In this paper, the fact that there is no or little history in neuroethics is briefly considered. An open list of reasons explaining this fact is proposed as well as an open list of authors sensitive to history who adopt a critical attitude towards some bold claims expressed by a number of neuroethicists. These reflections are intended to make a humble case for more history in neuroethics.
Zamiar przedstawiania filozoficznej myśli dawnych autorów dzisiejszym odbiorcom rodzi różnorakie dylematy. W tym tekście najpierw podejmuję próbę zidentyfikowania siedmiu z nich i zilustrowania na wybranych przykładach, a następnie krótkiego usystematyzowania.
Any intention to present the philosophical ideas of ancient authors to a contemporary audience provokes various dilemmas. In this text I attempt first to identify and illustrate seven such dilemmas and then suggest briefly a way of their systematization.
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