Nowadays, there are a lot of dangers, not only those related to the military. Particular attention should be paid to the threat of guerrilla activity. Therefore, the aim of this article is to indicate the essence of contemporary guerrilla operations in conflicts, and their methods of operation that allow them to achieve their goals. It was also assumed that the modern crisis response operations, and especially COIN (counterinsurgency) operations, constitute a comprehensive approach to counteracting guerrilla activity.This article uses theoretical methods. Using the analysis and synthesis of materials and studies, the most important conclusions were pointed out. The leading role in prevention insurgency activities lies with the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and their crisis response operations. In the Strategic Concept NATO 2010 specialists are putting more attention to conducting counterinsurgency operations (COIN). COIN operations are nowadays the most comprehensive tool for combating guerrilla activity, which mainly hits the civilian population. The concepts of using the assumptions of anti-Partisan operations should be implemented on a full scale, including in the armed forces of the Republic of Poland. Particular attention should be paid to the threat of the guerrilla activity in conflicts. These problems are complex and they deal with many aspects (social, economic, cultural, political and many others). Moreover the partisans activities are irregular and they are often targeted at civilians. This article indicates the methods and techniques used by insurgents in the fight against the state / government. Reference has also been made to the activities that inhibit their activity - complex counterinsurgency operations.
W swoich rozważaniach autorzy odnieśli się do wprowadzenia metodologicznego do problematyki zapewnienia przetrwania ludności cywilnej w warunkach zewnętrznego zagrożenia państwa i w czasie wojny. Przybliżono pojęcie ochrony ludności, a następnie wskazano cele badań w przedmiotowym zakresie oraz możliwy do przyjęcia główny problem badawczy i związane z nim szczegółowe problemy badawcze, a także hipotezę badawczą (ogólną i szczegółowe). W dalszej części, w oparciu o analizę zapisów prawnych (obowiązujących, jak również procedowanych), literatury przedmiotu oraz przy wykorzystaniu dotychczasowych doświadczeń w przedmiotowej materii, autorzy przedstawili wybrane zagadnienia oscylujące wokół przedmiotu badań (potencjalne i rzeczywiste zagrożenia, wykorzystanie sił i środków do przeciwdziałania i walki, problemy organizacyjno-prawne, organizacyjno-kompetencyjny zakres obowiązków podmiotów – zgodnie z właściwością rzeczową). Finalnie wskazano dostrzegalne niedomagania i zaprezentowali postulowane zmiany ukierunkowane na zwiększenie efektywności w zapewnieniu przetrwania ludności cywilnej w warunkach zewnętrznego zagrożenia państwa i w czasie wojny.
The Authors referred to the introduction of a methodological issue of ensuring the survival of civil protection in conditions of external threats to the State and during the war. The Authors presented the definition of civil protection, the objectives if the study, the main research problem, and related specific research problems and the research hypothesis (general and specific). In the nest part of text, on the basis of the analysis of legal regulations (in force as well as those undergoing proceedings), the literature on the subject and with the use of previous experience in this subject, the Authors have presented selected issues oscillating around the subject of research (actual and potential threats, preventing and combating, organizational and legal problems). Finally, the errors was indicated. Authors indicated changes that could increase the effectiveness of efforts to ensure the survival of civilians in conditions of external threat to the State and during the war.
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