooperacja z państwami Morza Kaspijskiego była kluczowym komponentem działań na rzecz dywersyfikacji źródeł oraz kierunków dostaw ropy naftowej do krajowych rafinerii. Słowa kluczowe: myśl polityczna, rurociąg Odessa-Brody-Płock, bezpieczeństwo energetyczne, partie polityczne
Poland’s natural gas supplies dependence from the Russian Federation was negatively assessed by Polish political groups. Politicians from many parties raised validity of building a diversified import structure of this commodity, and an important concept, which was considered over the years, was energy cooperation with Norway. The aim of the article is therefore to analyze the political thought of the Democratic Left Alliance and the Polish People’s Party parties in the construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline. The main research paradigm used in the text was the analysis of testimonies and traces of political thought. Taking up the topic was important due to the lack of studies in which we can find the results of original studies on the position of political parties in the context of building this pipeline.
Uzależnienie Polski od dostaw gazu ziemnego z Federacji Rosyjskiej było negatywnie oceniane przez polskie ugrupowania polityczne. Politycy wielu partii podnosili zasadność budowy zróżnicowanej struktury importu tego surowca, a ważną, rozważaną przez lata koncepcją energetyczną była współpraca z Norwegią. Celem artykułu jest analiza myśli politycznej Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej oraz Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego w odniesieniu do budowy gazociągu Baltic Pipe. Główny paradygmat badawczy, zastosowany w tekście, stanowi analiza świadectw i śladów myśli politycznej. Podjęcie badanego tematu było istotne z uwagi na brak opracowań, w których można znaleźć efekty autorskich studiów dotyczących stanowiska partii politycznych w kontekście budowy tego gazociągu.
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Przemyslaw Maj analyzed complexity of the terms (democracy, the political system, cyberspace), indicating their understanding of the dynamic, and their nature, conditions, advantages and disadvantages. Taking into account definitional chaos right political science, was a very important define the term "cyberspace", by which the author understands the computer generated of a non-physical space in which there are processes and phenomena society. Only an indication of the nature of the term allowed the author be studied political science analysis of the problem.
The article performs an analysis of current energy security policy of Japan and points to a geopolitical implications of this policy. At the same time paper presents current energy situation of Japan, emphasizing the importance of oil in the balance of energy in history and the present situation. The paper presents international activity of Japan in the area of the energy security policy, which main objective is to decrease of oil import from the Middle East. Paper discusses cooperation between Japan and the countries from the Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea and the Russian Federation as well as perspectives for changing the disadvantageous structure of import of oil.
Geographical analysis of new socio-economic phenomena is often triggered by considerations made by researchers in the fields of economy and sociology. Network economy is an example widely presented in numerous works, e.g. The Age of Access: The New Culture of Hypercapitalism Where All of Life is a Paid-for Experience by Jeremy Rifkin. In the networked world, the ground of primary commerce is moving from geography to cyberspace – where GDP is now predominantly immaterial and based on ownership of intellectual property. Market transactions of buyers and sellers who exchange produced goods and services for profit are now being replaced by network relationships between suppliers and users – servers and clients. The new way of life is characterized by the dematerialization of goods (even of money) and their metamorphosis into pure services, the rise of networks, and a shift in commerce from production to marketing. An example of a significant method of claiming intellectual property rights and revenue from farmers were terminator seeds developed by Monsanto. The seeds were bio-engineered to be sterile, so that instead of harvesting seeds at the end of one crop season to be used for the next, the farmer would have no choice but to turn to Monsanto for seeds for the next year crop. Outsourcing has become a corporate substitution of internal ownership of physical capital and operations for access to resources and processes from outside suppliers. In the times of market economy, the localizability of tangible capital and production processes in geographical space was the decisive factor which allowed geographical analysis. Nowadays more sophisticated tools of geographical research should be developed to study economic phenomena in various networks, e.g. the new implementation of topology of network relations.
The topic of the research was the political thought of Piotr Naimski in the field of reducing Poland’s dependence on natural gas supplies from the Russian Federation. The aim of the article was therefore to analyse Naimski’s views on the diversification of the sources and directions of natural gas supplies to Poland and to define the political concepts formulated by this politician. The article indicates Naimski’s views on increasing Poland’s energy security by realizing energy projects such as LNG terminal, Baltic Pipe gas pipeline, as well as activities aimed at counteracting the Russian Federation energy policy in Central Europe. Naimski was one of the staunchest opponents of the construction of Russian-German gas pipelines (Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2).
The large share of natural gas supplies that are sent to Poland from the Russian Federation has been heavily criticised by many Polish political parties. Politicians from several political groups have emphasised the need to diversify the sources and directions of this commodity. In this respect, cooperation with Norway was to play a key role in ensuring the implementation of this scheme. The goal of this article is to analyse the political thought of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS, the Law and Justice) and Platforma Obywatelska (PO, the Civic Platform) parties in the construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline. The main research paradigm applied in the text is the analysis of testimonies and traces of political thought. Taking up the topic is important due to an overall lack of studies that show original findings of the standpoint of various political parties in Poland on the idea of building this specific type of energy infrastructure.
Wyniki działalności przemysłowej, efektywność, innowacyjność, kwalifikacje, napływ zagranicznych inwestycji bezpośrednich itp. są stale porównywane na różnych poziomach szczegółowości. To zainteresowanie odzwierciedla przebieg globalnej konkurencji, a także użyteczność porównań dla celów politycznych. Systematyczne przeprowadzanie porównań, czyli analiza porównawcza (benchmarking), staje się koniecznością (Industrial Development Report 2002/2003)...
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