We live in the era of personalisation. Personalised advertisements attack us all around, we are proposed customised trainings and dietary plans. It is no different in medicine. Personalized medicine offers a special approach to the specific needs and symptoms of each patient. How is the future of medical cannabis drawn in the light of this concept? After all, the use of so-called "medical marijuana", although controversial, is the actual part of modern medicine. Approach to the principle: "one size fits all" does not work with therapeutic cannabis therapy. Cannabis is a complex herbal medicine, so far over five hundred compounds present in them have been identified and isolated - not only cannabinoids, but also terpenes, flavonoids and many other compounds. They are able to affect each other, causing so-called “entourage effect” (enhancing, synergetic effect). These interactions are responsible for specific action of different cannabis varieties. Choosing the right product is a huge challenge. There are hundred of different strains of cannabis. The global cannabis industry is full of different types and forms of products. Finding the right one for a patient struggling with specific condition can be a challenge. Gratefully, innovations allow higher levels of personalization while addressing challenges faced by a medical cannabis patient. Platforms using extensive data sets and artificial intelligence are being developed worldwide, which allow the development of personalized therapies based on cannabinoids, including for patients with cancer. However, there is a risk of abuse in this field. Especially since in Poland there is no proper law regarding genetic testing and biobanking... The other thing is that Cannabis flos, like other herbal medicinal products, can cause drug-drug interactions. As the medical cannabis market continues to evolve, we should all strive to ensure that the drug is adapted to the safety and therapeutic profile of the largest number of patients in need.
Żyjemy w erze personalizacji. Zewsząd atakują nas personalizowane reklamy, proponuje się nam dostosowane do naszych wymagań plany treningowe i dietę. Nie inaczej jest w medycynie. Medycyna spersonalizowana oferuje zindywidualizowane podejście do specyficznych potrzeb i objawów każdego pacjenta. Jak w świetle tej koncepcji rysuje się przyszłość konopi medycznych? W końcu stosowanie „medycznej marihuany”, choć budzi wiele kontrowersji, jest częścią współczesnej medycyny. Podejście w myśl zasady: „jeden rozmiar dla wszystkich” nie sprawdza się w przypadku terapii konopiami leczniczymi. Konopie siewne (Cannabis sativa L.) stanowią złożony lek roślinny, do tej pory zidentyfikowano i wyizolowano ponad 500 obecnych w nich związków – nie tylko kannabinoidów, ale również m.in. terpenów i flawonoidów. Mogą one między sobą oddziaływać, wywołując tzw. „efekt entourage”. Interakcje te odpowiadają za specyficzne działanie różnych odmian konopi. Wybór odpowiedniego produktu stanowi ogromne wyzwanie. Na świecie opracowuje się platformy wykorzystujące obszerne zbiory danych i sztuczną inteligencję, które pozwalają na opracowanie spersonalizowanych terapii opartych na kannabinoidach m.in. dla pacjentów z chorobą nowotworową. Istnieje jednak ryzyko nadużyć w tym zakresie. Ponieważ rynek medycznych konopi nadal ewoluuje, wszyscy powinniśmy dążyć do tego, aby lek był dostosowany pod kątem bezpieczeństwa i profilu terapeutycznego dla jak największej rzeszy potrzebujących go pacjentów.
A very important tool to evaluate value of medical procedures is measuring the quality of life. One of the quality life measurement tools is QALY, particularly important in cancerous diseases, palliative care and cases of long term after-effects of disease. All around the world, public budgets associated with medications are gradually increasing, hence the regulations that increase the supervision over these expenses. Reimbursement principles concerning medicinal technologies are regulated statutorily. Any drug medical technology reimbursed from public funds is subject to a pharmacoeconomic assessment. The most restrictive requirements of ICER (cost/QALY) rating and formal ‘rigid’ cost-effectiveness thresholds apply in Great Britain and Poland. Regardless of the universality and utility, the QALY unit has limitations that may be particularly important during economical assessment of proceedings methods in oncology. It should be also stressed out that there is currently no alternative to QALY – the only common and universal measure of therapeutic effects in different clinical situations. The purpose of the current review is presentation of using QALY in oncology in different countries. The economic aspect of QALY, problems with using it, as well as advantages and disadvantages of using it in end of life period have been considered.
Objectives Secondhand smoke exposure causes serious health problems. Banning smoking in public venues decreases exposure to secondhand smoke. However, the implementation of smoke-free rules in a private setting (including homes) is largely voluntary. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and characteristics of voluntary smoke-free home rules in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as to identify factors associated with the voluntary implementation of smoking bans at home. Material and Methods This cross-sectional survey was conducted in March 2022 with a nationally representative sample of 1090 individuals aged ≥18 years in Poland. Data were collected using a computerassisted web interviewing (CAWI) technique. The research tool was an original questionnaire developed for the purpose of this study. Results Nationally, 60.6% of individuals had total ban on smoking in home (100% smoke-free home rules), 34.0% had implemented a partial smokefree home rule and 5.4% had not implemented any smoke-free home rules. Over three-quarters of non-smokers (76.8%) and only one-fifth of smokers (20.7%) had adopted a full smoke-free home rule. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, males (OR = 1.65, 95% CI: 1.22–2.22, p < 0.01), non-smokers (OR = 13.78, 95% CI: 9.80–19.38, p < 0.001), respondents who had higher education (OR = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.15–2.14, p < 0.01) as well as those who lived alone (OR = 2.44, 95% CI: 1.52–3.90, p < 0.001) had higher odds of having a 100% smoke-free home rule. Conclusions This study demonstrated the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of smoke-free home rules in Poland. Less than two-thirds of the Polish population has adopted a total smoke-free home rule, with significant gaps between smokers and nonsmokers. Information on current voluntary smoke-free rules will be useful for further implementation of the smoke-free law in Poland. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2023;36(1):84–95
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