Celem pracy stało się zweryfikowanie różnic w estymacji czynników wpływających na credit rating banków nadawanych tym samym podmiotom przez dwie agencje ratingowe. Dokonano przeglądu literaturowego na temat zjawiska inflacji credit ratingów oraz zakupu not przez emitentów. Postawiono następujące hipotezy badawcze: 1) Credit rating banków nadawany przez dwie agencje ratingowe determinowany jest istotnością statystyczną różnych wskaźników finansowych banków. 2) Im większa agencja ratingowa, tym bardziej optymistyczne oceny. Do badania zebrano dane dotyczące credit ratingów banków oraz wskaźników finansowych dla lat 1998–2015 w ujęciu kwartalnym i porównano wyniki dla poszczególnych grup agencji ratingowych. Próbę podzielono na trzy podpróby, mianowicie na noty nadawane jednocześnie przez S&P i Moody, S&P i Fitch oraz Moody i Fitch. Do badania wykorzystano uogólnione modele panelowe.
The aim of the paper was to verify the differences in the estimation of the factors affecting the banks’ credit ratings given the same issuers by two different rating agencies. The literature about the credit ratings’ inflation phenomenon and the credit ratings shopping has been reviewed. The following hypotheses have been put forward: Banks’ credit ratings assigned by the two rating agencies determined the significance of various financial ratios. The bigger the rating agency, the more optimistic assessment. For the purposes of the study, data have been collected on banks’ credit ratings and their financial indicators for the years 1998–2015 on a quarterly basis and results have been compared for individual groups of credit rating agencies. The sample has been divided into three sub-samples, namely notes broadcast simultaneously by S&P and Moody, S&P and Fitch, and Moody and Fitch. In the study, the ordinary probit panel data models have been used.
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The aim of the paper is to verify the significance of the credit ratings’ inflation phenomenon of banks’ notes. First, a literature review was prepared. The following hypotheses were then put: Banks’ credit rating inflation has been observed. There are differences between the impact of the financial factors on banks’ credit ratings between notes that are given by one or more credit rating agencies to the same entity. The analysis was prepared by using probit panel data models. Data has been collected from the Thomson Reuters database. Long term issuer credit ratings proposed by S&P, Fitch and Moody were used as a dependent variable. As independent factors the financial indicators and macroeconomic variables were measured. The comparison of notes given by credit rating agencies suggests that notes that are given by all CRAs are similar. The same results were received when the notes given by two agencies were compared. Differences are observed only in the case of ratings given by one institution. If a CRA is bigger, notes proposed by them are higher. A list of variables that are taken by a particular credit rating agency can be created regardless of whether the evaluation is one or more CRAs. The strength of impact of the described factors is differentiated.
Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu kondycji sektora bankowego na ratingi kredytowe banków. W pracy dokonano przeglądu literaturowego i porównano metodologie stosowane przez Standard&Poor’s (S&P) oraz Moody’s. Na tej podstawie postawiono hipotezę, iż rozwinięty, stabilny i efektywny sektor bankowy pozytywnie oddziałuje na credit rating nadawany poszczególnym bankom. Dane pozyskano z baz Thomson Reuters oraz Banku Światowego. Jako zmienną zależną wykorzystano długoterminowe ratingi kredytowe nadawane bankom przez S&P i Moody’s. Analizę wykonano na danych rocznych dla lat 2005-2015. W badaniach posłużono się modelem regresji panelowej.
The aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of the financial condition of the banking sector on bank credit ratings. The research involves a literature review and a comparison of the methodologies used by S&P and Moody’s. On this basis, a hypothesis is proposed that a developed, stable and efficient banking sector has a positive effect on credit ratings assigned to individual banks. The data used in the study have been collected from the Thomson Reuters and the World Bank. Long-term issuer credit ratings assigned by S&P and Moody's are used as the dependent variable. The analysis is performed on annual data for the years 2005-2015. The study uses panel data models.
The basic goal of the article is to analyse the impact of credit rating changes on the rates of return on banks’ shares, considering the entity that asked for assigning a credit rating. The following hypotheses are proposed: banks’ share prices react stronger to the investor-paid credit rating changes. the strongest impact of the banks’ credit rating changes is observed for a downgrade, for both the issuer and the investor credit ratings, while a stronger significant reaction is observed after the moment of publication. The analysis was prepared on the Thomson Reuters Database. The analysis was carried out on data from the years 1980 to 2015, for banks from the European countries, by using event study methods.
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