The aim of the paper is to refer how the ruler of Moldova – Petru Rareş was described in the contemporary sources, so that we can find the answer for the question how Petru Rares was perceived by the rulers from Europa and Ottoman Empire. There were analyzed various sources that showed the standpoint of the Polish king Sigismund I, sultan Suleyman the Great, Ferdinand Habsburg towards Rareş. Thanks to this analysis it can be said that the rulers from Europa and Ottoman Empire perceived Rareş as a man who was disloyal, unfaithful and they definitely didn’t trust him. This opinion had huge influence on the final defeat of Rareş.
Celem artykułu jest omówienie w jaki sposób hospodar mołdawski Piotr Rareş był przedstawiany w źródłach mu współczesnych, tak by móc ocenić, jak postrzegali hospodara władcy Europy i Turcji. Kolejno przeanalizowano źródła ukazujące stanowisko króla polskiego Zygmunta Starego, sułtana Sulejmana Wspaniałego, Ferdynanda Habsburga oraz Wenecjan wobec Piotra Rareşa. Z analizy źródeł wynika, że władcy mu współcześni odnosili się do hospodara z dużą dozą nieufności, podkreślali jego wiarołomność i nielojalność. Taka opinia zaważyła niewątpliwie na ostatecznej klęsce hospodara i braku poparcia którejkolwiek ze stron.
The war between Poland and Moldova in 1509 was the continuation of a long-standing conflict between these two states. The origins of this problem lies in the time of reign of the Polish King Vladislaus Jagiellon, who needed money for his struggle with the Teutonic Order. He borrowed a sum of rubles (probably 4,000) from the ruler of Moldova, Peter I, and as a deposit, gave him, among other things, Pokutia. However, the Polish king did not return the money to the ruler of Moldova, and he did not give him Pokutia either. This is why, from that time on, Moldova tried to win this lost territory back. Despite many attempts to solve this problem, either by war or negotiations, it remained unresolved at the beginning of the sixteenth century. According to some historians, the reason for Bogdan’s expedition in 1509 was the hope to marry Alexander’s sister, Elisabeth Jagiellon. In this paper, I analyze reasons for this expedition, which affected the south-eastern borderlands of Poland. Consequently, I hope to be able to decide if there were any other reasons apart from the marriage arrangement that lay behind Bogdan’s expedition.
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